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Urgent help needed


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I need help today. Nearly a year now still not sleeping properly. Scary stomach issues. Can’t feel my gut anymore. Pelvic pain and a host of other sxs which now appear permanent.

I am now thinking the unthinkable. Please someone help me pleeeease!


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Sorry you are struggling.     Try to remind yourself that these symptoms are part of the healing process.     I know it is hard when you are are still symptomatic after a year, but you will eventually heal.

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The symptoms are NOT permanent.  They only feel like they are and your brain will go to the utter most negative to get you to believe that.  A lot of people see some relief around a year off and many see significant relief around 18 months off.  Some take less time, some take more time, but your symptoms will slowly fade and end over time.  If I had $1 for every time I thought I was permanently broken and would not heal, I would have literally been a millionaire.  Hang in there, a window could be just around the corner.

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18 hours ago, [[T...] said:

The symptoms are NOT permanent.  They only feel like they are and your brain will go to the utter most negative to get you to believe that.  A lot of people see some relief around a year off and many see significant relief around 18 months off.  Some take less time, some take more time, but your symptoms will slowly fade and end over time.  If I had $1 for every time I thought I was permanently broken and would not heal, I would have literally been a millionaire.  Hang in there, a window could be just around the corner.


18 hours ago, [[d...] said:

Sorry you are struggling.     Try to remind yourself that these symptoms are part of the healing process.     I know it is hard when you are are still symptomatic after a year, but you will eventually heal.

Thank you so much. I saw a psychiatrist yesterday who wanted to put me on setraline. He of course claimed all my sxs were in my head and due to depression.

the lack of knowledge about w/d even in the medical field is shocking.

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In the US over 95% of doctors don't understand nor acknowledge Benzo Withdrawal as being legit.  I was told by at least 5 different MDs and a psychiatrist that all of my symptoms were in my head and that I had several psychological disorders.  They wanted to put me on an AD too, but I refused.  ALL of my symptoms went away over time without taking any more Rx drugs proving they were ALL completely wrong.  Zoloft aka Sertraline could possibly have it's own withdrawal?  Good luck.

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