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Nobody’s ever had symptoms like this


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Me, too.  Today I've been feeling those symptoms you mention especially intense.

Heart tightening and racing vibrations throughout my body.  Fearful thoughts and terrified mental state.

I'm so sorry we have to endure this.  I'll be thinking of you and sending prayers.

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Unfortunately everything you're both experiencing is "normal" coming off of Benzos.  Fear, anxiety, looping (intrusive) thoughts, racing heart, vibrations, etc. are all fairly "typical" symptoms. I had most of these too.  They all went away given enough time.  Time will heal you.  If you have faith, that helps too.  

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I do experiencing this specially after came off from benzo or tampering. Everything seem to be fearful to you !

You seem to have lost your common sense . Try to stay calm, this is normal part of the process.

If you're too stressful/ anxious will make it even worst. Time will heal, please be nice to yourself .

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Hey there. I know it feels the absolute worst right now. But I can tell you it does get better. I had the worst symptoms ever when I had a setback from steroids. The worst. My symptoms were everything you can imagine and then 1 million times worse than that. I have improved significantly. Significantly! You are going to make it through this. You just have to find a good distraction and be strong. You will make it!

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Hi All,

I've been in this state for over a year now...from the time I get up until I take my evening dose...often times even after my evening dose.  This started for me as soon as I started my taper.  Too rapid on the onset and other complications.

I know exactly how you are feeling, Gonzo.  I am in it now...internal vibrations, terror, extreme agitation, intrusive thoughts.  We had a thunderstorm today.  I used to love thunderstorms.  I was in terror during it.  And, I will go back to loving thunderstorms once this 'storm' is over.

What I try to do the very best I can is to distract.  I do anything I can.  I very rarely stay in one room for very long as I am in a constant state of needing to keep my brain occupied by change.  Coming on here is a 'change' for me once in a while when I can do it.  I'm still in here...and, if I can keep my mind on something other than myself and my thoughts/fears, I can access myself again.  Not my full self, but a good part of myself.

I honestly don't know how I do this...but, I know why I do it.  I do it because I need to just get through each day to get myself to the other side of this.  It is very much like living in a nightmare...and, I do get small reprieves...and, when I do, even if only for a few minutes, I can see exactly what is happening, and I KNOW it is not me, the thoughts are not generated by 'me', and I can see clearly that my NS takes over and sends me into an alternate reality for the most part of my day...and, then I go into it again.

So, I hope this brings you even a small amount of comfort...yes, many are having symptoms like this.  Many, many.  And, when we are like this, depending on the degree in the moment, we are just not able to be reassured.  And, it's not because we are not reasonable and logical...it's because physically/chemically, it is just not a capability.  And, we have to accept that for now...for now.  Not forever.  

Mental symptoms...they are, in my opinion, the soul-sucking symptoms.  But, they are not real.  They are the nastiest lies you will ever think/feel.  As Rainbow5555 has said...we do lose our common sense as we are off-line.  Hell...even when we were healthy, common sense is not all that 'common'!  When we are moving through this, we have to accept that this is happening, and get through it the very best we can because this is not who we are...this is only what we are experiencing now.





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No, things aren’t getting better.  I’m scared to stand on the Earth.  Scared to type this.  I don’t want this anymore.  I want it to all go away. 

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1 hour ago, [[G...] said:

No, things aren’t getting better.  I’m scared to stand on the Earth.  Scared to type this.  I don’t want this anymore.  I want it to all go away. 

Remember when you and I talked about some of the improvements you've noticed since those first days, you actually came up with a few.  It feels to me like you're following in my footsteps, I couldn't recognize any improvement either, I wished I would have kept a log of my symptoms and their severity so I could see in black and white I was.  My suggestion to you is to do this, stop believing the lies the drug is telling you and turn your thinking around because its hurting you.  The more you obsess and stress, the worse you're going to feel.  Time to tame this beast because you're the only one who can! :boxer:

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I am in the same boat since September last year. Every day/hour is a struggle. When I get some sleep, it’s accompanied with some vivid dreams, or nightmares. I feel your pain. I wish I had some great advice, but I do not. 

