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Hello prescribed Clonazepam


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Hello I joined because I'm trying to figure out do I need to taper my

1mg Klonopin. I was hospitalized for 15 days afterwards was given 10x 1mg Klonopin. I took one every 2 to 3 days or when my anxiety became to much to handle. After 14 days I was able to see an psychiatrist who prescribed me 1 mg 2x a day as needed. Day 18 I finished my script of 10x Klonopins. I don't wish to be on this medication due the horror stories. Knowing I'm weak spirited. My question is, do I need to taper and how would I go about it. I'm absolutely terrified of this drug which my doctor knows, won't be able to see them for another week. I don't wish to take it that long unless I'm tapering off it.. I won't be able handle if things get bad

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Hello Moppies and welcome to BenzoBuddies!


We're glad you found us!  We'll be glad to help you make a sensible plan to quit Klonopin. While we typically suggest a slow taper, that wisdom applies primarily when there has been long term use of Benzos.  However, when someone has been taking benzos for a few weeks we have found that they can get off much more quickly, in some cases over the course of a week or less.  One caveat is that if you have any history of taking benzos we would probably suggest a different approach.  Have you taken and quit benzos previously?  Over how many weeks did you take Klonopin? Were you given Klonopin in the hospital? Having a clearer picture of doses you took and over how long a period will help us know better how to guide you.


Please feel free to explore the site and ask questions about your situation.  You may want to start with the following links:

Planning Your Withdrawal (Taper Plans)


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We're glad you're here!


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I have taken them while hospitalized which was 15 days however not everyday. I was also hospitalized in January for a month which I took every other day or so. thank you for the question never came to mind about previous times
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Welcome, Moppies.


Am I understanding correctly that you are not currently taking clonazepam because you finished your script?


If so, how many days has it been since you stopped taking it?  How are you feeling?  Are you experiencing any unusual symptoms?



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I used the last of the 10x 1mg script yesterday morning. I have another bottle of Klonopin of 28x 1 mg tablets that was supposed to be taken 2 as needed. Outside of feeling a lil itchy or warm skin not being able to sleep brain fog idk if that's from Klonopin or not
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Given that you are feeling ok, you may not need to taper.  If I were in your shoes, I’d give serious consideration to not taking any more clonazepam and monitoring how you feel over the next several days.  If you don’t begin to experience withdrawal symptoms or the symptoms are tolerable you may have dodged a bullet.
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