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Who has had improved tinnitus? We need a positive master thread

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there is no mystery there. the root cause is the anxiety be it from withdrawal or not most often. the ambien calms you and reduces it. 

mine was made much worse by muscle tension caused by anxiety and anxiety from tinnitus which i was sure was severe brain damage. 

sort out the tension. the T is less and then I am much less anxious about it too. that keeps happening until i have almost completely cured it. I only experience it after laying down for a long while or while exercising. 

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yea I hear you and I am sure you are right but it seems like i have no noticeable anxiety so I wonder how can i really "control" the T?  I am almost 12 weeks off.  Audiologist says it will get better over time but I am struggling mightily with the T...so much so it causes SI most days  

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Posted (edited)

yea it really gets to a person. i consider it somewhat as disturbing as voices schizophrenic people hear. It is a malfunction. exacerbated by some things. your mind is likely working alright though. if your tinnitus starts talking to you be concerned then.


The reason it disturbing you so much is likely cause your mind is working fine. who wouldnt be bothered with unending noise. that is used to torture people. 

Edited by [Le...]
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5 minutes ago, [[L...] said:

yea it really gets to a person. i consider it somewhat as disturbing as voices schizophrenic people hear. It is a malfunction. exacerbated by some things. your mind is likely working alright though. if your tinnitus starts talking to you be concerned then.

The reason it disturbing you so much is likely cause your mind is working fine. who wouldnt be bothered with unending noise. that is used to torture people. 

its messed up I cant stand to even think this way ugh

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1 minute ago, [[L...] said:

yea it really gets to a person. i consider it somewhat as disturbing as voices schizophrenic people hear. It is a malfunction. exacerbated by some things. your mind is likely working alright though. if your tinnitus starts talking to you be concerned then.  

I’m thought that to like a form of what schizophrenics go through,.I was out parked up in the car,.and a high pitched alarm went of from somewhere,.not to far of the pitch of tinnitus I experience,.and then the alarm went of and my tinnitus was still going and I thought if only,.it’s like a form of torture tinnitus 

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have you tries treating anxiety symptoms to reduce it?  is the base of your neck toward to shoulders soft and subtle right now?

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cant guess how much this will help you but it helps everyone just how much is the question. 

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2 minutes ago, [[L...] said:

have you tries treating anxiety symptoms to reduce it?  is the base of your neck toward to shoulders soft and subtle right now?

yes i think so...doing yoga and sometimes this helps. 

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i think it was a lingering thing making it worse for me when otherwise mine would have been mostly gone. Wont work for everyone but didnt really have a noticable effect for me until i did it for days too. if i hadnt hurt my neck exercising I likely never would have figured it out. 

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I also know people who got T after neck injuries and surgeries.  there is a connection. 

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Something positive about having tinnutus. 

You're never alone :2funny:

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Happy Friday everyone! 

So, how is everybody's T doing these days? Are any of you seeing even the slightest improvement? Sometimes you really have to think back hard, back to those early days and compare it to present time. Even if its only a slight improvement in any way, it means you are going in the right direction. We all wish this torture would move faster. 

I am now in my 5th month clean, whoo hoo! I still get a lot of flashing lights, some days I'm dizzy and once in a while I still get confused. However much of my other symptoms like muscle stiffness, lethargy, pain, benzo gut, thought processes and concentration, other bizarro symptoms which we all have felt, etc.... are slowly returning to normal.

My T is still ringing and drilling along however my window days are coming more frequently. 48 hours of loud, oscillating drilling round and round Eeeee Eeeee Eeeee, then 24 hours of nearly quiet nothing! I hear something, maybe a quiet hissing? Not sure what normal hearing is like anymore. 🤣 But nothing offensive at all! I've gotten 3 of these sets in a row these past weeks, I'm thrilled! The Hyperacusis is nearly gone and the pressure and fullness in my left inner ear is barely detectable. I still think its going to be a few months until this nightmare is over but I THINK I see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Be well my friends! ❤️

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I am still suffering, but trying to learn to deal with it.  It seems like it is around a 6-or 7 out of 10.  Last couple days, I golfed, drank a bunch of wine and went about my day, not really noticing it.  When I hang around at home for a lazy day, it becomes more noticeable.  I don't think there has been any change.  Its hard to know.  For me its the weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....a high pitched ring.   I do have some high tech hearing aids that can play white noise or whatever you might like that are designed to mask the noise.  I cant decide whether they are making it worse.  But, they do truly mask the sound, so they are helpful in the moment.  I sure hope as the body and mind continue to heal this moves to the background.  I am 3 months off.  Its nice to know I am not alone.     

