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ocular rosacea, severe dry eye syndrome, clogged eye glands


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I’m currently struggling with my eyes; this is causing my anxiety to skyrocket pretty bad.


If anyone has experience this and let me know that they suffered from this during withdrawal and then recovered, I’d gladly appreciate it.

My eyes started feeling extremely dry about a two weeks ago, this past weekend my eyes started burning so much, I couldn't tolerate it. I tried multiple otc drops but none helped.


I made an appointment with my optometrist, she said I have ocular rosacea, severe dry eye syndrome and that my eye glands are clogged. She said I’m going to have to live with this for the rest of my life and that there isn’t any cure.


I asked the optometrist and my current psychiatrist if it could possible be a wd symptom from any of the meds I was on, they said no, you’re to far off and you never experienced this with Lexapro before.


Has anyone had this as a wd symptom, and it has gone away? I’m concerned this is here to stay.


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I will reply again tomorrow when I have more time, I was also diagnosed with ocular rosacea it is amazing how many people out there when I say people I’m referring to physicians doctors, even eye doctors didn’t know what ocular rosacea was my dermatologist is the one that diagnosed me with it went to another specialist and had it confirmed. Had a bad reaction to doxycycline trying to cure Went through Restasis other expensive eyedrops five $700 apiece all this was going on during the use of Xanax. I asked the doctors the same question could it be the medicines and their answer was no but boy was they wrong I’m now 10 1/2 months, benzo free the dry eyes were horrible I mean horrible they would keep me up at night, feeling like they were full of sand after about four months of being off of b benzos, my eyes started to slightly improve at 10 1/2 months. I cannot tell you how much they’ve improved. It’s unbelievable, but my right eye continues to bother me pretty much every day. They’re really dry when I wake up in the morning, but I do not have to go through a bottle of eyedrops a day now one bottle last me about three weeks to four weeks, my ocular rosacea cleared up. I’m able to get in the sun able to eat things now without any break ups or flare ups. In fact, I’m eating too much. Yes I know exactly what you’re experiencing. I wish I could talk to you personally, but this form is not set up that way I can’t tell you the thousands of dollars that I spent on my eyes , but like I said, I’m 10 1/2 months now and my eyes have improved dramatically from where I used to be. It’s nothing but nerve damage. You just don’t get over ocular rosacea they told me it was permanent it look at me now don’t ever forget that drug can mimic any disease out there I am living proof of that. I have many more problems that have suddenly went away, I look forward one day to giving my whole life story right now I would say I’m about 40% healed maybe 50% lotta windows and waves more waves and windows a lot of aggression but Lord my eyes are better thank you Jehovah I’ll try to talk more about the eyes later  but it does get better. Thanks.
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Also, my eyes got extremely I mean extremely sensitive to light. They were so bad at night that I had to cover up the little teeny light on a smoke detector because that’s how sensitive and bad they got I pretty much said in the dark for a year, rubbing a washcloth over my eyes, because it made him feel better a dry washcloth, my face was so sensitive it could hardly touch it. Yes I know what ocular rosacea is. I wish you the best it will get better like I said I’m 10 1/2 months and I cannot believe the improvement. I really hope this helps you.
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I appreciate your reply, it means a lot!

I got prescribed exactly the same as you did, the same antibiotic and eye drops. I’m close to five months out, it’s so frustrating this is happening out of nowhere. Going to work made it worse, too much light, monitors.

I also had photophobia in the begging of my wd, then months later I got floaters, now here I am.

I also got a moist heat mask, tea tree wipes and eye drops.

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