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So I posted this on another topic but maybe thought it would get more eyes in this subcategory. Still fully figuring out how this all works. ( never been a member of a forum until very recently) but Okay here goes  so I posted a few weeks ago but just wanted to update symptoms and see if anyone else has ever had any of these particular symptoms or if I truly have to fear ALS. I am truly in a full health anxiety spiral but with good reason I am having some incredibly bizarre symptoms. I have withdrawn from Klonopin in the past and Attivan in the past and the withdrawals were health but almost 100% mental with maybe a couple uncomfortable physical symptoms but nothing to write home about. This time I am withdrawing cold turkey from a few weeks of daily Xanax (between 0.5 and .75 a day) maybe one or two of the days 1mlg. February 9th was my last dose and this time before I even started withdrawing (maybe day 10 of being on Xanax) I began having tongue twitching, almost like a worm was in my tongue. Which then progressed to my cheeks/ tongue/ eye brows. And then the intense joint/bone muscle pain began one I cold turkeyed. The most uncomfortable symptoms seem to have settled in my right arm and right leg. Incredibly dull ache that lasted about a week Now I’m having insane stiffness in my thumb muscles mostly in my right thumb and stiffness in forearms. Whole limb feels heavy and wrong. Fingers feel stiff and don’t seem to be working right almost fumbling things I reach for and motor function feels decreased. Also I’ve noticed it has been falling asleep a lot easier especially when sleeping. Hot and cold sensations in back of arm which seems to have mostly abated. I am absolutely freaking out because it seems pretty identical to ALS onset and can’t stop reading MND forums and finding a lot of similarities to my symptoms. Would appreciate ANY input from anyone that has maybe had a similar manifestation of WD. On my previous post a knowledgeable member of this site explained to me what kindling is. Is that why this time is so different?? It makes me scared that I never had any of these symptoms with previous benzo withdrawals.  Thank you in advance to all of you who may reply. I am a business owner and father of a beautiful young daughter and husband to a beautiful amazing wife. So scared I will be leaving them if I have ALS or something. I have found this website a safe haven through this hellish experience. Prayers to all. ❤️❤️

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Every symptom you are describing is "normal" coming off of Benzos.  I can almost "guarantee" you don't have ALS.  Each withdrawal can be different and the 3rd time sounds like it will not be a "charm."  On the main page of this forum there are a list of symptoms that most people experience.  I did a CT too so I can totally relate to what you're going through.  In addition, you are not even a month off.  As you probably already know, most people experience a period of "acute withdrawal" that typically lasts 30-90 days after you jump off CT or from a taper.  At least you don't have much if any insomnia.  Sleeping makes your other symptoms a lot easier to deal with iMO.  I had about 15 symptoms and sleep was my worst.  IMO, "hypochondria" is also a withdrawal symptom.  I thought I had every disease in the book.  But every test I had done came back normal.  Hang in there.  Below is a list of symptoms.  Peace!


Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Symptoms

The following is a list of possible symptoms; it is not a list of what you will suffer from during withdrawal. You are unlikely to experience more than a few of these symptoms during withdrawal, and may experience none at all. Some of these withdrawal effects are reported from anecdotal evidence and may be spurious. All of these symptoms can have causes other than withdrawal from benzodiazepines. It is important for you to discuss any new symptoms with your doctor.

Most CommonPhysical:

Muscle pain





Less CommonPhysical:

Gastrointestinal problems (may include abdominal pain or cramps, and distension)

Visual disturbances (blurred vision, hypersensitivity to light, seeing spots, sore eyes, dry eyes)

Headaches (may include feelings of tightness in head)

Flu-like symptoms (fatigue, lethargy, weakness)


Pain in neck and shoulders, teeth and jaw

Limbs feel heavy

Balance problems, dizziness, unsteadiness, loss of coordination


Feelings of tightness in chest, breathing difficulties, palpations, inner trembling


Phobias (most common are agoraphobia, social phobia, and the fear of going mad)

Panic attacks

Rapid mood swings

Restlessness, jumpiness

Loss of memory, trouble concentrating



Derealisation (feelings of unreality, changes in perception)

Least commonPhysical:

Changes in appetite, weight gain or loss

Constipation, diarrhoea, vomiting

Difficulty swallowing, increased saliva, loss of taste or metallic taste, sore mouth and tongue, dry mouth

Craving of sweet foods

Tinnitus (ringing in ears)

Menstrual changes

Changes in libido

Urinary problems (frequency, urgency)

Skin rashes, itchy skin, dry skin, slow healing of wounds

Painful scalp

Feelings of 'pins and needles' , tingling or numbness in arms, legs, face or trunk

Hypersensitivity to sounds


Speech difficulties

Rapid changes in body temperature


Depersonalisation (feeling like you don't know who you are)


Feeling suddenly aggressive or full of rage


Intrusive thoughts or memories

Morbid thoughts, suicidal thoughts

Unusually sensitive (such as to reading or watching news stories)


Edited by [Th...]
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