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12 months (I could use some words of support)


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I guess I post here now.

It's been 12 months since my setback. I haven't seen much healing since month 8-9. I wished for death until about month 6. A lot of symptoms have left. But anhedonia, GI/weight loss, lack of sleep still continue and are constant.


I have stayed in my room and force myself to eat. I just sit there. I'm mentally tired I have no drive to move. I just try to keep distracted on my phone. I lose energy to keep going as the days pass.


I am not in constant agony anymore but I wish I could feel something nice. I could really use a win right now. A window, some healing, something.

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Hi Stitch,

I am so sorry you are struggling so terribly.  Can you get outside at all?  Maybe just to sit in the sun for a bit and fresh air.  I stayed inside most of the summer just felt so awful but towards the end of August I finally got outside.  I believe it does help we need the sun.  How are you doing with the enzymes and element shakes are they helping?  My GI issues are not very good right now I eat the same thing pretty much everyday. 


I'm praying for you a window.


Hugs 🤗🙏🙏

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Thanks DeeDee


I know you're really going through it as well so I am so touch you took time to send me some words.


The enzymes aren't working. That makes me feel stuck and lost at a dead end. Im sure the shakes are helping as they are just supposed to give me nutrients. But it's so frustrating to see no results.

Its getting chilly. Maybe I can get a sunlamp.


Your post made me feel less alone. Thank you for reminding me I am not alone. I hope we both see improvement. ❤️

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Hi Stitch,

You are welcome.


Thank you yes it seems to be really rough for several right now.  I attribute some of mind to the season changing I have always struggled with it but this year is worse.


I am so sorry the enzymes aren't working for you.  I'm glad you are able to tolerate the shakes getting more nutrition will surely pay off for you.


I understand the cool weather I don't do well with it either.  I bought a therapy light off of Amazon for the cloudy cold days of winter and an exercise bike when its to cold to walk.  I've been trying to walk our driveway a couple times a day. 


Bless your heart always remember you are not alone there are many of us right here with you.


Hugs and prayers🤗🙏🙏

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