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Positivity Pledge. Please join me if you want !


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I am sick to death of not feeling okay.

I am sick to death of worrying my family.

I am sick to death of giving into my anxiety.

I want to get on with a normal life.

I am inspired by my fellow buddy Draklore's update - he has bad mornings and some anxiety but doesn't let them pull him down.

He is living a normal life.

I only have anxiety and nothing as bad as some buddies on here.

So ...

I am going to FORGET about the way I feel and start being POSITIVE and LIVE A NORMAL LIFE ... even if I don't feel well.

I want to declare myself semi-healed at 9 1/2 months.

I am off to put on some makeup, do my hair and dress nicely and GET OUT THE HOUSE AND DO SOMETHING NICE!


I will come back to this thread sometime later to let you know how my Positivity Pledge is going.  Meanwhile I am already feeling better.


And IF I FAIL I will reread these words, pick myself up and start being POSITIVE all over again




Day 1 of Positivity Pledge

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Great idea, Angel. Once I found out how much control I had over how I felt - choosing happiness, as it were - my world changed for the better. 


Whatcha gonna do to celebrate the start of the rest of your life?

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Good for you, Angel!


I am looking forward to hearing how your day went and the days to come!


Go get 'em!

Toasting you with Sparkling Cider!  http://i1188.photobucket.com/albums/z414/Lilyagain/Smileys%20from%20Annie/drinks.gif





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Hey Beeper


I also thought of you when I wrote this thread.  I remember you once writing that at 7 months you decided you were healed (although you probably weren't fully).


With this change of attitude I have had the most amazing day in spite of bad anxiety struggling through for most of it. It wasn't easy but I accepted it and carried on with stuff - met friends, drank coffee, had a laugh, walked the dog, played Scrabble online, put effort into cooking a really nice meal for hubby and me and now relaxing watching tv.


My symptoms today were no different to yesterday but whereas yesterday I was miserable and depressed, today I have been a new and happy person.


I decided I can't hang around and wait for the symptoms to go - it could be ages so am going to try to live life in spite of them.


I hope I can keep this up! 



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Hey Beeper


I also thought of you when I wrote this thread.  I remember you once writing that at 7 months you decided you were healed (although you probably weren't fully).


With this change of attitude I have had the most amazing day in spite of bad anxiety struggling through for most of it. It wasn't easy but I accepted it and carried on with stuff - met friends, drank coffee, had a laugh, walked the dog, played Scrabble online, put effort into cooking a really nice meal for hubby and me and now relaxing watching tv.


My symptoms today were no different to yesterday but whereas yesterday I was miserable and depressed, today I have been a new and happy person.

I decided I can't hang around and wait for the symptoms to go - it could be ages so am going to try to live life in spite of them.


I hope I can keep this up!


It really is incredible, isn't it, how much a change in attitude and thinking can affect how we feel.  If you are like me, you will probably still get down from time to time but you will get up must faster and stay "up" longer.  I am smiling all over.  ;D ;D ;D

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Hi Angel.  You Go Girl!!!!  What a fabulous idea.  It's the fake it til you make it attitude.  I'm sure it will work for you.

I'm going to join you today.  I'm going to get a shower and put make up on too! 

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Good for you Hope and welcome to the thread.  We can pick each other up if one of us falls.  You are a little behind me so you may have it a little tougher but it is the same philosophy.


So how did your day go?  Did you get out the house?


So far (it's 4pm here) mine has been good ... was tempted to be miserable over the morning anxiety but didn't.  It wore off on its own and am just back from lunch with a girlfriend.  Last week on the phone to her I was a crying wreck and that is what she expected to show up ... but she got a surprise and said I look very well.


Angel  :yippee:



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Yes! Going to join you in on this one here.


I am sick to death of being 21 and acting like my life is over when it has only really just begun.

I am sick to death of letting insomnia take over my life.

I am sick to death of worrying my family, friends, and loved ones.

I am sick to death of having them care for me all the time.

I want to lead a normal life.

