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Creams for yeast infections caused by antibiotics


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I took the Amox and was fine until the 6th day. I was ridden with G.I. issues and was going to the bathroom so much that I don't think I was absorbing much of my Klonopin 'cause I went into withdrawals. I'm doing better now that I have been taking probiotics.


But it also caused a yeast infection...


My doctor prescribed something that sounds like Monistat, and was wondering if anyone has ever heard of this cream affecting withdrawal.


I know it's a touchy subject but, I just don't know whether or not to use it  :-X



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Hi Leeandy,


You should be fine with the anti yeast creams. I've never heard of ti affecting wd. But if you want to be really safe, why don't you try yogurt first? Just use it like the cream. Use plain low fat yogurt. You can even load it into a small syringe body (3 cc) and shoot it up there!  :laugh:

for me it works as well if not better than monistat-type topicals. It works by bringing your beneficial bacteria back into balance, rather than killing the yeast. This is all that's usually needed to bring things back into balance. A small amount of yeast is a normal substance in the vagina. A candida infection is just an overgrowth of yeast, cause by the death of beneficial bacteria. If you you add it back in, it will bring the yeast back into balance. 

Now it that doesn't work, go ahead and use the monistat. Ask your doctor first before trying this.  :)

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