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The Klonopin Klub


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SkyZone - I am so glad that the taper is decent for you! I'll be stabilizing on .25 mg Klonopin until, roughly, the end of May. Then I'll be hopping to .175. Keep strong! Day 7 and I'm alright, I feel like I can handle this. :)
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Hey, folks -


It's nice to hear from you guys, SkyZ and Octopii--nice posts, and Sky, I'm glad to find you sounding positive!


For the sake of whoever feels he or she can benefit from this: I've been all over YouTube, looking for guided meditations (I often meditate without guidance, but sometimes I like to have that reassuring voice to encourage me), and finally found one I really like, delivered by a gentle-voiced man called Bob Weathers.  The one I usually do is 20 minutes long, but he also has 15-minute meditations, among others.  Here's the link for the one I've been doing lately:



Good night, everyone--I hope you can sleep.





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p.s. - Intend!  I meant to address you as well--it's so nice to hear from you.  I'm glad your husband is doing well, and only wish YOU felt better.  I hope you like that post by Perseverance--it's very informative, and, I think, nicely constructed.  And, my friend, I hope YOU will be able to sleep tonight.  You and your husband both need to be well.





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I just love the positive vibe here. So encouraging!


SZ, I need to quit the smokes too, it does rev things up, but I've only got the nerve to cross one bridge at a time. I figure after this taper I'm out of excuses cuz I quit before and it's not as tough as quitting K.


Hope you all have a great evening, are able to sleep well too.


You're all in my prayers,



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Hey.  I know it gets rough but to win this battle we must keep moving forward. Stay strong and brave and you will make it through this.  God helps me. 



It came to a point in my withdraw where the smokes where giving me panic attacks so I had no choice but to quit.  If it wouldn't have been for that, I prob would still be smoking.  The withdraw was a piece of cake.  It was more of a craving thing than any real physical or even mental symptoms. 



You sound like you are doing well.  That is nice to hear.  Thanks for the encouragement,.. as always.



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1.  grateful for the new day

2.  grateful for having the initiative to embark on this journey

3.  grateful that my vision is returning and I can read again

4.  grateful that I can read w/o having to reread over and over again to remember what it said

5.  grateful that I can feel something again, even if its not always positive



Wow that is so cool Njoy. I love it.




Thanks,Brian, it was Jaxy's idea.  I was in a bad place yesterday morning... it turned my mindset around to do it and post it. 


Grateful for a hot bath

Grateful for feeling more positive... reading KK posts really helps!

Grateful for all the endurance to persevere

Grateful for the Forget Me Nots pushing through the ground all around me

Grateful for the warmer weather


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Good morning, folks -


Forget-me-nots!  I haven't seen those in years--they used to grow around a place where I spent my childhood summers, but they don't grow here, alas.  That was nice, NJoy, and I hope the place you're in this morning is better than yesterday.


Hopeful, yes, the vibe here is very positive and nurturing--glad you're here!


SkyZ, Octopii, Jaxy, Intend, and all whom I've failed to mention (I know there are many), good morning, and I wish you an easeful, healing day -





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Hey Everyone!


There is a flow of positive stuff going on here - how great. I lost a pound and a half this past week - on purpose - I think it must have been the yoga. Last night went great. :)


So, my cat's blood tests came out fine, which means his seizures could be caused by a feline kind of epilepsy, and they want to try him on the Phenobarbital. No way - no way. I feel extremely opposed to this. My Gabriel has such a sweet personality that has been consistent throughout his 12 years, and I would hate to see him any other way. So I'm going to keep him off narcotics. Apparently it's also likely he has arthritis in his back legs (would explain lack of jumping), which is common given the size of the Maine Coon breed. I don't know. The lifespan of a Coon is typically 13-15 years, and I suspect this will be the first of many decisions I will have to make about my Gabey.  :'( And...he just seized again as I was writing this :'( I hope I can keep to the non-phenobarbital decision, because seeing him seize is hurting for me.


Hopeful2013 and Njoy, Reks is right. I'm 95% asymptomatic, but still want to post here. I want to offer encouragement about what works for me. Plus, I do have impaired cognitive function, but I am fighting it every day. Nj, I think you'll get a lot out of crosswords, and I'm eating a lot of superfoods so that works for me too. Also - here's a new thing for me - being mindful of my actions as I do them ("I put the mug on the table." "My pencil is clipped to my date book."). Little by little, my friend - all is certainly not lost.


1. Grateful for my body working correctly

2. Grateful for good food to help my body and brain function

3. Grateful for the green colors that are taking over the trees

4. Grateful for increasing clarity of thought

5. Grateful that it's Friday and I can enjoy my husband's company for the weekend.


Hugs to everyone, with a special mention to SkyZ, who is awesome for being so strong!


Jax to the N to the J  8)

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Man. I quit drinking coffee and beer, but Ive been holding on to the cigarettes. Ive thought about how they probably make it worse since they are an upper and all, but its hard to let go of them because they are comforting when going through difficult things, and this IS difficult. Something I need to think about doing!


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Good morning everyone!


Yes, this thread is very positive and welcoming. 

It's wonderful to see people overcoming their challenges and moving on with their lives.


This weekend, I will have completed a full year without opioid treatment - and have not even taken advil  !!

I still have Cervical Radiculopathy ... but I am coping with safer, natural methods like heat, massage, a tens unit, happy distraction, a fresh healthy diet, positive self talk and meditation.


Speaking of meditation, thank you Rek for that You Tube recommendation ... very soothing.


I am so impressed by all of you.  This is a difficult journey .... but worth the effort.

