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clemastine furamate, antihistaminic/musk, epigenetic modulator, anti-inflammator


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So I'm curious if anyone tried this drug called clemastine furamate


Drug repurposing: Clemastine fumarate and neurodegeneratio



Clemastine fumarate was identified as autophagy activator to dispose of intracellular redundant protein.


Clemastine fumarate has ability to suppress inflammation no matter in peripheral system or central nervous system.


Clemastine fumarate could give oligodendrocytes access to differentiation helping form myelin sheath.


Clemastine fumarate is a hopeful agent for neurodegeneration and deserves further investigation.n





Clemastine in remyelination and protection of neurons and skeletal muscle after spinal cord injury





I would appreciate to know if anyone tried, I'm bought some from a pet store to see if it helps with pain, already done vascular damage

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probably there is no free lunch, i personally hate like how I feel due to promethazine or Claritin, I wonder if there is also sensitization, tolerance to antihistaminics  in general, leading to a worst outcome, appreciate any input on this
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anyone might tell, or had a paradoxical reaction or exacerbation of symptoms, physical or mental due to the use of antihistaminics in general? exactly as benzodiazepines, due to receptors upregulation and the like? please let me know if you have some feedback on this
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