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Sleep Quality Tracker started by Antibenzo7


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Morning sleepy heads,  hope you all had a lovely Christmas day and enjoyed being around people of good will...


Sleep for me wasn't good, nor was it bad. Some 5 hours, but the final hours before waking up were more or less " false sleep ".

Woke up to muscle pain in legs again.


Nightengale,  no more wearing socks in bed for you, I guess. Jerking feet and legs are awful, I had that in the autumn of 2018, when I was on 10 mgs of Amitriptyline. Drove me crazy.


Healthyme,  hopefully your visit to the doctor can help you.


Have a good day, everyone.




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Sleep was elusive last night. I went right to sleep then awoke an hour later and felt stressed for awhile. Finally dropped off to sleep around 4 am for 30-40 minutes. I really don't know for sure, as I didn't peek under the towel over the clock. 

No leg/foot muscle spasms last night.

Christmas day was fairly quiet until my son and his girlfriend came over later for dinner. It was still an easy dinner compared to the seafood one on Christmas eve. 


Trochsetter what is false sleep? You have probably said in the past, but I don't remember. 

When I first began in taper off of clonazepam, I had really strong leg jerks in the night. Some went up close to my chest. The ones now are just a tension/pulling in my leg and foot muscles that finally releases. Maybe more of a spasm than a jerk. I am glad the ones you had in the fall of '18 are gone. They do drive us crazy. 


Happy Boxing Day for those who celebrate!



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Hello everyone having trouble sleeping,  I hope you all had a peaceful Christmas.


Last night was a bad on again: going to bed I already had belly pain ( colon and very bloated).  It kept me awake for most of the night, although I did sleep for a couple of times. Awoke at " stupid o'clock " and got up to drink a glass of warm water and did some walking in the livingroom. Had a bowel movement which brought some relief. Leg muscles were hurting too. All for the price of one...

Needless to say I got up exhausted.


Nightengale,  someone on BB called his sleep "false sleep"  meaning that twilight zone between sleeping and being awake. You know you're sleeping, but not really. Awake and asleep at the same time. Not refreshing,  but rather an exhaustion situation.


Glad your muscle jerks are improving. Hope they go away completely.


Wishing you a pleasant day.  :thumbsup:

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That was me who said “false sleep.” It’s where you sleep, but wake up and feel like you didn’t. That’s what happens to me daily.


I’m currently up at 3am with an adrenaline surge and sweats. Here we go again.

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Hi DBM,  you're right, it was you.


Sorry your sleep is still that bad. And bad sleep leads to waking up exhausted, which is a guaranty for yet another bad day.

It's so hard to keep hope. But it's all we can do.


Stay strong,  my friend!  :thumbsup:

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Good morning everyone. Last night I slept for two hours, woke up then went back to sleep for another hour. After that it was drift off, dream, wake up, repeat.

I remember a long time ago, going to bed and sleeping all night with perhaps one wake up to go to the bathroom. Those days are gone, but for the most part, I am feeling better than I was last year and certainly the year before. Like DMB, I also wake up throwing the covers off because I am so very hot, my brain races, I feel anxious and certainly can't get back to sleep. I've been so stressed, I want to scream out in the night, but I have not done that yet.

DBM, I also stopped reading success stories, as they made me feel worse. At first I read them with abandon, then as time went on, I had to stop.

Where will I be in another three years? I believe I will continue this very slow healing process. I don't look beyond that because there there is no point in thinking about what I cannot see. Each day I put one foot in front of the other and  take some deep breaths and try to live each day as best as I can.

I really am happy that the drugs are gone from my system. That was all I really wanted in the beginning. Now I hope for some healing, but after such long term use, that may not happen the way I want it to.

Keep hanging in there.


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Hi DBM,  no, actually it was a horrible one. I hardly slept because of abdominal pain. But we have to get up and go on, right? So I kept to my "schedule".  Had to get groceries. Went for a haircut. Had a longer walk this afternoon.


Hoping for a better night for all of us. :thumbsup:

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Hello nightengale,  what a wonderful post! You're right about not looking too far ahead. One day at a time is all anyone in our position can do. Every day is a new one and it could suddenly be a better one.

We can't and won' t give up.

Hoping you have a symptom low day and a good sleep tonight.  :thumbsup:

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Looks like we all had a rough night. Today was horrible from the 3am wakeup. My brain is very slow. Let’s hope we have a better night tonight. I’m just waiting for the good sleep. I’ve had glimpses, so I know it’s possible.
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Trochsetter, thanks! My day was okay, not the best but not the worst. I did listened to two meditations this morning instead of getting up to walk. Tomorrow I should walk as I feel like a slug.

