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Everyone think psyhiatrists are all bad ??


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Just keep trying to trust mine...and I like her alot.....but she swears w/d sxcant last as long as Ashton says..and that I need ssri period...  Seems like ssri is the answer to everything !!!  I dont know toelieve or not ??  :crazy:
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I had a therapist who was good with working with me, but as far as withdrawal, she told me the withdrawal would only last 6 months.

She also said that people who complain with withdrawal sx's after 6 months, it's all psychosomatic and they need to move on.

I had to get rid of that one. From what I read everyday that she doesn't.. seems she missed Benzo class in her college years.




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EVERYONE missed benzo class in their years except the people who actually took or take them.. Nobody, but Nobody knows but those people. 

US............... :(

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Nobody, but Nobody knows but those people. 





I was being sarcastic about the therapist, cappi. :)



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From what you experience everyday that she doesn't.  I'm sorry,but everyone walks around me just having such a good time in my house while I lay in the bedroom and experience strange things, moan and groan, cry, all those things.   It gets to you after a while.  I feel like a dog.  Oh we better pop in and check on Mamie to see if she's been fed and watered.  don't get me wrong, I would not wish this on anyone, but GEEZE!!..

Just venting....



I had a therapist who was good with working with me, but as far as withdrawal, she told me the withdrawal would only last 6 months.

She also said that people who complain with withdrawal sx's after 6 months, it's all psychosomatic and they need to move on.

I had to get rid of that one. From what I read everyday that she doesn't.. seems she missed Benzo class in her college years.




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I know.  :)




Nobody, but Nobody knows but those people. 





I was being sarcastic about the therapist, cappi. :)



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Just keep trying to trust mine...and I like her alot.....but she swears w/d sxcant last as long as Ashton says..and that I need ssri period...   Seems like ssri is the answer to everything !


I had the same exact problem. Maybe we're seeing the same lady. I wanted to taper down off of diazepam but she didn't want me to switch medicines (Lorazepam to Diazepam) that's why she wanted to prescribe Lexapro. If she didn't want to switch medicines then why would she want me to take Lexapro?

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they all swear we are the few..that have issues with benzos... that the majority do fine on and getting off of them.....    and i am one of the ones who has the chemical imbalance issue that needs  the ssri...  ???  and thats why everyone is still so ill...  b/c they all have some underlying issue also....  :P
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Isn't it funny how we are the cause and effect of our problems. My psychiatrist is a nice guy. I don't know what to think of him at this point. I don't get how he is helping me. Sure he listens but most of the time he goes off tangents and starts up about his own problems. Funny thing is I don't mind it...it breaks up the monotony of it all...though sometimes I do wonder what I am doing there.


He has made a few comments about the drugs I was prescribed. And these days I wonder how much they really do know. A few days ago he said something to the effect that these big pharmaceuticals will push these meds, using whatever means at their disposal. He also brought up he fact that they tried to pay him off on a few occassions. He is supportive of my decision to get off of these meds.


I had a chance meeting with a psychologist, who actually pretty much admitted that it's just easier to push the drugs onto clients because they are so overwhelmed by people who are depressed or anxious. But she also said that there are those who just won't take responsibility for their own health. She said that sometimes she pushed  patients to do the whole Cognitive Behavioral workbook. She said it could be more beneficial in the long run, but there were those patients who preferred the quick fix, over actually doing the work involved. She even told them of side effects and they still wanted meds. If only they could see what we see...bet they would read and reread those books right now. Wish I was given that choice. I told her about my condition and she told me taper and get off and learn to cope in effective ways.


Then I had a run in with a psychiatrist at the hospital for a follow up, and he was the rudest S.O.B. that I have ever met. For someone who is in the profession of caring for people, who are challenged by depression, anxiety and whatever mental issues...he showed little sympathy or care. He actually blamed me for my c/t incident. I was at fault and guilty for not weaning properly. He was perturbed, when I told him I actually had followed the procedure, that most doctors prescribe to their patients to wean. Gave me the old heave ho.


So I think like everything else in this world...there are those in that profession who genuinely care. There are those who have morals. Then there are those who push the meds...out of greed, laziness or just being cold hearted. In those cases, I would gladly attach those doctors to an IV full of Clonazepam, to see how they like the turmoil these drugs put people through and the lives they actually help in destroying. I would like to see if they will ever prescribe that crap, once they have to go through this hell.

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Hi Meljo -

No, they are not bad but you have to realize the change the profession has undergone over the last 40 years.  There are a lot of people with serious mental illness who lead a good life due to psychiatrists.  Once upon a time, the profession focused on psychotherapy - there were no "miracle" drugs to turn to.  Then, after WWII came the advent of the first psychotropic medications.  Over time, the profession, moved from talk therapy to drug therapy.  Drugs like prozac and others gave a lot of severely depressed people a life.  However, these same drugs started to be prescribed for the stresses and strains of everyday life which, in my opinion, is inappropriate.  Psychotherapy became the domain of psychologists.  When I first got stressed in 2007, I asked my general MD for a referral to a psychiatrist when what I really needed was a psychologist - I didn't know the difference.  What a mistake that was!

