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any experience of tappering Ritalin and Benzo's at the same time


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I am on a small as needed dose of valium and 60mg of Ritalin daily, and am trying to get chem free a year from now is my goal. The Valium is physically difficult, the Ritalin is mentally difficult, you get bed ridden with lack of motivation, lethargic and depressed. But after a week off both the lack of valium makes you get out of bed because you can't sleep.  yet the lack of Ritalin wants your body to sleep from staying on speed for so long then crashing.  Do you tapper Ritalin at the same rate, My doctor is no help at all. She doesn't see a need for me to get off. And at times I don't either as I function better on them then off but I am tired of the adaption, withdrawel to make them work then a few weeks of normal.  I don't think my body can handle anymore of this cycle I see myself aging before my eyes.  That's why I want to get off it. I feel like I've become a slave to it. 
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I am on a small as needed dose of valium and 60mg of Ritalin daily, and am trying to get chem free a year from now is my goal. The Valium is physically difficult, the Ritalin is mentally difficult, you get bed ridden with lack of motivation, lethargic and depressed. But after a week off both the lack of valium makes you get out of bed because you can't sleep.  yet the lack of Ritalin wants your body to sleep from staying on speed for so long then crashing.  Do you tapper Ritalin at the same rate, My doctor is no help at all. She doesn't see a need for me to get off. And at times I don't either as I function better on them then off but I am tired of the adaption, withdrawel to make them work then a few weeks of normal.  I don't think my body can handle anymore of this cycle I see myself aging before my eyes.  That's why I want to get off it. I feel like I've become a slave to it.   


I am not familiar with tapering Ritalin. You may want to google it and see if you can find anything that way.  :thumbsup:

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