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Titration taper from .5625 K


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Sweet hubby the math whiz designed a titration taper for me using an Excel spreadsheet. I explained Colin's method of tapering this way and he said "No problem, I can do that." So, my worries about burdening Colin right now are no more. Anyway, my goal is to taper from .5625 (1 1/8 pills klonopin) at a rate of .03125 (1/16 pill) every two weeks. With any luck I'll take my last dose on SHMW's birthday!


Here's the general rundown of my plan: take 1 .5 mg pill each day plus titrate 1/4 pill in 100 ml. soy milk, drink 48 ml on day 1, 46 ml on day 2 and so on until I reach .53125 mg in two weeks. On one of the days I only go down 1 ml, otherwise it's 2 everyday for the entire two weeks. My daily reduction is tiny, only .002232 mg so I hope I'll do okay going so slowly. SHMW will continue designing the tapers every two weeks, adjusting as needed.


Any feedback would be appreciated - thanks!



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That should be fine. Your taper rate is at the slow end - 5.6% every two weeks.


My titration spreadsheet probably differs to the one you use. Mine recalculates the taper rate with each cut, so that the overall taper rate is relative to the dose taken at the time (the amount cuts grows smaller as your taper progresses). However, at low doses, it switches to regular cuts (the amount cut no longer grows smaller as the taper progresses), otherwise the end of the taper is drawn out way too long, and is unnecessarily slow. Given the dose you are at now, and for a given taper rate, our two schedules would probably look pretty similar. ;)

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