I want to actually go out and have fun, to laugh and interact.

I want to take control of my own life and be the person I know I can be.


Let's do this  8)

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Yes! Going to join you in on this one here.


I am sick to death of being 21 and acting like my life is over when it has only really just begun.

I am sick to death of letting insomnia take over my life.

I am sick to death of worrying my family, friends, and loved ones.

I am sick to death of having them care for me all the time.

I want to lead a normal life.

I want to actually go out and have fun, to laugh and interact.

I want to take control of my own life and be the person I know I can be.


Let's do this  8)


Welcome to the thread Chantillie!  You are another very short-term victim I see, so sorry.


The idea is to wake up, be positive about the symptoms and not pay attention or worry about them during the day because you know they are going to go in time.  Then report back on how your day went and if there have been any improvements in your mood.


I'm not kidding, I have been utterly miserable for the past few weeks.  I can tell it is wearing everyone down and they just want me to be well.  I do too and this is why I started this thread.


I've had 2 much better days with this new attitude.




Day 2 of Positivity Pledge

Good Day



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I love this.... Thanks for starting it Angel.  Please let's do encourage each other.  I am so sick of this too and just want my life back.


I did shower and put makeup on (first in over a month!) and put decent clothes on (first in over a month)  - just that made me feel like a normal person again.  Then I went out with a friend to look at a house he is considering buying.  It was a wonderful distraction.  I thought I looked OK until when we departed he told me, "Feel Better"  I guess I wasn't fooling him!


I need to plan a little excursion every day - or every other day. 


I'm exhausted this afternoon, but proud that I got out of my rut.



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[move]So proud of you Hope![/move]




You are at an earlyish stage and no doubt have several symptoms so it is going to be harder for you right now than for me as  I am definitely past the worst though could have probably helped myself earlier on with this attitude.  But the symptoms will go. 


So you have done really well today.  Keep it up!




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Hi All,


Just want to say that it is so very encouraging to read through this thread!


I am still titrating and will be for many, many months to come but am working on remaining as positive as possible through this experience.  So thank you for being Friends I can cheer on as you go into complete healing trying to stay positive, too!


As for myself... I took a little stroll outside today.  I did some singing out there about positvie things and enjoyed the feeling of the cool, fresh air on my face.  And there are tiny bulbs coming through the damp ground to see and enjoy their fresh green color!  It was only for a few minutes but was an uplifting time and helped me to feel more alive!


Love to all,



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Hi All,


Just want to say that it is so very encouraging to read through this thread!


I am still titrating and will be for many, many months to come but am working on remaining as positive as possible through this experience.  So thank you for being Friends I can cheer on as you go into complete healing trying to stay positive, too!


As for myself... I took a little stroll outside today.  I did some singing out there about positvie things and enjoyed the feeling of the cool, fresh air on my face.  And there are tiny bulbs coming through the damp ground to see and enjoy their fresh green color!  It was only for a few minutes but was an uplifting time and helped me to feel more alive!


Love to all,




:yippee:  Lily - I think we can find positivity at any stage of our w/ds. 


You always come across in your threads as a naturally positive person anyway.  You are such a sweetie!


Lotsa luv

Angel xxx

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Lilly --


Isn't it amazing what singing can do??!!  I sing "put on a happy face" in the mornings.  Sometimes I have to force myself to sing it through my tears.  But I get it out.  I'll put on the Tony Bennet/James Taylor version from Duets cd and they help me through it.  It does help.  Sometimes this is the only way for me to get through my shower in the morning.


Keep singing!! 


And smiling. 


Thanks for this thread Angel.  It is really going to help pull me up each day whether it is a good sx or bad sx day.  XOX

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Lol Hope  I am glad the thread is helping. How was your day today?


I woke up again with a high adrenalin rush, shivery and chattering teeth even though it was warm in my room. It took me ages to get out of bed but made myself a cup of sweet tea and that really helped.  I had quite a few chores to do today and we are invited out tonight so I just got on with it.  From about 11 am anxiety was struggling through but I ignored it and it didn't peak.


