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Sleep Quality Tracker started by Antibenzo7


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Nightengale,  sorry your sleep is still that bad. Maybe this coming night...


DBM,  glad your night was more or less OK.


Thank you both for your kind words.


Have a symptom free day!

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Hopefully, Trochsetter. At this point that's all I have left..hope for a better night.


I had a colonoscopy last fall. Doing the prep was no fun, but I did make it through it and everything was okay.  I try to believe the odds are in our favor, but it doesn't help until we actually know the results.


DBM, thanks. That's all I can do is hang in there. I'm glad you slept over 6+ hours! Sorry about the vivid dreams.

I will google the bednight tea.  Last night I considered taking a Costco otc sleeping pill, but did go right to sleep. When I awoke an hour later, I assumed I would go back to sleep, so opted not to take the that pill. The groggy feeling it leaves me the entire next day and sometimes the day after, along with the strange night of not knowing if I slept or how long, gives me pause to leave the stuff alone.  I am just riding the waves in a storm that hopefully will send me into a calm sooner or later.

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Hi nightengale,


Yes, knowing everything is OK is a huge relief. Last winter and early spring I was having terrible stomach pain and lost 6 kilos in a couple of months. ( after I started tapering)  so I was sure I had stomach cancer. Had it checked: everything looked great! Still have stomach pains every now and then, but tell myself not to worry.

Now it's the same with my colon: really worried,  doctor thinks it's fine, but I need to know for sure. That's health anxiety for you...


Until the beginning of December I slept some 5,5 hours. Since then it's gotten less and less. Hope it will improve for both of us soon. :thumbsup:



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Trochsetter, have they checked your pancreas or will they tomorrow? Tomorrow they shall figure it out.


My sleep had gotten better and now it has gone down hill. I really am careful what I eat and drink, so it is frustrating.

After trying to lift the 50 pound Christmas tree box into the attic and then the box of outdoor lights my left shoulder started bothering me. Today it is better, but I am frustrated that the things I have done before, I can no longer do. Now the two boxes are sitting in the garage, but I am still want to put the stuff in the attic.


Hopefully you sleep tonight.



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Hi nightengale,


I had my Pancreas checked in April of  last year, and it was fine.

Today is a CT-scan of my colon.

Haven't had much sleep last night: had to go to the bathroom almost every hour. Tired.

A couple of more hours of cleansing to go before the procedure takes place. Hope I will be "clean"  by then.

Nervous,  but not like crazy. Hoping all goes well.

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Well, back from the hospital.

The procedure was painful, but doable.

After it had finished I had a really sharp pain in my right side. The nurse got me a stretcher and had the radiologist doctor look at the CT-scan. No sign of complications. The pain slowly got less and stopped after about 20 minutes.

Now I'm home again, had a belated breakfast ( at noon) and things are nicely settling down.


Hope you folks had some qualitysleep.


Hopefully your day is without bwd issues.


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Trochsetter, I am so glad to hear it is all over with and you did okay! Sorry about the pain afterwards. Did they know what caused that?

The radiologist gave you good news!  Hopefully you have a good night.


Today I finally had the squamous cell carcinoma removed from my scalp. It ended up being a 4.5 hour ordeal.  Now I can begin to move on from that.


Last night was another 1.5 hours of sleep. My latest lack of sleep symptoms are: wobbly legs, painful joints, shaking hands, louder tinnitus.  I'm to ice my scalp every 30 minutes for 10 minutes to keep the pain and swelling down.  If I don't sleep, I will have no problem doing that.

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Trochsetter, great news about your visit. I’m glad. You might be interested in the Benzo Free Podcast episode they did on pelvic floor pain. It talks about all kind of pain benzos can cause in the pelvic region. I’ve had pains in my lower abdomen and other areas and I’ve had it all checked out by doctors with nothing found. Always best to see a doctor, but I think my pains were benzo related.


Sorry you had another bad night, NightenG. It can’t last forever.


I got 6 hours but feel anxious and depressed. Those little half-windows I had this past weekend closed. Very frustrating. Sleep was solid nightmares.

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Hello nightengale,


Thank you for your supporting and kind words.

The pain was most likely caused by the gas being trapped in that part of the colon. Now more problems after that. Just lost of rumbling going on as the intestines are filling up again with food. Wednesday next week I get the result of this test.

