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18 minutes ago, [[n...] said:

Hi dut, I do think what your experiencing is due to residual withdrawal. I could be wrong but withdrawal symptoms can last for awhile. I think Mary is spot on with exposure.  Keep going, keep going. Go to stores,  confront your fears. I do this, it's difficult but it helps and im finding that it's easier each time. It's when I don't get out enough that my symptoms get worse and Rev up! Exposure is confronting fear, just walking into a store and looking straight on and walking forward is just the beginning of a brighter future. Then gradually look around, hear the sounds, relax, breath and continue on. If u get nervous or anxious, remind yourself that you are safe, your uncomfortable but your ok. I tell myself this everytime I go anywhere, even at home when my symptoms are on high. 

Practice this Dut, I'm safe, I'm uncomfortable but I'm ok! Keep going, your doing great! Remember to breath, slow, in your nose out your mouth, relax your shoulders, let down your guard and have confidence in your ability to get thru anything you set your mind to!

Take care, I know u can do this!


Also, yes the antidepressants could also be causing some of your symptoms as well. Oregonlady mentioned tolerance and you could be experiencing that too. Is there some reason your doctor put u on both of those?


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1 minute ago, [[n...] said:

Dut you mentioned you had anxiety before. Benzo make anxiety worse, at least that's the consensus. And beno withdrawal causes more anxiety. I had anxiety prior to taking benzo and it only got worse during and after I started tapering. 

It sounds like your mostly having anxiety on a daily basis. I am too. 

Maybe it's time to work on resolving the anxiety.  I watch trey Jones anxiety on YouTube,  he's really really good! He had extreme anxiety including health anxiety,  addiction, just many issues. He recovered and helps many with the same kinds if issue. He's kinda fun to watch, and he tells it like it is. I wouldn't subscribe to hi boot camp.lol, but you can really learn from him I think.

Ck him ok, I think you'll like him


And remember, anxiety is also in the gut. We get most of our serotonin from our gut so diet is really important 


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1 hour ago, [[n...] said:

Dut you mentioned you had anxiety before. Benzo make anxiety worse, at least that's the consensus. And beno withdrawal causes more anxiety. I had anxiety prior to taking benzo and it only got worse during and after I started tapering. 

It sounds like your mostly having anxiety on a daily basis. I am too. 

Maybe it's time to work on resolving the anxiety.  I watch trey Jones anxiety on YouTube,  he's really really good! He had extreme anxiety including health anxiety and other anxiety related issues. He recovered completely and helps many with the same kinds if issues. He's kinda fun to watch, and he tells it like it is. I wouldn't subscribe to his boot camp.lol, but you can really learn from him, at least i have, I think you could to

Ck him out ok, I think you'll like him



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On 26/02/2024 at 17:05, [[o...] said:

Do you have Windows/good days? More or less of those since you finished the drug?

Never had a window 


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One of my best coping techniques is just to get in my favorite comfy chair and just listen to one of my Ambience videos.  No music type ambience, some "tones" rake on my brain so for me, mainly falling rain, light winds, and a light crackling fireplace.  It really only takes a few minutes for me but I'll sit there for probably 30. 

Maybe this one won't appeal to some but if I just break down and cry for a bit, then maybe a nap, or hot bath with Epsom Salt and a couple of Essential Oils like sandlewood, eucalyptus, pepperment, lemongrass.

I guess I really am into being kind and gentle to myself.  Many of us don't get that, or haven't gotten that from others so for lots of years I was not kind to myself. There are still times when I am downright mean to myself with awful "self talk".  Those are when I'm in worst anxiety and more emotional pain.  I believe my brain/thoughts can make me hurt more, and even cause me to be physically ill, or just worse wd sxs, oregonlady

PS Please understand this above is just for me personally, I would never tell anyone they are causing their own physical pain, or emotional.  This is only my own experience I speak of.

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Wd Sxs, imo, magnify everything, especially things like anxiety, which I feel anxiety is something normal for the human body to have.  A fleeting thought in my head can cause sweating, increased tremor, and that whole fight or flight business.



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@[or...], you make some great points. I rely on a guided meditation app (Insight Timer) to help me fall asleep. If you pick the right ones, they are relaxing and I believe benefit our poor brains. That same app has lots of ambient sounds, binaural tones, etc. All free.

Then there's the simple but always available deep breathing. A longer exhale than inhale (like 4 in, 8 out) has been proven to positively affect the sympathetic nervous system and calm us down.

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28 minutes ago, [[A...] said:

@[or...], you make some great points. I rely on a guided meditation app (Insight Timer) to help me fall asleep. If you pick the right ones, they are relaxing and I believe benefit our poor brains. That same app has lots of ambient sounds, binaural tones, etc. All free.

Then there's the simple but always available deep breathing. A longer exhale than inhale (like 4 in, 8 out) has been proven to positively affect the sympathetic nervous system and calm us down.

I do the deep-breathing one, and it does work, but I only found out when I had to go #2 and couldn't. I then tried it and voila!

I'll look up your app, I would like to try it, I'm Android user but Playstore may have it, thank @[Ad...], oregonlady:hug:

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@[or...]Glad you got it! There must be hundreds of useful things on that app. I use them every night to fall asleep and sometimes again at 3 AM when I almost always wake up. I have a out 20 good ones bookmarked.


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