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tapering off klonopin


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Congratulations on your cut.  Make sure you put it in your sig line.  I hyperventilated all through my tapering process.  Just part of the withdrawal.


Patty  xo

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To do this, Click on 'profile' in the green bar below the shoutbox. Then under 'modify profile' in the left hand column, click on 'forum profile information'. From that page, scroll down almost to the bottom and type in your info in the signature box. Make sure and click 'change profile' at the bottom. And that's it!



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Oh Beeper I was wondering if you take nitroquick do u get the burning or flushing feeling and if so how long does it last ,,seems like im still having it,,,and i took the pill at 9 30 this morning.....i feel ill like my liver maybe isnt working right and thats why i feel the taste od my meds in my throat  i know some of u think im nuts i did have that blood work done but not sure any checked my liver
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You told me that they did a CBC and a metabolic panel on you. The metobolic panel would show up if there was anything abnormal going on with your liver and your kidneys. Yours was fine, so don't worry about your liver. If you are having a "metalic taste" in your mouth, that is one of the w/d s/x. If you can, try not to focus so much on every little symptom that you are feeling. And, especially try not to make every symptoms something major, like you are having a heart attack or your liver is bad. Don't even think those thoughts. That will just make you more scared. Your thoughts are so important. Don't spend your days focusing on every little symptom or you will be miserable.....I know, I did that for almost a year. Now, I just tell myself I am not dying, I am having withdrawal symptoms, and they will pass. You are going to be alright. Just try to start DOING/PRACTICING the advice that people have given you and try to do some things that you enjoy. Just try it, sweetpea.


Lori :smitten:

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Here are instructions for your signature box:

To do this, Click on 'profile' in the green bar below the shoutbox. Then under 'modify profile' in the left hand column, click on 'forum profile information'. From that page, scroll down almost to the bottom and type in your info in the signature box. Make sure and click 'change profile' at the bottom. And that's it!




Sweetpea  :smitten:


Don't forget to update your signature with your current ativan dosage information so we can help you.

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I had the worst headacche and it felt like my neck viens were bursting last night.This morning i woke up with the worst lower back pain i can barely pull my pant up or walk im blaming it on the nitroquick im sitting here now sweating and the right side of my head and face feel so odd and im nott thinking right,,im afraid the nitroquick did something bad to me adn my hubby says not to talk about my back pain,i think i took an ativan way before schedule and somehow im all messed up on my days dose,,,,i had them in my container i use,but i thinik i only waited 4 hours  between doses i hope im not all messed up but something in the way my body is functioning does not feel right..its 8 pm and i just took my final dose of the day but im thinking i might of had a extra pill today i cant think  i hope they arent whats messing with my back and head
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If you are to take the meds 3 times a day, you need 3 cups, envelopes, or pill bottles.  First thing when you get up you put a dose in each.  Make sure you are consistent on what dose is the lower amount as you said you would be tapering. 


You also need 4 pieces of paper - the first piece is a log of when you take the pills so you can take a piece of notebook paper and make 4 columns on it - the first is for the date, the other 3 are for what time you take the pills - you fill them in as you take them with the time and the dosage.   


The other 3 pieces of paper are your notes to yourself on when you are to take the pills.  The first dose you write what time it is you took it and put it back into the first cup;  on the other two you write down what time you will be taking them according to your schedule.  For example, if you took  your first dose at 6 am and you next dose is to be 8 hours later, you write 2 pm on the paper for that dose and you put it in the cup for that dose.  You do the same with the other dose.  These other pieces of paper can put little pieces of scratch paper - just big enough to fit inside the cup and each day you have to scratch out the time for the day before and write the new time on the paper.  If you use envelopes, no need for these extra sheets. 


This might be "overkill" for some, but if you follow this, each day you will take your pills on time, and there won't be any confusion on extra doses.  I had to keep track of things like this with some of the supplements I was taking last year. 


Also on your notebook paper log, write down any other meds you take during the day.

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I really think i have had a stroke after taking the nitroquick not only the lower back pain,but headache with popping veins in my meck the right side of my neck and face are all messed up i have trouble standing and my heart rate is going nuts even with my meds....i am ill and so shakey 2 hours after an ativan i feel like i need another to calm down...my hubby wont let me go to dr he says i have been checked out so much and other thaan my heart im fine,.my life is miserable and i dont know what to do,,how can i have got so bad
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Hang in there honey. I know you are feeling just awful and don't believe you will ever get better, but you will. YOu will get off the drugs and recover.  :therethere:
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Oh evryone im losing it i cant think my head hurtts the ativan dont help me at all,im all sweting i went to dr because i feel so fiant and my blood pressure and heart rate are all messed up,up and down im so dizzzy dr listened to my heart adn said im fine.I called my heart dr and he is switching the beta blocker i cant relax i hhave the worst kind of head and neck pain,im suppose to see my counsler at 2 and i dont think i shoud drive has anyone every felt this way.I think im dying or really going crasy
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Hi Sweetpea,


You won't get any better until you start tapering your benzo med.  All your symptoms are from withdrawals.  So-o-o-o, please start tapering.


