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Hello, I am Zazie, please help


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I need help, I am on klonopin for 5 weeks and I fear dependency. I don’t sleep when I don’t take one. I am on 0,25 mg. It was prescribed to me for panic and extreme anxiety. I haven’t found the right antidepressant yet. My psychiatrist says I need to continue using it until I get stabilized with my anxiety and then I can start reducing the dose. But how can I get stabilzed when I know how hard it is to get rid of it? I also take mirtazapine recently, I am on day 5.

I don’t know what to do.. should I continue using klonopin? Truth is I cannot function without it.

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Hello  Zazie123 :hug: Welcome to benzobuddies.


We are glad you are here.  Try not to worry, you are going to be okay.  I think you are making a great decision for your future health in questioning your medication, I wish I had done the same, it would have saved me a lot of pain. Benzos actually made me more anxious.  Benzodiazepines should only be used short term (2/3 weeks), you’ve not been taking it much longer than that.  Please post to any of the dedicated boards, our members are knowledgeable, and will help with any questions you might have.


If you decide to taper,  It’s generally suggested reducing no faster than 5-10% every 10-14 days, it depends on withdrawal symptoms, you can taper a little quicker but many need to taper slower. Taper at a rate that’s comfortable, the goal is to remain functional.  Having some withdrawal symptoms is normal.  The most common symptoms are anxiety and insomnia.  Withdrawal symptoms are temporary and do go away with some time.


Here are a few links to resources:


The Ashton Manual 

Colorado Consortium Benzodiazepine Deprescribing Guidelines

Planning Your Withdrawal (Taper)


We have a dedicated board dealing with Insomnia and Anxiety you can connect with others who can offer some ideas and help.





If you would like to add a signature (history of meds/doses etc) it will help members give you relevant advice.  Go to the top of the page and select PROFILE then choose forum profile then insert drug history into the text box and remember to click change profile


Welcome Aboard




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