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Sick at six months


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I’m beyond sick everyday it’s been this way since CT in April 

and everyday I’m sick I can’t function I’m noe giving stuff away because I can’t even think of a future my eyes are so bad nausea thirsty it’s attacked my immune system I have  spasms and gastroparesis I never had this before holding on isntcan option I’m in so much pain also sad just so sad I’m 50 and done

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No wonder you feel awfull. Its almost never a good idea to cold turkey a psych med. I dont know your story, did you cold turkey yourself? Or was it your doctor who did it? You are not done, and you will eventually feel good again, although it might take awhile. I can see on your post that you are in alot of pain. But your cns is going out of wack, do to the cold turkey. All I can say to you is that you will recover.

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It will most likely take more than 6 months, but at some point you'll start to get minutes, then hours, then days of feeling normal again.  Eventually you'll heal. It only seems permanent, but it's not. Hang in there.

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I do hope so I’m so sick and yes I did cold Turkey no other option I was having intermittent withdrawals now I have gastroparesis and no water in my body at all my whole body hurts I’m actually giving things away and thinking this may be it for more me my eyes are very bad to and I’m basically house bound 

very bad headaches dizziness the rehab gave me high dose of Ativan for seven days then cut me off and sent me out I’ve felt aweful everyday since Aoril I’m saying goodbyes to people I feel like I’m going to pass


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello @[An...],  I did one CT and that only lasted at most 5 days because I didn't refill my 'script.  I really was ignorant as to the Clonazepam I was put on would be addictive.  I'd taken it for about 10  years at the time I CT'd.  So I have no real experience except that I went through being some sort of zombie and my heart goes out to you for the suffering you are experiencing :( 

You say your body is lacking water, are you not able to drink water to try and at least remedy that?  Are you under a doctors care so that they could at least put liquids into your body through IV?  I didn't read all your posts, but I will when I'm done posting this.  I can tell you that I read and/or listen to a lot of online doctors as my choice of MD's is not possible where I live.  My MD is not familiar with the effects of long-time (not even 2 weeks use) use of a benzo.  So I have to do my own research.

Here on BB there are a lot of folks that share their experience, but I like to look into any information I can find on the internet as well.  You can get a lot of conflicting information, so we have to make our own choices what we feel is right for us.  Like this site is famous for saying, we are all different, except in our battles with getting off benzos.  I would just close this note by saying, don't give up before the miracle.  Also, the Long-haulers "board" is for folks that are off the benzos and you might get more info there.  Here's the link to them, Denise :smitten::hug:https://benzobuddies.org/forum/137-topics/

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On 16/09/2023 at 22:40, [[A...] said:

I’m beyond sick everyday it’s been this way since CT in April 

and everyday I’m sick I can’t function I’m noe giving stuff away because I can’t even think of a future my eyes are so bad nausea thirsty it’s attacked my immune system I have  spasms and gastroparesis I never had this before holding on isntcan option I’m in so much pain also sad just so sad I’m 50 and done

Have you had any windows at all since the CT in April?

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On 17/09/2023 at 14:07, [[T...] said:

It will most likely take more than 6 months, but at some point you'll start to get minutes, then hours, then days of feeling normal again.  Eventually you'll heal. It only seems permanent, but it's not. Hang in there.

I truly believe this because I've heard it from those that went through awful wd sxs and came out the other side.  Thanks for this @[Th...]:hug:

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