Patty  xo

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im so confused,i have cut back as told on my ativan,but as i keep being told all my symptoms are from withdrawals Withdrawasl from what,the meds I was on before ativan? Or the ativan is making me ill? I tried to fix my signature line and i can tconcntrate enough to do it
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Hi, Sweetpea,


The Klonopin, Xanax and Ativan are all benzos.  You are now on the Ativan.  Any taper will cause withdrawal symptoms.  Every cut you make will cause withdrawal symptoms.  It is what we have to go through to get off these meds.  Make sure you stay at your rate for 10 to 14 days before you make another cut.  Do not take an extra pill during this time.  I am so glad you made your last cut.  It means you are that closer to ending the madness.  My faith and love are with you, Sweetpea.  Stay determined even though you may be suffering.  It will end.


Patty  xo

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Heartrate going up HIGH again and the beta blocker i guess i took too little today i only take like 1/ 4pill  imhaving hard time breathing today,anyone that has been on ativan did it ever cause your heart rate to go up,my counselor at mental health is coming down on me hard talking about committing me to long term care says im a hypochondriac and i have become disluinole,,,she is so Mean and called in a new antipyscotic med for me i feel awful and dont know why my heart rate and blood pressure keep going haywire one min fine next all screwed up and i do think im on the verge of heart attack and i will just have to die because my hubby says im not sick nd drs here say i have cried wolf to many times,,,and the pharmacist told my counsel that ativan wont make your heart rate high
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Hey, Sweetpea,


All your symptoms are from the meds.  My heart rate went way up at times.  It felt like it was going to pound right through my chest.  My blood pressure also went way up at times.  Try to hang in there.  The more you taper, the better you will feel.  Trust me on this.


Patty  xo

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Hi all,Im still hanging in,,I have a friend who is also on ativan 1 mg 3 times a day.She was taking it every 8 hours and now she is taking it every 5 hours never going over her 3 pills, her pahrmist told her if you take it too close together it can build upo in your system,,,,he ddint really expplain,,,,do any of you know what that means and if there is a danger to it..Im scared for her
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I'm glad you are hanging in there, sweetpea.  How much ativan are you taking now and are you taking it every 8 hours?  Are you planning on making another cut any time soon?


It usually minimizes symptoms to take the doses spread out equally throughout the day, like dividing the daily total into 3 doses taken 8 hours apart.  Your friend is not in danger but she might have more symptoms between the farthest apart doses.


I hope you and your friend can help each other get off the ativan.  It is nice to have a live, in-person "benzo buddy".  :)

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I think im going to try and cut back some I feel like Im dying so week and faint feeling im on another beta blocker and im so ill and my counsler for bids me to go to a dr,,,she says its all my anxiety,,and there is nothing i can do and she wants to commit me long term care to a mental hospital and i have no more insurance and she says she can do it but i feel iots something physical
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You have had all the basic tests done on so much. If any of them would have come back the slightest bit alarming to the dr., they would have done more tests. You have withdrawal symptoms that can range from headaches to tingling in your toes (from head to toes). A lot of the problem is being afraid that there is something physically wrong with you. I know, because I can think thoughts like that, too. But, then I remember that I have had a lot of tests done at the dr. or the ER and there is nothing wrong with me. All my symptoms are not symptoms of diseases, but symptoms from withdrawing from the benzo medication. You are on a new beta blocker, so make sure that you don't have any of the serious side effects from that, and if you don't then your problems are from the ativan which are made worse by your fearful thoughts. Do something, anything to get your mind off things. Just let the symptoms "have their way." One day, when you are off the medication and your body has healed, you will not have all the symptoms. Till then, just keep to your taper and do the best you can....that is all that any of us can do. I am praying for you.....




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Hi, Sweetpea,


I have got to give you credit because you are having these symptoms and still hanging in there.  That's all we can do is just hang in there.  All your symptoms will one day go away.  Just continue staying focused and determined.


Patty  xo

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi,Well I am pretty much down to 2 ativan aday..but this mornign i was having such a bad time  i took 1 ativan at 6 45 am and another one at 11 30 am and im feeling very drugged and clumsy i hope i havent odosed...they had me stop the calcium blocker and my heart rate was ok till sunday and yesterday they they had me take it last night,,,im so zoned out an i have to go see my counlser at 2 pm my time and it 1 now hope i can drive...i  got a new pshy thru mental healtha nd he asked me how the ativan was doing and i told him not so good and he told mei could just stop taking it at the dose i am on i would have no problems i agrued witth him told him i would not stop cold turkey,,,so he told me how to taper and  gave me ascrip of ativan with those inst, and i lost the bottle of pills i feels so confused lately i forget everything i have searched all over for the pills but no luck so i have no clue waht i will do and my counlser believes this dr he is thru mental health and she believes its all in my head about withdrawals and i know she will do nothing to help me gt more pills,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,oh gosh do u think i have overdosed,,,by taking the ativan so close and all my other meds  risperdal remeron and the calcium blocker,,and i feels so odd when the ativan weras off its like i get dizzier and my eyes blur over is that normal Hope to hear from someone...oh my husband had gave me 30 days to get well or get out but he says he changed his mind i dont know
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