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if it isnt fluctuating at all i think my neck stretching is unlikely to help. i think mine was much worsened by neck issues. 

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6 months off

had a good 10 day wave now I’m just starting to get some relief. But honestly I’m not impressed. I kind of feel like I’m just not doing well coping right now.

My tinnitus in right ear is just all over the place. The lack of consistency has caused me to be anxious because it’s constantly changing sound. I truly can’t understand it. 

overall I’m okay. But right now I have a high pitch ring, a sst ssst sound, and an another sound I can’t really describe. It seems really loud. I don’t fully understand it. It’s different every month. I guess my mind is what makes or breaks it. Some days I’m resilient and other days I’m worn out. 

praying for healing 

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Posted (edited)

hows your neck tension and posture?

Edited by [Le...]
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On 10/05/2024 at 15:41, [[K...] said:

cant decide whether they are making it worse

Unfortunately I think they make it worse unless you have them in all the time.

Its said that anxiety and stress in the nervous system is the cause.

once you learn to calm down, the “experts “ say it will vanish. 

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@[Le...] I’ve had cervical spine issues for a long time. I could certainly benefit from some stretching, massage, and strengthening.


@[Kr...] I agree with you. I think stress keeps up the volume. It will naturally get better over time because most ultimately habituate or get better 

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Some people have had to struggle with suicidality because of tinnitus. 

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5 minutes ago, [[S...] said:

@[Le...] I’ve had cervical spine issues for a long time. I could certainly benefit from some stretching, massage, and strengthening.

@[Kr...] I agree with you. I think stress keeps up the volume. It will naturally get better over time because most ultimately habituate or get better 

cervical spine issues are why mine never went away much at all. at 2ish years still seemed as loud as me yelling. was louder than any concert in acute. 

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On 14/05/2024 at 15:52, [[K...] said:

Some people have had to struggle with suicidality because of tinnitus. 

Early on when my Tinnitus started toward the end if my taper, the ringing was so depressing I could totally see how people become suicidal because of it. Its incredibly invasive to your brain and how you perceive each moment. There was a time when I wasn't sure I could continue each day with this constant torture day in and day out. I'm not sure my T is more quiet now, I think the brain gets used to it to some degree, I don't get depressed about it, at least not so deeply I want to end it all. Its still there screaming away. 

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was the loudest sound i had ever heard for almost a year. concerts werent so bad. 

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I really think time is the healer here. Some people say they have very loud tinnitus for many years due to this or that and learned to live with it and have a normal life. And I feel for many of of us ours improves compared to some who have hearing loss or other serious problems that caused their tinnitus. 

yeah mine gets me down but I wouldn’t kill myself over it. In the beginning I did feel that way, then it got better. My tinnitus started years ago. I was living life with it no problem. The taper and withdrawal has really made it terrible. But I have complete faith it will chill out in time. 

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it does and there are many things that make it worse that you can avoid or cope with to make it better. caffeine and caffeine withdrawal make it worse. tension often make it worse. i smoked a bit of a cigarette and it went nuts. 

Live well and recover. 

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On 14/05/2024 at 12:42, [[S...] said:


6 months off

had a good 10 day wave now I’m just starting to get some relief. But honestly I’m not impressed. I kind of feel like I’m just not doing well coping right now.

My tinnitus in right ear is just all over the place. The lack of consistency has caused me to be anxious because it’s constantly changing sound. I truly can’t understand it. 

overall I’m okay. But right now I have a high pitch ring, a sst ssst sound, and an another sound I can’t really describe. It seems really loud. I don’t fully understand it. It’s different every month. I guess my mind is what makes or breaks it. Some days I’m resilient and other days I’m worn out. 

praying for healing 

Mine is evolving too. Less oscillation and more steady high pitched ring. I am getting occasional pulsatile as well. I personally think all our changes mean we are healing.

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