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Just a general rant....


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So I went to see an addiction counselor today. I told him the sad story of my experience with benzo's and natuarally (should have seen this coming from a mile away) he wants me on more pills to deal with all this.


Told him no, we could talk all day long, but no more....no pills, i'm sick of the fog. He mentioned various SSRI's and when I commented about the side affects(dysphoria) I got the "What side effects" song and dance.


When will these people stop trying to medicate the disease of mearly being human?


Sorry just had to get that off my chest....all better now ;D Thanks for reading haha

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Hi Mike,


I don't have any experience with addiction counselors, well except maybe the ones I saw in rehab 18 years ago.  But, it seems odd you'd get the pill pushing with one of them.  Did this one masquerade as a psychiatrist?  I hear they're pretty quick to add the meds.


Well, whatever the case it sounds like you had control of the session.  Just curious, what was your reason for going to him, I get the impression you pretty much know your strengths and limitations.





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Hi Mike,


I really believe that's all they have to offer us......they can't heal us, only time will do that and we know it. 


If they have nothing to help us then we don't need them, and if we don't them they are out of business.  Of course, there are many, many people that will take their offerings and continue to be in misery. 


You've made the smart choice and refused.  Good for you!!!  :yippee: 



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Hey Pam,


It's not that I don't have a grasp on my strengths and weaknesses, but this is my second go at this thing. I tried to taper once and relapsed and ended up back on Klonopin for another 2 years. I guess im just trying to hit it from every angle.


My intent was to get the emotional stuff out, but I think he's convinced it's my old problems returning and not withdrawl symptoms.


Plus I really just would like someone to unload on during to whole ordeal. I dont think he really gets it though. I'll sit and talk with him for an hour a week and see where it goes.


I shoulda ran when I saw the DSM book on his shelf :)




P.S. You guys have been the greatest help so far. It's good to know your not alone.

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Hi Mike,


I saw a counselor for a few months, he bought into the withdrawals lasting the medically accepted amount of time but was skeptical of the length of time I "claimed" to be suffering.  He was a nice guy, but I found its rather frustrating to feel I had to defend the fact that I was suffering as long as I was and it was playing a big part in my problems.  So, I found the whole experience to be rather dissatisfying, but there were productive moments too. 


I'm glad you're looking at all of the angles, to me that shows the determination you need to get it done.  We all need someone to dump on and I hope he at least serves that purpose for you.

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I hope so, i mean, it was the first session. I think next time around that I have to explain that i'm there for emotional support and not for a new prescription.


It also could be that i'm trying to validate to myself that determination you mentioned. Trying every angle is, in a way to show myself that im coming out swinging. Even the mere act of resisting a new medication and not caving in to pressures to get one kinda shows me that i'm moving in the right direction.


You'd think that proving your resolve to yourself would be the easiest thing to do.

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  • 3 months later...
How did your follow-up appointment with the counselor go?  Did they still try to give you more medications?  Do they write prescriptions themselves?  Hope you are doing better.  It reinforces my thoughts that we need to be careful who we get our advice from.
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