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Strong wave during a hold, new symptoms, want to persevere


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I’ve been holding for about a month, and during this month I’ve noticed an increase in both physical weakness and fatigue. Other symptoms such as morning anxiety, emotional lability and others are about the same if not less than when I began this hold.Really strong fatigue that I hadn’t experienced before during this taper. The fatigue has been accompanied by some perceptual distortions. I’m functional, meaning I can get up, take care of myself, I can walk around the block, I’m even managing to continue to handle my two jobs fairly alright. I’m very grateful for this, and it is for this reason that I’m wondering, could it be that this is just how stable I’m going to get until I’m fully off of these drugs and give my system time to really heal?  I’m wondering to what degree the fatigue and physical weakness I’m experiencing may be an actual effect of having the benzos constantly in my system, vs a true withdrawal effect. Impossible to know I suppose, but I’m strongly considering starting my taper again, decreasing .001mg every two days at first and seeing how I fair with that rate, and if I can handle it increasing to .001mg a day. I am also noticing many mini waves and windows throughout the day right now, and my symptoms are exacerbated each time I dose my prescribed AD, 20mg Viibryd at around noon. I big part of me wants to push on and is so strongly determined to get off that continuing to hold feels very frustrating. I understand relatively speaking just how good I have it right now. Many are far, far worse off, and I don’t take my current state for granted. If anyone has been tapering Klonopin or has experience successfully tapering, I’d love to hear your thoughts and shared experience. I am so determined to get off of these drugs.



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I wonder this myself about if I'm gonna just have to suck up that I'm gonna feel shitty  no matter what until I'm off them, I was on 24mgs of clonazepam a day up until 2019 tapered 22mgs in 11 months then held at 2mgs now I definitely leveled out after going through that insane drop then holding for almost  2 years, as the withdrawal was excruciating by that time, but I've started tapering again,  in .25mg increments and they feel just as hard core as when I did like a 2mg drop, it does seem to lvl out somewhat though,  I'm definitely not feeling as bad as I was 2 weeks ago as I dropped last on May 30th seems for me anyway now I get like a 1 month up and 1 down in symptoms but I think it also has to do alot with what's going on in my life, as much as there's a very real chemical aspect to coming off or down on benzos there's a huge psychological aspect as well. And I find it's probably even worse then the actual chemical,  but doesn't make it less real. Any shrink and Dr say these drugs are meant to deal with a psychological condition. Like I know for myself If I have something stressful going on my symptoms are way worse then if I'm having a good day, regardless even on good days seems even after holding for a time some symptoms that may be new never disappear.  I'm  no dr, I do have a diploma in addictions and social services part of that was pharmacology and pharmacokinetics based off what I've learned,  experienced and been told by my dr and shrink etc I'd imagine some symptoms will just stick until we're completely off and our gaba receptors have time to heal on thier own. I personally am 1 very looking forward to ot and 2 terrified at the same time cuz of PAWS aka protracted withdrawal. But that may be jumping ahead of myself. If your in charge of your taper Maybe hold for a bit longer see how you do, if it doesn't start to level off might unfortunately be in the same boat as I am where some symptoms stick,  on the other hand if it starts to level out then I'd say you have your answer there. But wouldn't hurt to talk to your prescribing dr about it and see what they say cuz as I said I'm not one.


Best of luck to you, I know how arduous of a journey benzo tapering/withdrawal is. I wish anyone going through it success  :thumbsup:

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