Dave aka @[no...] has given me a ray of hope that I am holding on to. 


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On 7/24/2023 at 11:43 AM, [[T...] said:

Unfortunately everything you're both experiencing is "normal" coming off of Benzos.  Fear, anxiety, looping (intrusive) thoughts, racing heart, vibrations, etc. are all fairly "typical" symptoms. I had most of these too.  They all went away given enough time.  Time will heal you.  If you have faith, that helps too.  

This fear is getting much worse.  I need serious help.  Every moment the fear worse than ever before.  I have no faith;  that all seems absurd to me right now.

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@[Go...] Did anything happen right before your symptoms flared up like this? Something happening that triggered you or something that you consumed?

Is someone there with you?

I don't know how this feels but I have watched my husband experience it and talk about a kind of fear that I can't imagine. Because it's chemical. It feels like it's all that's real, but it's your brain lying to you, because it's be hijacked by your neurochemistry.

Have you noticed what helps alleviate your symptoms if only a bit? Is it trying to breathe deeply? Is it pacing? Dunking your face in ice water?

This may sound like a weird or even bad question, but are you able to eat, sleep, drink?

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@[Go...] I know it feels that way. I know that when you're in the throws of suffering that's all that your mind tells you there is. That's not true. You have felt better before. You've felt good before. The body has an awesome ability to recover.

Jordan Peterson has said that this will make you feel like you're dying, or wish you were. He was telling his daughter that he was going to die. She told he he was not and he would make it through. I KNOW he couldn't imagine she was right. Look at him now. People here have been in and through that hell. They are here. You are not alone there and you are not stuck there.

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I remember when JBen had steroid setback. I wanted so bad to jump through the screen and just hold him. He got through it. Trust and know you will too. 

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Hi Gonzo, while I don't have much advice as I am in the throws of this too I just want you to know that you are not alone by any means and I have all of those symptoms as well.  As newbies, all we can really do is believe the veterans that this gets better & we just have to hold on tight ❤️ I keep telling myself that even if I get thru the day screaming & crying (yes.. unfortunetly many days consist of this) I still got thru the day.  It's also a comfort to know that time moves just at the same speed it always has, I tell myself that a lot.  So, no, you are not the only one w these problems but they will end & one day we will be the ones on here giving advice to the newbies :)

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@[Go...] Recently I did waaaaay to quick if a taper and understand the exact symptoms you have felt. I had the same incomprehensible fear that you have described. One thing that has constantly helped me is a cold or hot shower. I’d suggest trying that. Obviously it’s not a magic bullet but it may provide relief. Also like @[So...] said, we are all in the beginning stages of this crap and have to trust that someday, whenever that day is, we will be better. Lastly BB is a great source to find friends who are going through the same crap but if you are feeling particularly scared get ahold of a TRUSTED doctor, counselor, or support person. I write this as I currently sit in a window of bliss but fear that my wave is coming. Keep up the good fight future you deserves it!

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On 7/24/2023 at 2:41 PM, [[G...] said:

No, things aren’t getting better.  I’m scared to stand on the Earth.  Scared to type this.  I don’t want this anymore.  I want it to all go away. 

Right, I'm scared too, feel like it's getting worse since 2019. The grief is the worst of it. It's like I have these violent attacks of grief, can't pull myself out of it. I don't know if it's attributed to Benzos but they are highly suspect. 95% of my symptoms are mental/emotional. This month is 7 years off K. Could really use a use a window right now.

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On 07/08/2023 at 19:25, [[A...] said:

Gonzo2504 how long have you been off? You don't have a signature. What benzo for what problem for how long and how much?

Not sure where to put a signature anymore?  I was 21 yrs on up to 7 mos Klonopin.  Some days 10.  C/T is 1/30/23.

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