Hoping for good sleep for everyone tonight, DBM!


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Morning nightengale and DBM,  hope you both had a better night.


Mine was a lot better. Went to bed early.  Slept for a  solid 4 hours. Had a bathroom visit and straight back to sleep. Woke up just before 6 am. Had a glass of warm water and did some walking in the livingroom. It relaxes my tight leg muscles. No more real sleep after that,  but I was a able to stay in bed until 8.15. Wow!

For the first time in ages I got up not feeling exhausted!  I plan to go for a somewhat longer walk today. Nothing crazy, just a couple of minutes more.


Wishing us all a pleasant day!  :thumbsup:

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Hello DBM,  too bad your fatigue is still there. But 6,5 hours of sleep is good. If only those vivid dreams could change into sweet ones.

But, there's always another night. And one of these nights you will notice improvement! 

Hoping your day will be OK.

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Good morning. First of all congratulations Trochsetter for an amazing night. The four hours straight was sweet. Going back to sleep was the icing on the cake! Relaxing  in bed until 8:15 was amazing! Enjoy the good feeling you had on waking up.

I agree don't overdo the walking. A few minutes will be good.


My sleep was okay. I was awake some, but also had some fairly normal dreams. I got up at 5:15 to walk for 30 mins then listened to some relaxation "tapes" on youtube. My shoulders and neck are tight this morning. Not sure why. I'll use some heat on it if it doesn't feel better.


DBM, 6.5 hours is really good. Too bad about the sick fatigue. I remember those mornings/days. Hang in there, as it does get better.





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Sorry to say the feeling didn't last long. After a  morning with hardly any issues ( bar the backpain),  this afternoon nausea and more pain hit me hard. Had two walks today ( 25 and 10 minutes) ; I overdid it again. When will I ever learn..? Went to bed for an hour ( backpain),  but started to feel sick. After getting up and having some tea things are now settling down again. I didn't have nausea for a while,  so wasn't happy when it happened this afternoon, to say the least. Hope things improve soon.


Wishing you a symptom free day!


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Aww trochsetter, I am sorry things changed. :(

I feel like there is a part of my brain that says, "whoa she had a good night, let's sock it to her tonight! BAMM!"

Once that routine began, i tried to change my outlook and just hung in there until it was over.

Hang in there.



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Thanks nightengale,  things quickly improved after my last post.  Feeling fine at the moment. Hope your day stays OK.  Great how you forced your brain to change direction.

Sleep well.  :thumbsup:

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Trochsetter, I am happy to hear you feel better.  I hope it stays that way so you can enjoy the evening/night.


Sometimes my brain/body rejects anything I try. It's like the bomb drops no matter what I do.

Mostly it is better. I try to focus on that.



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Morning everyone,  had a bad night! 5 hours of broken sleep. Woke up to a dirty rotten pain. Felt like I was going to faint. Nauseous. Nothing I did made it feel any better. Got up early,  took a shower and had breakfast. Still not feeling much better. And fatigued. Boy, what a disappointing start to the day. The ebb and flow of BWD. Praying things will improve. I don't feel depressed very often, but today it's close.


Hope you slept well. Wishing you a good day.

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Was in light sleep must have been 5 am

Had dream a lady from history was in my dream

all of a sudden. She is well known and died

A of drug overdose. Scared and disturbed me


I blame the melatonin for the extra weird dreams .

No signif change in my medication use yet .

Gonna call a hotline to talk a bit.

Still have emotional turmoil  slight

Slow improvement. Ty

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Hi healthyme,  dreams can be scary. But also funny, or any other emotion you can think of.

It's great to be able to talk to someone.

I am glad with your last sentence: slight improvement!


Stay strong!  :thumbsup:

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I fell asleep watching Ocean's 11 from 1960.  Went to bed, but not to sleep. Finally dropped off 1.5 hours later and slept a couple of hours. Same old..

My head feels full this morning. Nothing else to note.

I'm having company to watch the Denver Bronco football game and fixing hot wings, so no chance for a nap today. Perhaps I will sleep better tonight as long as I don't fall asleep on the sofa tonight.


Healthyme, I am sorry about your dream. Hopefully a call to the hotline helps.


DBM, the energy surges are horrible. Hope you have a better day.


Trochsetter, it is terrible what the drugs have done to so many unsuspecting people in the world. Who would have thought...

Like so many others on here, we had no idea that the drugs we were taking would cause so much damage to us. Oh well, all we can do is try to move on and wait for our brains/bodies to heal.

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