Wow, 4,5 hours. That's quite something.

I hope it all goes well after your procedure and you won't have any pain and swelling.

So sorry your sleep is still that bad. DBM is right: it can't last forever. A better night is just around the corner. Those symptoms are all to do with lack of sleep. It wears you out.


Thanks DBM.

So  sorry your sleep is still non -refreshing. Anxiety and depression are awful and can really get a person in its grip. Hope they both lift soon. Thanks for the advise on pain, I will look into it.


Well, I had a really good sleep!  After hardly any sleep the night before (because of the prep), last night I slept for 6,5 hours with just one bathroom visit. Woke up at 4.30 am. and felt good. Now there's a first...Slowly the muscle pain came,  so no more sleep.


Hope you both slept well.


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Hope everyone is okay.

I slept okay past 2 nights/ 6 to 7 hrs

But my pm dose is higher

than when I first started on cloz

7 months ago.

I’m at 1 mg cloz per day and holding,

but the bulk is taken before bed.

Along with 3 mg melatonin.

Ask P dr about dosages and safety

He is okay with it.

He said he has pts on 3 to 4 mg

Cloz per day. He will not support MMJ

use for me.

Some stomach upset today.

I think related to cloz.

May buy that product ‘calm’

Magnesium supplement and

Try it.

thinking about cloz as a poison

Just makes me more upset.

I have to try anxiety reducing skills.

Thank you




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Hi healthyme,


So glad you've been sleeping so much better!

Taking the bulk of Clonazapam before bedtime is the right thing to do (IMO) if you want better sleep.  And you feel less zombie- like during the day.

Please don't let your Dr. persuade you to take more Clonazapam.  You want off, not hooked even more.


You could google " mindfulness " or " CBT " and see wether you think it's for you.

I'm having CBT - the group sessions just ended, now it's going to be " one on one" sessions. Trying to learn how to cope better with my health anxiety,  the Fibromyalgia pain. And all the mental things caused by benzos.


Hope your stomach issues will clear soon. Maybe magnesium works. It gives me diarrhea as soon as I take a little more. Someone on here suggested dissolving your daily amount of magnesium in water and consuming that during the course of the day.

Stay strong!


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I was given oxycodone-tylenol 5-325 for the pain, but didn't take any until I went to bed at 9 and then took one when I came around around 2 and then again at 6, so slept approximately 6-7 hours.

My head is a bit of a mess, but at least it's over with.


Hang in there everyone

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Hi nightengale,


That's fantastic news about your sleep!  Must have felt marvellous to be able to sleep so much longer.

I hope your head doesn't give you anymore problems.


My day was really OK. Had two 12 minute walks. Went for a ride in my car this afternoon,  It was splendid weather: sunny, 11 degrees Celsius,  lots of birds in the fields.  Enjoyed every minute of it. Went to visit a friend for a chat and tea. Was on Skype with a cousin who is on holiday in the German Alps. A day well spent.


Wishing you a great day too.  :thumbsup:

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Trochsetter, the walks sounded nice along with the car ride. Your weather sounds very enjoyable. especially seeing the birds!

A chat over tea and Skyping with your cousin vacationing in the German Alps also helped make it a lovely day.


My head feels zipped up like the seam of an American football. I suppose in reality it is.

The last oxycodone I took was 6:45 this morning.  I found 7 packets of antibiotics in my purse the doctor gave me yesterday, that I forgot were there, so took one of those today. Uff..

At least I am feeling more human right now.

The sleep last night and the nap today has helped me feel a lot better.  Tomorrow I get to take a shower (Yay!)



DBM, the six hours of sleep was good good, but sorry about feeling anxious and depressed. Hang in there.


Healthyme, you are in my prayers.




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Trochsetter, great news about your visit. I’m glad. You might be interested in the Benzo Free Podcast episode they did on pelvic floor pain. It talks about all kind of pain benzos can cause in the pelvic region. I’ve had pains in my lower abdomen and other areas and I’ve had it all checked out by doctors with nothing found. Always best to see a doctor, but I think my pains were benzo related.


Sorry you had another bad night, NightenG. It can’t last forever.


I got 6 hours but feel anxious and depressed. Those little half-windows I had this past weekend closed. Very frustrating. Sleep was solid nightmares.


