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Sleep Quality Tracker started by Antibenzo7


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I have been getting ok sleep some nights but on those nights, I am also getting really weird dreams and horrible nightmares. IDK what that means.
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Strange night which has been going on for a few months.  I'm sometimes not sure if I am sleeping or awake. 

Anyway, I think I slept at least six hours. I woke up at four and got up a little after 5 to walk for 30 minutes.

If I sleep 7 hours or more, the following two nights, I my sleep disappears. I may get 2-3 hours or less. I'm more happy with consistent four or five hours.

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About five and a half hours. Like most nights. But cannot get back to sleep again. Muscles start tightening and become painful. Head starts working all kinds of weird thoughts. Anxiety kickstart in. Have to get out of bed. Another awful day starts...
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5 hours. Woke up by screaming myself out of a nightmare. How can this get any worse? I’ve never felt so bad in my life. Almost 2 years. Unbelievable.
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About five and a half hours. Like most nights. But cannot get back to sleep again. Muscles start tightening and become painful. Head starts working all kinds of weird thoughts. Anxiety kickstart in. Have to get out of bed. Another awful day starts...


Troschetter I'm so sorry you're feeling awful, but in bwd five hours is fine, we can't expect more than that I'm afraid. I found it helpful to learn to accept five hours as a blessing, after two months of zero to two hours. Some posts helped me, probably the one that helped me the most is the post by buddy "Theway2". O hope you have a better day today.

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5 hours. Woke up by screaming myself out of a nightmare. How can this get any worse? I’ve never felt so bad in my life. Almost 2 years. Unbelievable.

Sorry to hear DBM. I have been having lots of nightmares and really weird bizarre dreams also.
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Thanks Val, It has been a better day.  I went for a short walk in the nice,  sunny weather twice. Now soar all over, but glad I did it and didn't have to go you bed today. My sister came for tea and a chat. The gardener came to do some pruning and tidying up. Now it's time for diner. The evenings are usually the best part of the day: so high hopes. Wishing you a great evening! 
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Thanks, AntiB. I feel like I’m in an alternate reality today from the lack of sleep. In my dream I was semi paralyzed and couldn’t scream. I tried really hard to get it out and that’s when I woke up. Truly horrific. It wasn’t full blown sleep paralysis, which I’ve had, but it was close. The evil, dark energy was there. Hope you, NightenG, and Trosch get some quality sleep. God knows we need it.
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Dbm I know that horrible feeling of screaming ur self awake from a nightmare. I usually wake up from intense anxiety emotions from a nightmare several times a night. Never any deep sleep.

Hope u turn a corner soon

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Night before last I took a costco otc sleeping pill and slept for 7 hours. I was in a fog all night and all day yesterday. It finally lifted around bedtime, but I had also fallen asleep watching TV for 30-60 minutes. Last night was maybe 3 hours sleep. I got up and walked 30 minutes this morning.  I really just want to stay in bed, but I feel compelled to walk for my damaged brain. 

I had right leg/foot and ankle pain/spasms throughout the night. That comes and goes. 




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Maybe one hour towards morning. Not sure why I could not sleep, as I've got the dinner organized, so nothing to stress me that I am aware of.

The pain, muscle spasm in my right leg, foot keeps doing a number on me at night, so that may be part of the problem.

The PCP diagnosed my forearm pain as De Quervain's tenosynovitis. He said if the pain was not better in 10 days to see a hand specialist, so I have an appointment on 12/18.  It's been close to a month. My right shoulder also hurts. meh

Aside from that, I do want to wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving.


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DBM, thank you! I wish you a restful day or perhaps a restful night or both.

I agree that there are times I feel like this place is a bit cliquish, but I move past that because without the BB site, I am not sure I would have successfully gotten off of benzos and for that I am thankful.


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I get broken sleep. My first wake up is two hours after I go to bed unless I cannot fall asleep at all. Then every hour on the clock. I manage to get the hours in but poor quality sleep. I always seem to be 💤 tired. This has been going on for well over a year. I’m sick of it..
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