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New here - coffee enema?


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Hi everyone,

I'm new here. I have a 6 mo old baby and just started back at work. I got on klonopin after a major Insomnia episode with an awful experience with seroquel I ended up taking ativan to sleep to get any reprieve from my anxiety. 

I went to an out paitent psyc program at 1 mg ativan -> .5 klonopin-> 2 K by the end when I realized I was having memory issues and worsening depression. 

We tried to use it to get on AD (zoloft (dp/dr) and then prozac (too activing), remeron (si)) without success and now I'm tapering. I've made it 25% this Sat from 2mg to 1.5 mg in about a month - doing 10% right now. Planning for TMS once I'm down to 1 mg.

I'm also taking neuro calm, an adrenal supplement, tons of b vitamins, passionflower, etc. I'd take propranolol but I'm still BF which is honestly what keeps me feeling connected to my baby

Right now im taking 1 mg of lexapro to help with the worsening depression and anxiety. This stuff is making me so depressed what the heck!

My ask, has anyone here tried coffee enemas to cleanse their livers? 




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Welcome @[...], I'm glad you found this forum, I hadn't found a safe way to get off Clonazepam until I got here, and found people that really care, and have lots of experience with symptoms in withdrawal, tapering methods, and success stories after finishing their tapers.

I just want to welcome you at this point as you'll get more folks chiming in that know much more about your situation.  Just know that you will get help here, and meet folks that have had very similar experience as you are having, don't be shy to ask more questions and especially if you are up to it, read some of the success stories, and the Withdrawal & Tapering boards as well.

Here's a couple of links that might help until more folks chime in, they'll be here, sending hope and encouragement, oregonlady :hug:




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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm no doctor but why on earth putting coffey up your butt? 

I mean what's the positive effect compare to drinking it?

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It's not toxins in the liver that are causing withdrawal symptoms!  Benzos don't create toxins per se, but down-regulate GABA receptors (that are part of the Central Nervous System).  Think of GABA as your body's brake pedal.  It slows down nervous system function and makes you calm, even relaxed.  Glutamate on the other hand is your body's gas pedal or what makes you active and alert or even fight or flight.  Normally GABA and Glutamate receptors are in a "balancing" act so one doesn't overpower the other; however, Benzos temporarily take GABA offline, hence withdrawal and symptoms.  

Unfortunately there are no ways over, under or around symptoms.  Some people claim to get symptom intensity relief from certain Rx or OTC or natural supplements, but that is not generally the case for most people.  

TIME is the healer.  Your body knows how to undue the temporary damage to GABA receptors!

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I guess that coffe enema would be aimed tô the gut microbiome, aside any kind of detox




I dont get this professionals, your insomnia would probably get better on it's own, why not reccomend  vaping some weed or a sips of wine, instead of prescribing a neuroleptic anti-psychotic drug? or why not recommending the buch of other stuff for sleep that usually people cant take anymore after being harmed by benzodiazepines(not everyone) Lemon balm from Nootropics depot, astraulagoside IV,  (something like that) saffron extract are a few that comes to my mind.  But then they caused you harm by prescribing an anti-psychotic then got you on benzodiazepines and antidepressants, criminals.


TMS is not free of risks, you are undergoing an neurological event,  harm from prescribed psychotropic drugs, Imo taper slowly and thats it.


Stuff that affects inflammation could work, nimodipine is one that i saw people taking while withdrawing, pioglitazone is good for overall neuroinflammation


Idk about BF and honesty, i feel like its not ok to BF while taking benzodiazepínes and whatever other the above mentioned drugs, specially psychotropic drugs that you're tapering.

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Personally, I think things like coffee enemas are potentially dangerous and offer little to no health benefits. I would never consider doing this myself.

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