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I get really tense painful jaw, tense shoulders, blocks in the neck that are super painful


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Hello hello. 

I'd love to have a chat with people who also get muscle tension and pain, especially when they've been trying to get out of their comfort zone and have been either exercising or have gone out etc. Then I'd get hit by a wave of muscle tension in the neck/shoulders / back that often results in pain that kind of immobilises me for a day or two. It's not only frustrating, it's discoureaging. I feel like doing things actively is not working in my favour and these pains will just keep on getting between me and my expansion. I get the worst of the pain after a tricky night, particularly the jaw, it clenches during the nights, but the nights sadly are a lottery. There's no magic formulae, to my great disappointment. God knows I've tried to see patterns and to increase my chances. It is a lottery. 

Anyone going through withdrawal symptoms of the sort, who would have some tips, wisdom to share on this? I feel really down when I can't attend the stuff I'd planned to, also. It really gets me down. Feel guilty and shame. 


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I had similar symptoms during my withdrawal.  Clenched jaw along neck and should pain, muscle twitching, burning skin, inner vibrations, etc., etc.  You are correct, there is no "magic formula" or any sort of rhyme or reason for symptoms.  Trying to connect the dots is futile IMO.  Withdrawal is unique to everyone and it is what it is and ends when it ends.

The best advice I can offer is to show gratitude for any and all improvement no matter how small.  Don't make other people's healing and recovery timeline your timeline.  ACCEPT that withdrawal will last as long as it will last for you and that length of time is different for almost everyone, but most people see some relief around 12 to 18 months off and some sooner and some later.  That doesn't mean your withdrawal, symptoms and symptom intensity are horrible the entire time and then things get better overnight.  It's a slow, nonlinear process that seems like 1 step forward and 3 steps back at times.

How long have you been off?  Or are you still tapering?

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Hi thanks for your reply @[Th...] I'm still tapering. It feels like it's been going on forever. I've stopped so many meds since 2020 and yet I'm still there, tapering of the tiniest dose of Quetiapine and I just want to throw it all away. I'm also still taking valium, that is also gonna take time to stop. It feels endless and I'm seriously... Depressed about it today. I don't want to rush myself but I also feel like my life is passing me by, like pain is almost a constant and it's been going on for so long I forget how it feels to just be OK one day after another. I'm so happy when I get a few days of energy and I had OK sleep, that I can read and talk to people, and go out and be "myself"... and then it just comes back with a vengeance, so the shit nights, the jaw and teeth hurting, the scalp and skin itching and burning it and makes me feel like that bit of relief and "I'm OK now" was just a... Lie. 

I don't feel like this all the time, most times I'm feeling more optimistic nowadays, I can sort of see myself without these drugs, I can imagine a life that's better and beyond all that, where I'm not suffering so much. 

I just... Can't today. 

I'm terrified often with the jaw clench, with how it clicks and hurts when I stretch it that it'll cause damage that I won't be able to mend. I know it's unlikely. I know what is likely is that everything I feel will dissipate over time and with care, compassion and patience but f*ck. I'm really not okay today. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Eliz - I’m in the process of reducing my Lorazepam and have begun to notice muscle aches in my neck and shoulders. 
Additionally I’m struggling with periodic anxiety which is quite unpleasant.

I hope you feel better soon. 

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