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Sleep will come back again.


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I'm sleeping a lot better..I slept for 3 nights in a row and 10 hours both last night and the night before.  I feel way better.

Wow Glyn!  I hope it keeps going like this.  :)

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Hi Glyn. What did you do differently? why do you think you are sleeping now? Are you doing sleep restriction? I slept pretty well last nite, but had 1 1/2 glasses of wine. Nite before I had to take a unisom. Still really struggling to sleep. Don't know why.


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I haven't really done anything differently except taking tart cherry but I was taking that during the insomnia too.  Maybe it took a while to build up in my system.  I'm not doing sleep restriction, somehow I just seem to fall asleep usually within 20-30 minutes of me laying down.
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Congratulations Glyn. Maybe you've turned the corner on this insomnia. I had another zero night last night. Don't know why. I exercised, meditated, drank fresh juice, no sugar, listened to relaxing cps....did everything right, and did not sleep at all. The last 2 nights I had a bit of wine and did sleep fairly well. Last nite, only some melatonin and no sleep. This is really ridiculous. I am 17 mos off the drug and still not sleeping. I just don't get it. I did have a short period where I was able to sleep and I wish I knew why. Now I'm not able to sleep. I think I have been more than patient after this much time. I just don't want to take unisom every night. I even have people praying for me...and I'm still not able to sleep without unisom.

I know there is nothing for anyone to say. I think I know it all where sleep is concerned. Sometimes you just need to vent. I'm sure there is some explanation as to why I'm not able to sleep....I just wish someone could figure it out, so I could fix it.

The difference Glyn, between us is that I can't go for 3 nights with no sleep like you did. I have to take a unisom if I get too tired. Otherwise I can't function and don't feel safe to drive. I feel like my body is not my friend. It wouldn't do this to me if it was.

Sorry to be a downer for this forum but most people seem to get better by now. Wonder why I'm not????

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That sucks about the no sleep night..I can't stand when that happens.  Last night I didn't sleep very well..I couldn't tell if I had hypnagogia or if I actually slept but it kinda felt like sleep so I just decided to stay up today.


I can't function on multiple nights of no sleep either.  I can't take Unisom because it doesn't work for me so I have no other options.


I think drinking (alcohol) has a major effect on insomnia.  I noticed I didn't get the extreme insomnia until after I was drinking.  I haven't drank since then and my sleep has improved really slowly.  At worst, drinking completely obliterated my sleep and at best, it hurt it a little bit.  I'm not really sure since there's no way to find out.  I would try cutting out all alcohol and see if you sleep better.  The temptation is always there for me but it causes instant insomnia and it's not worth it.

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The alcohol thing is confusing for me. I haven't been drinking much but now it seems that when I do, I sleep. Then when I don't have anything, I don't sleep.

I did get some sleep finally last nite tho I was exhausted from zero sleep the nite before. We'll see what happens tonite. I used the sleep tracks and I think it helped. I never really know if something will help or not. I only know unisom works for me if I am exhausted. Makes me have very dry eyes in the morning tho.

\Glad you are finally sleeping

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I'm so glad to see your post.


I'm doing just about all the things you suggest regarding preparing for bed.  I also use suppliments like l theanine and Kavinace before bedtime.  Sleep is my biggest issue as well and seems to worsen around the time of my period. My body is still trying to regain it's hormonal equalibrium and it seems to be having difficulty due to peri menopause.


I've been benzo free for two and a half months and on average sleep about 5-6 hours a night.  Broken sleep of course with lots of waking. Occasionally I sleep for 7!


I know that everybody is different but wonder when sleep started normalizing for you.



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