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Hello everyone. As some know I got 10 hours of sleep last night. A little broken up for bathroom but a welcomed change. The PDoc upped my clonidine to 3, .1 pills at bedtime still with the .5mg Klonopin. I had not had 5 minutes of sleep in the last 3 days. So whatever the reason, I’ll take it. The plan is to start and taper back down off the .5 mg Klonopin this weekend very slowly with the hopes that the clonidine will increase its properties. Thanks always to everyone checking on me. Some things about clonidine. It’s a BP med being used off label for anxiety and PTSD. It gets you very tired, fatigued, kinda out of it especially a couple hours after the does. Agility, cognitive are a bit off, BUT they seem to improve as the days go by. Now starting day 6. So forgive any grammar, spelling or repeated stuff. I’M already old also, so I have the card.:smitten:  

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I'm so glad you are feeling better as well.  When I wake up at night, I always figure I might as well go to the bathroom :) because if I lay there awake  I'll have to get up eventually anyway:heybabe: oregonlady :balloon:

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@[Ol...] , good to hear you got in a little relief from the sleep friend. Sleep is critical for both our physical and mental health. It is 1/3 of what I consider the big 3 good health drivers = diet, exercise, and sleep. I always feel better a a good night of decent sleep. Also, glad to see your renewed interest in trying to slowly taper off the Klonopin. 👍  

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@[An...] my success has been short lived. 3 Clonidines an a .5 Klonopin, exactly the same as the night before and here I am wide awake with zero sleep. Seems to be a pattern now. 2-3 days and then I crash into sleep. Anther 2-3 and the same. You should have seem the cluster at the CVS. Dr. calls in Risperidone, 1mg. He is using it for sleep. CVS calls and tells me it’s ready. I go and they tell me it’s not. They say they had one but was out of date and could not give it to me. It will be in Thursday noon. I call my both doctors and tell them. I get a text it’s in. Go back Thursday and they have TWO prescriptions. One for the Risperidone and one for Seroquel. I question it and they say the doctor called Bothe in. Both had his name on them. So long story short when the doctor found out they didn’t have the Risperidone he called in the Seroquel and no one updated me. So it seemed like the doctor wanted me to take both. Imagine some poor soul who had no knowledge of these meds and dis take them both. 

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 @[Ol...], sorry to hear about the disruptive sleep again. As I was reading what you wrote, I wondered why would the doc write a script for two APs to be used off-label for sleep? I have seen a few ppl on multiple benzos but it is rare. Is the Clonidine at least helping the high BP?

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@[An...]So the doc said that when he found out the CVS was out of stock on the Risperidone he called and put in the Seroquel. CVS never canceled the Risperidone and filled both and gave them to me saying “the doctor wrote both". I didn’t take anything. Have an appointment tomorrow. The clonidine is helping with the BP and it has a very different anti-anxiety property. Very calming. My wife made a notice how extra calm I seemed. BUT, he doesn’t let you sleep. Groggy, fatigued but no sleep/sleep. This is a mystery without any clues yet. ONLY that I went in for kidney stone surgery and came out a BP and extreme anxiety mess.

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Hello @[Ol...].  Just double-checking … 

Are you aware that clonidine should not be stopped abruptly (i.e. it should be gradually tapered)?  Per its FDA drug label: 

“Sudden cessation of clonidine treatment has, in some cases, resulted in symptoms such as nervousness, agitation, headache, and tremor accompanied or followed by a rapid rise in blood pressure and elevated catecholamine concentrations in the plasma.”


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Hi @[Ol...], I've been dealing with lack of sleep, and had a good night last night, can't see any difference in my routines, or foods, but I really believe this is all the wd process from the benzo I took for so long, and even at just 1 mg I've had some struggles, enough to send me into crying-fits and wondering is it worth.  When I get a window, it's so worth it because I feel so stable and as I walk on through this wd, and tapering I get more and more windows.

I also do regular exercise, at the least, walks around the neighborhood, and more when I do a little resistance-band workout.  I also eat a very low-carb diet, and it's, I'm sure, made such a difference for me in my wd sxs.

I had a bout of high BP and they wanted me on some med and I wouldn't take it, I kept eating right (for me) and moving my body.  I also learned that watching too much TV was disturbing my sleep.  I'm no doctor, this is just my experience.  I don't take other meds, at 71 this month, but I do believe in getting my proteins, healthy fats, and few carbs.  Some can eat more carbs than I do, but I was diagnosed with T2 Diabetes in 2019 and that's when I started Keto.

I now remain in "normal" HbA1c's, as well as very occasional self-tests at home.  If you want to know more about any of this, please don't hesitate to ask.  Oh, I also lost 30 lbs of ugly fat ;) and have not gained in back in 3 years, and no high BP at all.  It's tempting for me to take a pill, but the harder way to health is so rewarding, and not taking another pill to fix what another pill is doing to me,

oregonlady PS Sorry about the ramble but I get very passionate about what I proved for myself in the importance of what I put in my body, and how I get out of my recliner ;) hope and encouragement coming your way :hug:

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4 hours ago, [[L...] said:

Hello @[Ol...].  Just double-checking … 

Are you aware that clonidine should not be stopped abruptly (i.e. it should be gradually tapered)?  Per its FDA drug label: 

“Sudden cessation of clonidine treatment has, in some cases, resulted in symptoms such as nervousness, agitation, headache, and tremor accompanied or followed by a rapid rise in blood pressure and elevated catecholamine concentrations in the plasma.”

@[Li...]Yes I am aware of the need to back off by tampering Clonidine Thank you for you good thoughts and caring.

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Sadly I have hit my lowest point and day since 12/7/2023. I am totally at a loss and waiting for a video consultation with my Pdoc. I told my beautiful, and caring wife no walk today. But then, I did get my rear end up, shaved and deodorized. Brushed my teeth and combed my hair and sis a half distance walk. 

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Excellent OSBF, we gotta grab every minute we can actually feel good, some doesn't last long, but I love taking advantage of even the tiniest of windows :) so glad you are not alone in having a wonderful wife to support you in your walk.  I'm sure you support her right back :) oregonlady :hug:hugs for both of you!

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On 22/12/2023 at 03:14, [[A...] said:

 @[Ol...], sorry to hear about the disruptive sleep again. As I was reading what you wrote, I wondered why would the doc write a script for two APs to be used off-label for sleep? I have seen a few ppl on multiple benzos but it is rare. Is the Clonidine at least helping the high BP?

A total screw up by both CVS and the dr.. My PDoc is now in charge of ALL prescriptions. We are using 75mg of the Seroquel, on a short term basis for sleep. Going onto the Zoloft to control the anxiety, panic & PTSD that has reared its head again after many years. That rearing he believes was due to the surge of drugs and surgery. It triggered my CNS and PTSD. Tapering off the .5mg Klonopin within a week to two. Only took the Klonopin for 8 days.

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