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Experiences with carvedilol


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Basically, all I have left of WD symptoms (after 7 months) is palpitations (all the time) and tachycardia sometimes (it's not super fast but along with the palpitations it feels really bad) As it happens with other people, sometimes the palpitations are quite strong, sometimes they are kind of "normal" some days are better, some days are worse...


They prescribed me propanolol as needed, and I have been taking it for a month. Some days with a 5mg when i felt worse it was enough, these days sometimes i take 10mg, the days I have more palpitations 2 of 10 mg at different times of the day... The problem is that it is inconvenient, cause as you know, it takes 1 hour until you feel the effects and its action only last about 2 hours. They thought carvedilol would be more convenient for me to take, cause its action lasts all day, and that way i could have a more normal life. 


They prescribed me 6,25mg a day (one pill). But I wanted to check before trying them the experiences of other people.

How much dose did you take? Did you experience any side effects?

My blood pressure most of the time is normal btw. It's just the palpitations that are very strong.

Thank you in advance. Wishing us all a speedy recovery!


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