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Health anxiety - Hypohondria


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I've had health anxiety for years, it started manifesting physically at some points.


Has anyone dealed with it and maybe won against it. Im tapering off benzos, im probably lucky i took them chaotically and not too much just when really needed, and the symptoms are bad for me because my health anxiety doubles them atleast. 


2.5mg diazepam currently


I have days when i feel nice then for example today i drank a coffe and i feel miserable had to lay down, Ive even knew its a bad idea to drink one, but I missed it a bit.. i know the coffe makes me.worse but the fear of the effects is what makes it even more worse..

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Unfortunately, benzo withdrawal can heighten your pre-existing health anxiety.       Can you tell me a little more about your taper?   Did you start taking benzos for health anxiety?   

It sounds like you are able to recognize the health anxiety is worse because of withdrawal.  That is a good thing!!!   

Once you have successfully discontinued diazepam, your health anxiety will most likely calm down a bit.   Since it is something that was pre-existing before benzo usage, it will probably still be there and you will need to find a way to deal with that other than benzos.    


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2 hours ago, [[d...] said:

Unfortunately, benzo withdrawal can heighten your pre-existing health anxiety.       Can you tell me a little more about your taper?   Did you start taking benzos for health anxiety?   

It sounds like you are able to recognize the health anxiety is worse because of withdrawal.  That is a good thing!!!   

Once you have successfully discontinued diazepam, your health anxiety will most likely calm down a bit.   Since it is something that was pre-existing before benzo usage, it will probably still be there and you will need to find a way to deal with that other than benzos.    

Hello, I was chaotically using aloprazolam and diazepam since last december. I was perscribed alprazolam for some time and bromazepam to use only when necessary for stress reasons, because i did all.body checks and im still feeling sick, it was physical symptoms of stress and amxiety

. Bromazepam was too strong for me. Alprazolam made me quickly feel bad. Since i had once gotten diazepam for back pain to relax the muscles i tried diazepam and it worked good, so i used it mostly instead of bromazepam.


I used it maybe 1-3 time weekly. Something skipping a whole week. It was chaotic usage. I noticed strong agoraphobia and diziness happening. Me being anxious about it boosted it also. I stopped using everything on last saturday cold turkey thinking it will help me recover if i detox from everything and focus on sport activities, and on wednesday i had my worst panics and symptoms ever. I came here and made a taper of 2.5mg diazepam per day. And im more stabilized. Im only a bit scared im not sure if my diziness is because of withdrawal or neck issues or something else. Since my.job is a desk job.. today i worked out some old exercises i know for back shoulders and neck, they helped also. 


What do you think should i try to cut faster to a lower dose? I was told.to follow my symptoms.. but since im not sure is this diazepam related or what it is.. (im mostly unsure because i feel what if im not addicted yet, maybe this taper i started will make me addicted, but on the otherside it might be ok because im on a low dose..)


As you can see my mind is chaotic, and im unsure what is wrong with me. And i spent a month last year visiting the doctors even had the bulb in the stomach, worst experience ever haha, did all the checks. In the end i have anxiety. Im not really liking the idea of doing it again to be told in the end i have stress..


May you be nice to explain how this taper works. As far as i know my.body will get used to this dose and want more to feel ok? But i cut down when it wants more? Seems counterintuitive to me. Or does it stabilize after some time.at this dose i should feel okay, and then when I lower it ill get again symptoms amd fight until they are gone and so on..


Sorry for the long rant, im new

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