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Benzo for medical procedures


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I recently had a couple somewhat scary medical procedures and they gave me a tablet of valium each time claiming it wouldn’t set me back after being off benzos for several years now. It’s my understanding this is generally true, that the occasional benzo for medical procedures is not a concern but given my high level of stress I’m dealing with now, and not dealing well with it  I’m wondering if that’s true. Did my gaba receptors possibly get re-sensitized making stress more of a challenge for me. I have GAD so I’m guessing it’s the same thing I’ve had to deal with that got me on benzos in the first place.
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You really should have no worries as Benzos don't work that way during medical procedures- surgeries.


Actually, klonopin is used to give twi-light sleep for colonoscopies etc.


This is a Canadian Benzo it says but this is a very common use for Klonopin- For sedation before putting person under and also to create something that cause patient to not recall certain parts of the surgery.


"Midazolam injection is used to produce sleepiness or drowsiness and relieve anxiety before surgery or certain procedures. When midazolam is used before surgery, the patient will not remember some of the details about the procedure."



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