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ADHD and benzo withdrawal


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Hi friends,

I am interested if anyone has been diagnosed with ADHD during there benzo experience. I am beginning to believe that while my dose has tapered down to 4 mg my symptoms have gone up and the cause might be untreated ADHD. I got into this dilemma after a god loss, an all consuming job that now looking back i threw my all into with plenty of coffee. The doctor felt i was anxious because of depression and upped my serotonin so high with the SSRIs that i was about to explode so they gave me klonipin about 1.5 yrs ago and the story begins. I have been off the SSRI since last february and have been tapering valium since april, but recently with my dose so low i think the undiagnosed ADHD is coming out. I took a stimulant today as a last resort because i thought i was loosing my mind and i mellowed out completely for the last 3 hrs. My husband wants to replicate this before we celebrate it but it is the must promising i have had in a year and a half.


I would love to here if anyone else has experienced such a condition of undiagnosed ADHD and once treated did you get better relief as you tapered?


much love for the holiday season,


I have blogged a lot lately if you acre to read......under SPK

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