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Looking for advice/5 Weeks off tEmAzEpAm


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So a brief summary about my situation. Last summer I started taking Z-Quil pretty much everyday for about three months then one day it stopped working. I didn't know that it was a bad thing to take considering it was just an OTC sleep aid. I went days without sleep and went to the Drs where they prescribed me hydroxyzine and doxepin for sleep that didn't work. After 5 days of no sleep I was prescribed Ambien and Lorazepam. I took those for about 4 days and was then put on seroquel and got off of it after about two weeks. I was put on trazadone, mirtazapine that didnt seem to work. I also just hated how I felt being on them. I was eventually prescribed 22.5 mgs temazepam and 600 mgs of gabapentin along with 10 mg dayvigo. That seemed to do the trick  I was averaging at least 5 hours of sleep at night. I started working with a naturpathic Dr that helped me get off of the temazepam in about a 3.5 week taper and started tapering gabapentin about a week after off of temazepam. I currently am taking 10mg Dayvigo and 50-75mg of hydroxyzine for sleep. I have been on hydroxyzine for three weeks now and I feel stuck on the taper process. I feel like I wont sleep at all if I go down below 50 mgs and I am also scared that I am putting my recovery back. Should I just C/T Dayvigo and hydroxyzine would this be the best way to get back to sleeping naturally or would that also put me back. I am so scared to go without sleep for a week or more and I am already so fatigued and I am scared I wont be mentally strong enough to weather through this storm. Any advice on the way forward for me would be greatly appreciated. I am also taking natural supplements to help with sleep. I get so tired at night but i never transition to sleep. i just want my life back and im trying to fiqure out the best way to get back there. Again any advice is greatly appreciated.

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All sleep drugs, even OTC, should only be taken for 2-4 weeks maximum.  All drugs eventually stop working for almost all people given enough time.  Not sleeping is scary and many on this forum had severe insomnia.  I went 5 nights in a row with no perceived sleep after doing a CT from 3mg of Klonopin and 30mg of Temazepam.  I thought sleep would never return and that I was stuck for life.  NOT true.  It took about 10 months for my sleep to even out.  I felt completely healed by month 24 off.  I started getting some sleep most nights somewhere between month 9 and 10 off.  I'd read the post below:  It should answer most, if not all of your insomnia related questions.  Plus even though I didn't taper your taper was way too fast. 22.5mg in 3.5 weeks is almost a CT (Cold Turkey).  Ashton recommends no more than 10% of your current dose every 2 weeks or so.


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1 hour ago, [[T...] said:

All sleep drugs, even OTC, should only be taken for 2-4 weeks maximum.  All drugs eventually stop working for almost all people given enough time.  Not sleeping is scary and many on this forum had severe insomnia.  I went 5 nights in a row with no perceived sleep after doing a CT from 3mg of Klonopin and 30mg of Temazepam.  I thought sleep would never return and that I was stuck for life.  NOT true.  It took about 10 months for my sleep to even out.  I felt completely healed by month 24 off.  I started getting some sleep most nights somewhere between month 9 and 10 off.  I'd read the post below:  It should answer most, if not all of your insomnia related questions.  Plus even though I didn't taper your taper was way too fast. 22.5mg in 3.5 weeks is almost a CT (Cold Turkey).  Ashton recommends no more than 10% of your current dose every 2 weeks or so.

I appreciate the feedback and response. I thought since I only did two months that my taper was sufficient. I was sleeping mostly during the taper as well. I thought I was good to go and I wanted off of gabapentin too. Do you think I should cut out the hydroxyzine and dayvigo. Am I just prolonging my insomnia? 

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Well I cut out dAyViGo and hYdRoXyZiNe last night. I felt comfortable C/T the dAyViGo becasue it is not known to have any W/D. Hydroxyizne has only been in use for three weeks at around 50-75 mgs a night. I only took the natural supplements my naturpathic Dr told me to take and I actually fell asleep. It wasn't long sleep but it was sleep without "meds". I slept for about 3 hours is my guess. Sleep deprivation makes you forget things but I know I slept. When I woke up I went to the bathroom in hopes it would help me go back to sleep but unfortunately it did not. I pretty much paced around my apartment due to extreme anxiety. I don't think this is anxiety from being off the tEmAzEpAm and GaPaPeNtIn because those anxiety waves were a lot worse than what I was experiencing last night. Either way I am hopeful to fall asleep again tonight for a little bit. If I can get a solid four hours of sleep each night I think I would be in great shape with all things considered. I have had some anxiety waves today and I am thinking that's because I cut out the hYdRoXyZiNe.

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