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Clonazepam withdrawal


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I’ve been tapering off .5mg Clonazepam that I used for 5 weeks nightly.


My doctor hasn’t been very understanding about tapering and I have been wanting to get off these as quickly as possible since having a traumatic 3 days when I went cold Turkey per my doctor’s advice and didn’t sleep for 3 days (which was likely impacted by starting Zoloft).


So far I’m on week 7 of use

Jan 20-Feb 22 .5mg nightly

Feb 23-25 cold turkeys and didn’t sleep 3 days straight (but also was on Zoloft which I think messed up my sleep that week as I couldn’t seem to sleep more than 3-4 hours after starting it even with Clonazepam)

Feb 25-28 inconsistent use .375/.25 and skipped one night

Feb 28-Mar 6 .25mg/night (started Trazedone for sleep 25mg) sleeping only 3-5 hours a night…

Mar 7-present 1/3 of a .5 pill per night. Taking 50mg Trazedone and melatonin for sleep


Last night I slept 5 hours in pieces which felt like a treat after the last week. I had insomnia before starting Clonazepam though…really uncertain as to how to proceed.


So far I’m feeling a bit more anxious the second day in on the current cut.


I see mixed information about jumping points, but unfortunately my psychiatrist is only able to prescribe .5mg pills and it’s been really difficult to cut them properly. Should I be aiming for around .125mg to jump off and keep powering through so long as it remains manageable?



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I know you were only on the drug for a short time but I believe you're tapering too fast, rapid reductions have a way of catching up to you, what are your symptoms, is insomnia your only one?


Typical jumping point for Clonazepam users I believe is .05, .125 is too high.  We can help you figure out how to make your doses smaller if you're interested.

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Hi Anxiousin2023


I completely agree with Pamsters assessment as to the reasons behind your difficult taper. Please hold and slow down!

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Yes, just insomnia, and feeling depressed, but I’ve had that since before. Other symptoms are anxiety, usually in the mornings between 4-9amish and then I feel pretty bleh that rest of the day, but exercise seems to help if I do it right away when I wake up.


I’m trying to switch psychiatrists as I saw another doctor at the same clinic that seemed way more supportive and empathetic, but the earliest I can switch is probably 2 weeks from now.


I’ll hold out to keep tapering then since the doctor seemed to think I can stop every time and acted like I’m worrying too much, but I don’t want to become nonfunctional.



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You actually seem to be doing pretty well but I'm glad you have functionality in mind because your symptoms could suddenly get worse, we'd much rather see you slow down than have to go back up if things get worse.  I hope this new doctor will hear you, too many members are faced with doctors who dismiss what their patients are feeling.
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