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Hit a wall at .172 K


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Been tapering .5mg K since Oct '21. Started fast, crashed, held, then slowly eased back into tapering. I dry cut with a scale. I began over a year ago cutting 1% or so every 2-3 weeks and as I was still sensitive to a Flagyl reaction 6 months earlier, I felt each cut. Fast forward to last fall, I started cutting .002mg every 2 weeks and have held that linear taper consistently since then. My cuts were 2.18%/2wk (4.36%/mo) when I started tapering consistently and as it is linear, it has reached 3.28%/2wk (6.56%/mo). I have had my ups and downs as I am very very sensitive to anything, but I actually remained fully functional and got a job at a school doing something I love. About a month ago while at school I noticed a horrible creeping in panicky feeling like the room was closing in and I was about to explode out of my body. It was surreal and it lasted a minute and left. It was terrifying, but I figured it was a once off, but then it happened again in the car with a friend 10 days later and it was bad. I hid it from him but I almost had to jump out of the car and run at a stop sign. Head felt like it was overstimulated and everything around me got too much. Felt like I was gonna black out. So weird as I've had zero panic/anxiety during my taper, just other run of the mill stuff. Since then my anxiety has slowly increased and I'm wanting to avoid situations where I feel trapped. The dentist doesn't scare me ever, but I walked in and wanted to run out the other day. Had a meeting at school with a good friend and when I sat down at the table with her everything in me panicked and I wanted to get up and leave. I held me breath and tried to calm my system down. I feel like I'm on overdrive and I don't know why. I'm still functional, haven't screamed or cried, but it is getting hard to keep it in. To complicate this matter, 3 1/2 weeks ago (just after both panic attacks) my Accord K ran out and I had to switch to Teva K (Accord is currently on indefinite backorder). This transition has been rough and I don't feel stable at all on it yet. It's brought on depression, insomnia, mood swings, weight loss, etc. Not sure how much is the switch and how much is what was happening with the panic attacks before the switch. So long story short, I feel like out of nowhere I've hit a wall, compounded with a generic change. I'm currently at 0.172mg of K and out of nowhere the carpet was pulled out from under me. I know people have said as they get lower, especially with a linear cut, things get harder, but this just seemingly hit out of nowhere as I had a pretty solid 6-9 months relatively speaking. Now I do my best with my scale, but I know that there is a variance and getting the pills to weigh consistently is hard, so being off just .001 either way is like a 3-4% swing. Wondering if it's time to switch to liquid. Also, thinking I should hold for a bit. 6.56%/mo doesn't seem like much I suppose but I have always had a sensitive CNS my entire life even before benzos. Thoughts? Just looking for reassurance, not sure if I've done something wrong, or if I just need to switch things up for the rest of the ride. I feel reset and broken, I've had waves before and they go away in ten days, this feels like a crash or WD. I have a 2 weeks road trip coming up in 2 weeks, and the new school year starts in 5 weeks and I have a job there. Needing to stabilize and calm my brain and body down. Thanks!
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I hit wall around this same amount too! Horrific aka and just struggling minute to minute.

Not saying this is way to go for yiu, but if you’re interested in talking to my pharmacist,  I switched to compound liquid last summer and it likely saved me.


Nick at pharmacy solutions in Arlington Tx can either ship to you if you’re in Tx or talk to a compound pharmacist you find if you’d want to try out a compound liquid option. You can find reputable compounders by zip code on PcCA website.



Sending best wishes to you, and hoping things improve for you. Hang in there you’ve come so far!!!

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It got very complicated for me at .120 but I actually started to feel the symptoms at .170 as well. I was going slow too, about 0.001 any other day.

Couldnt sleep at all. I hold for a while but nothing happened. I went all the way to .200 in diferent steps during three weeks waiting to get stable but nothing happened. My symptoms are mainly high anxiety, tremors,insomnia and escrusiating chest tightness.

Three weeks ago I desided to sitch to pills. Started at 0.250 twice a day but had to add a second dose in the afternoon so Iḿ now at .375.

I can sleep well now, chest tightness lowered quite a bit but I noticed a kind of paradoxical reaction with the doses during the day. Evrytime I take them my anxiety goes up and I feel very very depressed. A lot of pressure from family and doctors to increase the doses. They dont understand what is going on.

I know Updose is like the lotery it may or may not work. The problem is that I couldnt be the way I was either. We are in a catch 22 situation. I thought the updose and change of the media liquid to pill would work but in my case is a mixed result. May be I have to increse the dose even more or bite the bullet and stay this way a bit longer and see if I stabilice. Im loosing weight too. 8 pounds in the last 3 weeks. I am in a very low carb diet and two meals a day. I still think this prosess is the culprit.

Whatever rute we take has risks. My criteria to updose was that I couldn stand the way I was. even Ashton said that some people need several tryouts untill finally be able to get rid of the drugs.



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