I am sleeping a little better but having a ton of nightmares also! Ugh.....  :'(

Some of the dreams are really bizarre!

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DBM and antiB,  sorry your sleep is still bad.

Nightengale,  I' m so happy you're feeling better after that sleep you had.

I slept till around 4 am., I woke up to colon cramps with lots of gas and feeling nauseous.

Got up for a drink of warm water. Back in bed I got pain in my upper back, couldn't stay in bed any longer. Took a couple of painkillers.

Feel deflated and sick after having a good day yesterday.

Hope you slept well.


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I’m in Groundhog Day

I slept adequate but used

my normal dose of med.

Busy day 12 hours yesterday

so I feel I need sleep.

Took a class last night on

coping skills.

My dr told me too early to

stop cloz due to my anxiety.

Slept 10 30 p to 4 am

Got to eat  ty all


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Hello DBM,


Oh boy, what is mess we're all in! But next night might be better. You told nightengale her bad sleep couldn't go on, and she had a good sleep the following night. This could happen to you too, just like that.

Can you take naps?  I can't: get all strange in my head after about 15 minutes. Then nausea and pain arrive at the scene.

Can you stay in bed after you' ve woken up? That way at least your body gets rest.


My night ended in a lot of pain,  which has continued throughout the day. Oh, what a bad day this has been so far. Crazy, because yesterday was so much better. That's benzos for you. My benzo brain keeps telling me I have some kind of terrible disease. And I lack the energy to have more tests done.


I hope your day at least is better. Stay strong, DBM.  :thumbsup:

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Hey Trochsetter, it’s true, it can’t last forever, but it’s so hard when you’re in the thick of it. I’m losing patience watching the years pass by. Hope you feel better today.
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6 plus hours because I am still on pain killers but at least I am sleeping. Today/tonightt I will not take any pain meds as I think my pain is manageable.


Like DBM I sometimes think that my sleep will never be "normal" again.


While on the oxycodone, I have slept. When I go to bed every other night, my brain spends most of the time being quite awake.  Other than when I first go to bed or am watching tv on the sofa in the evenings and want to doze off.  The rest of the time spent during the night is wakefulness.

Of course I am stressed when I do not sleep because I feel so awful. When I do sleep for 4 hours or more, the stress begins to go away.  A 7 or 8 hour night of sleep doesn't seem to be a good thing for my brain, as it goes into a period of not sleeping after that. Trochsetter mentioned that he does that, also, I think. It would seem that 4, 5 or 6 hours is my optimal. Anything less or more is not.


My thoughts are quite muddled this morning.









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Hi there,

Maybe it's the time of the year or I don't know,  but for some reason we're all having a bad spell right now. Spirits are low.

How I hate benzos! 


DBM,  I totally get what you mean. Time slipping through our fingers.


Nightengale,  glad you slept 6 or 7 hours!


Another person on BB told me  this morning ,  ( after that good day yesterday ) to keep in mind today might be not so good. She was so right.

But things have gotten a bit better. I even took a ten minute walk this afternoon. It wasn't easy,  my back and knees were soar.


Hope you can find something to enjoy today.


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Hope you slept better last night. Sleep is one of the key things for feeling better.


I slept some 5,5 hours. Woke up to pain in leg muscles and left hip.


Having a decent day do far, went to a shop on my bike, had a walk this afternoon.  Not in too much pain. No anxiety to speak of.


Wishing us all a symptom low day! 


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6 hours and still on pain meds, though I am down to two a day instead of four.


Our dog is having some major eye issues the last few days, so took her to the veterinary school of medicine 70 miles away. They have every specialist you would ever want plus a top oncology and heart wing. It is too bad they don't treat humans.

Anyway spent the entire day with the ophthalmologist. She has two ulcers in one eye and her "good" eye she cannot see out of. They took her to neurology and more tests were run.

The concern is there is something going on in her brain to cause the blindness in her one eye. We go back in a week after treating her ulcerated eye with a plethora of meds. 


As for me, I took two more pain pills last night when I felt the pain was too sharp to get any sleep. 

Also my left knee is so painful, I can barely walk. No idea what is going on there..


Trochsetter at least we are not alone in this benzo journey with what is going on right now. We will probably never know why we are in this slump.


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