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Healing and mindset ? Not necessary ?


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Does healing happen regardless of mindset ? 

I mean my mind is totally dependant on my inner state , I don't feel I can control it , it's different from minute to minute . One minute I'm rational , next minute I'm in a panic attack , later I'm resilient , within seconds my mind goes in turbo. 

During my windows , I wasn't living in mind this much , I was living life with its entirety. 

Now it's like everyday there is a new thought that provokes a new panic , I ruminate about it for days and please don't tell me not to "think" about it because my mind gets stuck in obsessing, I can't seem to relax . 

Am I messing up my healing in this setback or is it happening regardless ? 

Please only positive and reassuring comments as I'm highly suggestible at this point. 

Things like "think posiitve" was very natural for me before this ordeal but now it's like an impossibility 

Please is this normal? Does mindset affect healing? I can't control my mindset I swear..

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Mindset doesn’t affect healing it affects how you manage your symptoms.

OCD, rummination, intrusive thoughts et all are all symptoms. If you engage with them you’re more likely to experience them greater.

For example, the items in my home tell my ‘story’, they bring great joy of memories past-or they did. Now my anhedonia is severe so I made a decision to ignore it, knowing it will eventually come back.

I haven’t seen my friends for 18 months and they all live absolutely dynamic lives: theater, traveling, dinner parties, festivals (I live in a vibrant city where there are activities daily, just something to do constantly) all of which I cannot participate in. It can be a disastrous blow-if I allow it.

This is where Radical Acceptance comes in. You have to accept you’ve been injured and are healing. Just as you would do if you’d been hit by an 18 wheeler. It might be easier if you could actually SEE the wounds, but it’s no different.

Your nervous system is on fire and if you don’t develop a mindset that is beneficial then, I believe, you’re pouring gas on an already out of control wildfire.

Mastering your thoughts, saying STOP when the obsession begins; saying okay, I’ll give you 10 minutes to worry about everything at 6:00 p.m. tonight, but not until then. Float above them and watch the thoughts pass by-because they will-simply be an observer.

Willful Tolerance. You just have to have the willpower to tolerate what is happening and not engage.

This will pass, although at times that sounds like bull, but it will.

Develop a tool box to manage your symptoms, because that’s all that they are, and that tool box will serve you so well not only now but later when you’re healed. Then? Nothing will bother you.

Those who survive hell probably won’t talk about it afterwards and pretty much nothing can touch them after.

Edited by [Ma...]
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Yes, I concur with Mary1.  If mindset affected healing, then a cut or broken bone might never heal and we all know healing happens regardless of mindset.  But having a positive mindset can make dealing with symptoms a bit easier.  You are healing regardless of your thoughts, symptoms and feelings.

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