It's now 5pm and have just got in.  Going to relax in a bath and get ready to go out later.  Oh yes, I have had to deal with a burst pipe too - it's -3 degrees here in London (that's centigrade, I think you Americans use fahrenheit but I don't know how to convert it) - the plumbers are so busy they can't get out to me till Monday but fortunately it is outside.  I feel guilty about losing all that water when some people in the world don't have any but what can I do??!


I had to use my positivity quite a lot today but it has been another good one so far today.




Day 3 of Positivity Pledge


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Hi Angel,

Well -- not so very good today.  I had a bad night and although I'm feeling OK today I"m so tired.  But I did get out for a nice walk in the sunshine. 

Enjoy your night out!! 

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Just checking in!


Angel -- sorry to hear about the high adrenalin, shivery feelings and chattering teeth. On a few days I've woken up like that and it scares me a lot, even gets me wondering if I even slept at all because it didnt seem possible to be so energetic upon "waking"! Proud to hear you say that you didn't let the anxiety get a hold of your day  :thumbsup: keep going keep going


Hope -- Hi there, I hope tomorrow will be better for you -hug- I'll be cheering you on from here :)


Lily -- Love to you too -hug- and yes! going out for strolls really does work during some of the roughest periods. Proud that you're doing this despite all that you must be going through.




I have to admit that yesterday night was rough for me, but I kept the panic to a minimum. Woke up this morning feeling determined to get on with my life. Straightened my hair for the first time in weeks (something I used to do daily) made myself decent. and cleaned the house a little. The weather was incredibly cold today so I decided to mostly stay in, but I've been enjoying my time a little company  :) It feels good to take this first step in taking care of myself like this again!


Symptoms were surprisingly minimal today but since evening my throat and breathing have been acting up. Going to do my best to stay positive, stay calm and carry on.


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Good Morning Positive Buddies!!


I have a much better night last night.  Slept total of 10 hours!!!  (after 3 the night before).  It was broken sleep, but sleep, glorious sleep!!!


And not toxic sleep feelings this morniing -- so off to a very good start. 


It is a sunny day here in Reading PA.  It will be cold but oh well, it is February.  I plan to get hubby and go for a walk along the river this afternoon.


I hope that each of you has a wonderful day and peaceful, healing sleep tonight!!


"Put on a Happy Face"

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Glad you had a good day Hope.


Mine wasn't too bad - will be glad when the morning adrenaline rushes go but just have to be patient.


Had a fairly good day - my kids and I went to the theatre - it started snowing heavy when we got out, and had trouble getting home by public transport so had to grab a cab.  Hope it doesn't snow tomorrow as have to go by train 200 miles away to visit my mother - one snowflake on the track stops the trains here in the UK!


I think I am coming down with a bit of a cold though but don't feel 'benzoey'


Hope everyone is having a good one.



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Good afternoon everyone :)


I'm doing pretty well at the moment -- I've been having fragmented sleep for a long time now, and I keep waking up every 3 hours (nearly exactly 3 hours every time!) each night. However, last night that pattern broke and I slept for 4 straight hours! An hour difference but, definitely significant to me  ;D


Going to make the most of my day now, lovely weather albeit quite cold  :)


Wishing you all the best

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Good Morning! 


I had another decent night.  Broken again, but sleep so I'll take it.  Not too toxic this morning.... just a bit spacey.


Another sunny day -- so another walk outside.  This evening is the SuperBowl here in the states so we'll be watching the first half of it. 


Angel - Enjoy your trip to see your Mother.  It's great that you are well enough to do this!!  I hope that snow lets up. 

We have only had one snow storm here this winter -- actually it was a freak one late fall.  And I'm NOT complaining! 


Chantillie -- congrats on 4 straight hours of sleep.  Isn't that glorious!!  One night I slept 6 hours straight -- it was wonderful, except that it seems when I sleep better my mornings are not so good.  Maybe a lot of healing going on during that good sleep??!



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