For those of you tapering, I want to encourage you that healing does occur along the way.

Sometimes, it is hard to see ... but it is happening.  I am only nine weeks off, after a nine month taper ... but, all in all, am coping very well.

Rek and Jaxy are further along than me ... but I am catching up with them !!

So don't feel discouraged when it is harder sometimes than other days.

The painful cycles are temporary .... but .... the recovery is permanent.


Take care,

Lizie  xx





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Thanks Jax and Reks  In my saner moments, I do try to stay positive... thanks so much for the encouragement.  Yes, this is a great place of positive energy and healing thoughts.  i think on the nights I can't sleep, maybe I should just stay off the boards... too much information.  i know cog. function (at least to some extent) occurs, I can feel it.  Sometimes, when I've gone too long w/o sleep, it becomes so difficult to stay positive.  i know therein lies the key to this... as you, only too well know, it just gets so hard.  The forget me nots were so wonderful... I hadn't been outside to walk around my little side of the mountain for months.... their colloquial nomenclature was not lost on me and although I had planted them many years ago when my husband died... I found them to be a sign of hopefulness and thought, no I won't forget you... who you were... speaking of myself for the first time in all these years.    I slept a bit last night... feels good... ready to continue my daily march to the water for nourishment... I daily watch the deer come from higher on the ridge down through my place on their way to the lake for water... they'll return sometime after sunset.  Their daily search for water has been a great paradigm for me.  :smitten: to all. 
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I was wondering is it ok to jump at 0.0625mgs of klonopiny doctor says it'd ok but im just worriedabout acute withdraws i am taking that dose every other day now i was thinking of maybe going into a hospital  for the rest of it or is that stupid
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Njoy - I think you have many "sane" moments - probably more than you acknowledge.

I find your posts to be perceptive and contemplative.


Speaking of water .... I cannot emphasise this enough. Stay hydrated.

I recently discovered that my frequent trips to the bathroom at night ... thanks to withdrawal ... six on a good night ...

must have led to dehydration even though I did not feel thirsty. 

I ended up with severe pain in my left kidney, like prodding knives, and dark urine etc.

So drink plenty of water .....


Lizie  xx

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thanks lizie.  Yes, I learned early on that w/ the amount of sweating I do that, trips to the bathroom, notwithstanding, i had to drink more water... I also noticed my blood pressure starting to take dangerous dips when I didn't drink enough of it.  I have a friend, who for years, would follow me around, handing me glasses of water... finally, I can do it for myself. Good thing...glad I got in the habit.  Deydration was considered a possibility when I first started experiencing CHF. Staying hydrated and making sure I get enough salt and potassium seems to have stabilized that and it has not been a problem w/ all the rest of this.  Amy  I've read that a number of people find .02 a good place to jump, but if you are taking your dose every other day (can't imagine how you do that over the long haul, but)  that would seem to me to be .03 daily.... my only concern would be that you won't know that until a few days after the jump and then you'll need to endure or reinstate.  You really won't know how its going to affect you.  Just be careful and good luck.
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I am glad to feel the happiness coming from the KK. I feel like I can see a window every once in a while and then a few minutes later it shuts. I am amazed by how different this latest taper has been. If we ever needed proof that our brains can change- the same exact reduction three months ago was nothing and this time it's- not nothing. I have thought about just going c/t over the last few days but I need to remain somewhat functional to take care of my family. At any rate I am looking forward to my next reduction (0.06 this time) because it is a step in the right direction. No going back. Want to know something nice? The pdoc who helped me with my last successful taper offered to talk to me over email for free because he wants to help even though I can't afford to see him anymore. I am grateful for that, grateful for all of you and grateful that I can do what I need to do today even with the feeling of a metal band around my head.



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Swimming - he's prepared to help for free? ... Isn't that refreshing!

We don't often hear that!

I wish you well ... tapering is laborious ... but it does pay off ...


Lizie  xx

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Yup, he wants to keep updated while I use the GP to get the prescriptions. I should have gone back to see him when I started having trouble last year but I was worried about the cost. Hindsight is 20/20. Lizie I really liked what you said behore about the pain being temporary and the healing being permanent. I am holding on to that today!
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Hey guys. 15 days from jumping and I am in the thick of it. The headache is relentless, and it's simply wearing me out. 4 days straight without a break from head pain. I am keeping it together, but I am a sad panda :(. Keeping me sane is the fact that it's 15 days and this is supposed to be the biggest obstacle time. I am willing to risk a yucky stomach again and take advil with the magnesium to help this headache. Anxiety is up and down, mostly related to symptoms instead of stand alone. For tonight I need food and head relief! Wish me luck friends.
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Swimming  - you are welcome.  You are going to make it this time!


Mogeii  - I am thinking of you, "sad panda" ... rest, fluids and an ice pack should alleviate it.


Lizie  xx

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Hang in there, Mogeii--ouf, headaches bite!


Hang in there, everyone . . .


Hey, Lizie, I'm glad you liked the meditation!  I thought "Dr. Bob" struck just the right note.


I'm going to refrain from talking about Boston news. 


And wish everyone a good night and some restful sleep -





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Thanks for all the support guys!


Advil+magnesium keeping the head to dull eye pain. Had about 3 hours today that were fairly normal. 15 days down. On a lighter note, was shaving my scraggly beard today. I zoned out and stopped after only shaving half my face. Roommate thought I was joking around but I didn't even notice half my face was shaven until he started laughing at me lol. Shame I didn't go out looking like that, would have made for some good reactions.

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