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Sleep apnea


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Good day all, 

I know everyone has enough health anxiety as it is, but I’d like to share what I just discovered. 
I have been struggling every morning with POTS exacerbation, shortness of breath, and really feeling like I’m dying. I was waking up in the middle of the night gasping for air in the  with severe brain fog during the day. i will say though i can contribute some fog to my anxiety. It’s been a 4 month process but I will be getting my CPAP soon. My in person sleep study showed that I have a movement disorder (RLS) which I feel like I’ve always had as it’s soothing to me and my oxygen drops to the low 80s high 70s and I stop breathing on average 9 times an hour. 

I have been chasing so many things and spending so much money with functional medicine to no avail. The pulmonologist and I believe that this will help tremendously with my heart palpitations. Now if they could only get my reactive hypoglycemia under control. One thing at a time though I suppose. 
thankful that I am believed and not all that crazy (slightly 😂). Thankfully there’s treatment and I can start to reverse the damage to my brain and body from lack of oxygen. 
I must add, I have several family memes with it, have dysautonomia, and I am overweight though I’ve lost 38lbs in 6months which is not enough. 

I urge anyone who snores wildly and feels awful in the morning to ask for screening. Should’ve known years ago when my husband needed earplugs to sleep next me at night. 😂 

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Sleep apnea really can cause problems, like palpitations.  Its tough but I try to use it every night. A couple nights a week I might not, just to give myself a mental break from using it.  It has helped my PVCs and migraines.

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it's quite incredible how sleep apnea impacts the body. Definitely beneficial to health to use it. It does look uncomfortable, though  :-(

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Sorry you have this problem. And thank you for sharing your experience and the importance of getting a proper sleep study.

My father had sleep apnea and I know that a CPAP machine can be life-changing for those with sleep-related issues. He also used an oxymeter to monitor oxygen levels (I should say, the Vitality Medical reviews turned out to be helpful here).

It's great that you're taking steps towards improvement and addressing your health concerns. Hope you will be fine!

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