The problem is compounded by the reluctance of insurance companies to reimburse mental health care at levels other illnesses receive.  This is probably due to the fact that there are no measurable outcomes for many mental illnesses - doctors must go on what the patient says and what they observe.  Also, the medical community for years denied the existence of many mental health conditions.  It was only 60-70 years ago when the lobotomy was in use for severely ill patients!  Now, every state of mind seems to be a mental illness!  This leads the best and the brightest doctors to follow the money - and it's not in psychiatry.  In our community, most of the psychiatrists are foreign nationals trained outside of the U.S.  Don't get me wrong - there are some wonderful doctors here - it's just a statement of how far down psychiatry has fallen in attractiveness to U.S. doctors.

So, don't go to a psychiatrist if you don't want to consider medication.  Just one man's opinion.

Best, Billwill   

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Thanks every one~  I just feel I am a sitting duck....at 6 mg... and not like I was last taper..  i cant get it in me to drive far like I used to... I am better now t 6mg... yet I have to take the med every day even if I dont have anxiety b/cI feel the w/d..  so my shrink says its the anxiety I feel... not w/d...well I didnt feel any of this once off the med and this hits same time every day  :pokey:      So try ssri or just taper...    :-\  And I want an ssri that doent c ause weight gain !!!!!!!!!  I cant lose what I have !!  :crazy:
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I think they're well-intentioned for the most part... but drug pushers all the same. I never want to have anything to do with psychiatry ever again, my whole life.
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Just keep trying to trust mine...and I like her alot.....but she swears w/d sxcant last as long as Ashton says..and that I need ssri period...   Seems like ssri is the answer to everything !!!  I dont know toelieve or not ??  :crazy:


Melo, this is not the same topic.  sorry just wanted to thank you for the candida  post... Are you okay.. I hope so Are you sleeping?  You are such a sweet person.. Please be well thank you again for the info. Keep me posted on how you are doing. I care about you.. Luv, Mishi

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I think a lot of psychiatrists are terrified (and this has been corroborated by several therapists because I used to be in the behavioral health biz) of taking people off benzos because they truly do know how horrid this is.  When we go to them in protracted withdrawal, their only solution is to fix it by going back on the stuff that caused the withdrawal or something else.  That is what psychiatrists do.  If we go to them they will prescribe meds.  I went to more than one asking for help getting off and they refused because they don't want to go through it with us. 


I went to a past president of the American Psychiatric Association when klonopin and lexapro freaked out my brain.  He said I was "obsessive" and "trained" my family how to deal with me...they are not supposed to talk to me about benzo withdrawal because it is a figment of my imagination.  I would LOVE to give him a few weeks on ativan and klonopin and then pull the rug out and see how Mr. APA does.  They put us on this stuff in our ignorance and then when we go to them begging them to help us, we get referred to an addiction treatment program.  It's the ultimate mind game...



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No, I don't think they are all bad.  But as a minority population suffering from severe benzo withdrawal, our plight is not adequately recognized, that's for sure.



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I think they're well-intentioned for the most part... but drug pushers all the same. I never want to have anything to do with psychiatry ever again, my whole life.


Agree 1000%. Problem is, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.


I would bet that the vast majority of people who are on psych drugs would be better off without them. And that's a best case scenario. At the other end of the spectrum is someone who is doped up on this poison their entire life and doesn't even realize how bad off they are. I got lucky. After a few years of feeling like hell I realized that the drugs were causing my problems not preventing them. I imagine that there are thousands if not hundreds of thousands or even millions of people worldwide whose quality of life has been greatly diminished by these drugs and they don't even realize it.



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I consider myself extremely blessed in that my Psch doc was a winner.  I no longer see him since I've finished my taper, but he is the one and only doctor (out of the many I saw) who was willing to listen to me when I first started down the road to benzo hell.


He even read the Ashton Manual and tapered me according to her plan.


I believe there are good doctors out there - sometimes it just takes time and many unfruitful appointments to find them. :)



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For what it is worth,


I think most psychiatrists mean well but they just do not know how bad some medications are.


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I have been on just about every SSRI known to the free world.  None of them helped me, they only compounded my problems, gave me uncomfortable side effects, and I had to go through w/d to get off them.



*There is no test to check Serotonin levels.


*A good psychiatrist would try non-drug methods before suggesting a medication if you are not in crisis.


*Benzo w/d can cause emotional and psychiatric symptoms, but they will go away on their own.


*I will never take anything again that alters my brain activity.



Those are a few of my views on this, for what they are worth.

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There are competent auto mechanics and there are incompetent auto mechanics. There are competent psychiatrists and there are incompetent psychiatrists.


You find this in every occupation and proffesion, its just the way it is. To weed out the incompetent, we have to do our own reseasch, something I failed to do when my Doctor got me started on Ativan.





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Boy, that is a pretty wide open question.


Aren't you in fact asking if everyone believes in psychiatry?


If you believe in chemical imbalances etc, then you will probably believe there can be good and bad psychiatrists.


For those of us that sit with "medical doctors" that find no truth, merit or science behind chemical imbalances and disorders, all psychiatrists are indeed bad.


In order to believe in good or bad psychiatrists, you have to believe in the industry.


I believe there are good and bad "medical doctors".


And many "medical doctors", don't even see psychiatrists as doctors. I sit with them.


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And many "medical doctors", don't even see psychiatrists as doctors. I sit with them.



That's because they're not.  :P

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