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Time zone changes - when to dose?


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I will be changing time zones soon and I was wondering if anyone has experience or input in when/how to dose etc?
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I went back 9 hours. I dose at 7:30 am, 1:30pm, 7:30pm.


When I was flying back I took my 7:30pm on the flight. Then I "switched time zones" which made it 10:30am. I then dosed locally at 1:30pm. So I guess I had an extra dose but then I got right into my regular schedule locally. No issues, beyond the usual ones.


Flying was not fun at all, so please do brace yourself. My flight was 9 hours and I am not going to sugarcoat it, it was one of the worst experiences I have had so far. I'm on a restrictive diet during all of this, but if you are not I recommend bringing as many snacks as you can to keep yourself busy. Maybe download some benzo recovered podcasts to listen/watch them during the flight. Anything to calm the brain really.

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OOH you are right, last time in cortisone withdrawal I had no clue and I could handle everything cause it wasn't bad at all so I ate everything etc. I only puked for 4 hours during layover which felt weird. But now I'll need to bring my own stuff and list many many allergies. Jezus. How I wish I could turn back time by one year and just stay longer in Ecuador and heal there. Benzos would have never happened. And Europe thinks it's superior lol.


My flights will be 14 hours total with like a layover and everything so quite rough indeed and then arriving in a country where the trauma started and I don't speak the language and have not the capacity to really be aware anymore. But I'll have my boyfriend who loves me a lot and wants me as safe as possible and his best friend who is a knowledgeable doctor. Just sad it came to this. I let my parents hug me for once. They're leaving us alone for some weeks. They don't know yet I'll be gone gone by the time they come back. It's so devastating but it's the right thing to do. My dad said crying that he'll miss me these weeks. I know he loved me. But he was tooooooo involved and too impatient and aggressive to let me heal from cortisone and yes we were lied to but also stupid and there was too much pressure and now he is too aggressive it is not safe anymore. Even my mom is not nice. They are both negative in their own way. It's sad to realize I would have been way better off with my in laws. My parents were my best friends before this benzo thing but they were not dynamic and critical enough to gather all the info and let me do my thing. If only they had given me a chance to do things completely my way. Now they don't even trust what I'd tell the gardener anymore.


How is it being back home in Canada? It's a country I always wanted to visit but our trips got cancelled twice - once cause my grandmother was sick, and once because of covid. So not meant to be for me, clearly.

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Hi Cocodot!  :smitten:


First of all, it's a major thing to be able to travel that long. Really, just by itself it's such an awesome thing.


My husband has had to take shorter flights that create a 2 hr difference. We follow the regular schedule based on dose spacing (every 6 hours) and, if we need to stay longer, slowly adjust to get on the local clock (like 1 hr push at a time). We do the same when we get back home. Basically, we try to follow my husband's internal clock rather than the clock on the wall if that makes any sense.


I hope that helps a little..

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Thank you all!


I'm trying to arrange the necessary papers to be allowed to travel. I have pharmacy diluted drops in a different package and that might not be allowed. The doctor tells me to just go to 2 full drops so from 0..22 to 0.2 mg but it will be too much of a reduction I'm afraid. What a disaster.

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Lol that doctor wrote in very bad English, very embarrassing letter. Luckily Id need a Spanish translation anyway.
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