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YouTube videos from a therapist in benzo WD


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I found a channel on YouTube that has a few videos that address benzo WD. The lady is a therapist herself and is in the middle of tapering. She has such a calming voice - it’s like having a chat with a therapist that gets it. I’m always looking for hopeful benzo WD videos on YouTube. There are so many scary ones out there.

Anyway, thought I’d share.


I really like Part 1: digging the hole - I have read the book she’s talking about by Claire Weekes about anxiety. It’s nice to see it related to the whole benzo scene. 


Hope it can help




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She has added a few more videos. One that is geared toward our loved ones/ care takers too.

They are helpful to me, so bumping this link.


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Thanks for sharing this. I’m always looking for the non scary videos out there and these look promising. I like the fact that she’s a therapist as well. Not that I’m happy that she’s going through this too, but that aspect helps. Hopefully that makes sense. Thank you  :)
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I found a channel on YouTube that has a few videos that address benzo WD. The lady is a therapist herself and is in the middle of tapering. She has such a calming voice - it’s like having a chat with a therapist that gets it. I’m always looking for hopeful benzo WD videos on YouTube. There are so many scary ones out there.

Anyway, thought I’d share.


I really like Part 1: digging the hole - I have read the book she’s talking about by Claire Weekes about anxiety. It’s nice to see it related to the whole benzo scene. 


Hope it can help





Thanks so much for sharing! Her voice really is soothing. I hope she creates one on symptoms.

Such as burning skin/body (my worst symptom), pain, fear, insomnia and others, to help us understand.


Blessings to you.

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Thank you so much for sharing these videos. They are validating and helpful. They are also another resource for us and our friends/families.

Thank you again. Aloha nui

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She is really into Claire Weeks.  Good resource that is not fear mongering and is rational. Will be interesting to see where her journey leads as she shares it.
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Thanks for sharing the resource -- I like that she is a therapist and can speak to it from that perspective as well as someone going through this.  I agree -- I hope she will do a few on specific symptoms --- and I have the burning skin, too, plus about fifty other things.  I would also like more on how to actually "accept" something like this.  I am trying but it feels like an uphill battle.  I liked the idea of pushing the beachball under the water only to have it come back up and hit you in the face harder -- that is what keeps happening to me.



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Glad you all like them too. It will be interesting to see how things go for her along the way.

It’s nice to see someone stand up and try to make a difference in this crazy battle.

I  just can’t wrap my head around how hard this has been - emotionally and physically.

It’s so hard to convince myself that this is really the way my life is and that the only way out is through.

I guess I can hate it all I want, but that doesn’t change the reality.


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I just saw a new one she posted that was really helpful.  It was breaking down the role of gaba and glutamate and why we have so many symptoms.  I’ll see if I can link it.  I’m thinking family Woukd benefit from hearing this as well




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Thanks for sharing the resource -- I like that she is a therapist and can speak to it from that perspective as well as someone going through this.  I agree -- I hope she will do a few on specific symptoms --- and I have the burning skin, too, plus about fifty other things.  I would also like more on how to actually "accept" something like this.  I am trying but it feels like an uphill battle.  I liked the idea of pushing the beachball under the water only to have it come back up and hit you in the face harder -- that is what keeps happening to me.


I agree with you. The idea of "floating" as presented by Claire Weeks does not work for harsh or acute symptoms. All I can do is breathe and wait in a lot of distress as opposed to freaking out. Floating Is too benign when the waves come raging, and I also fear those waves will smash and deflate the beach ball on jagged rocks. Sometimes crying for a long time helps. Some yoga (for me) if I'm not too dizzy.  Practicing acceptance is something I feel I have no choice about when it's bad. That usually looks very passive. But floating? No, not for the bad spells. If I can release some cortisol, (back to the yoga) that will help.


I still like what she has to say.


I want to share another resource on YouTube, The anxious truth. Hundreds of podcasts, including interviews with doctors. They, have a series on "Hope and help for your Nerves," by Claire Weeks. It is chapter by chapter, pretty good series. Drew also is familiar with other Titans in this battle. I find his pod casts quite helpfull, it's a matter of finding the right one at the right time. Instead of floating, he presents desensitization as a way to gradually  calm down the brain with practice.



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Yes, the floating from Claire Weekes and the "running towards" they discuss in the DARE approach  have to be modified for sure for most of us in benzo withdrawal.  They are helpful resources, but when you are so sensitized, they don't really apply or work well.


I liked when Jennifer spoke about her nervous systems being made of toothpicks and bubble gum and that we are pickles who can't think our way or push ourselves back into being a cucumber again.  I think she said, "It's not about effort" -- and I think that is critical for my family to understand that ---


I will check out those other resources as well --

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We should call call this the "Pickle group."


Here is todays podcast by Drew. Good stuff in here. Keep in mind, nothing he suggests is easy or feels good. And pushing is not ideal. But it's a good teaching. I liked where he said , "Do the thing and the motivation will come, don't wait for the motivation."


I don't want anyone to feel pressured to engage in desensitization if you are acute.  In earlier podcasts, he suggests a step at a time. Go to 1 place, even if it's just taking a walk. Build up your confidence to do more when in anxiety or even panic. But start with the pickle, not the whole smorgasbord.


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yes, I definitely think we should keep this thread going --- we need to help guide each other to resources that are positive yet realistic. 

I will check out the drew clip.  I also reached out to that jenniferswanphd on her Instagram and messaged her about wanting to hear a bit more regarding her thoughts on the "accepting" part of the process


I have a friend that knows of her and apparently she was in the middle of writing another book (not about benzos) and was a professor up on the East Coast and a therapist when she got sick and went into Benzo withdrawal. 


Another good resource is Jennifer Leigh and her blog -- she coaches people as well.  And David Powers has a book and is a coach.  He talks about lulling and pushing.  but again, it is pushing at your own pace -- for some that means staying out of bed for a few hours and for others it could be more a push.  The lulling he talks about is like the slowing down and the self care part. 


yes, she was right.  once you are a pickle, you can't be a cucumber -- -at least for a long time. 




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Thank you Treelover for starting this thread and for all who have responded with the links to positive videos.  I am always searching for something positive and encouraging while on this nightmare journey.


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Hello all,

I just listened to a few of Jennifer Swans podcasts and they are awesome!!!  She will be starting a blog and has written a book that will be released in May!


Thanks again Treelover for posting the link.

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hi guys,


Baddove, I really like that drew podcast -- thank for sharing that.  there is also a woman named paige Pradko who has some great youtube videos.  she doesn't talk about benzo withdrawal, they are more for anxiety and OCD but I have talked to her before and she is aware of benzo withdrawal, at least believes in it and a few of her videos are very helpful.  she said she is putting together an online program for health anxiety ---- may be helpful for some.  while she isn't a benzo coach -- she does have one video posted about using benzos and understands the struggle we are in ---- its a start!


I had asked jenniferswan if she would explain a bit more about how she sees acceptance or how we can float through something as traumatic as Benzo withdrawal and I noticed this morning she had posted a new video talking bout it - haven't listened to it yet.  thanks treelover and others ---

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Thanks for sharing this Treelover. I've watched them all already.  Since we can't get any solid acknowledgement of our predicaments from traditional medicine (or alternative for that matter), it's always comforting to hear from people "in the know". 
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I reached out to  on her instagram account - she has one by the same name -- jenniferswanphd --  I was able to then send her a private message and I asked her to talk more about acceptance.  she wrote me back and then posted one the next day -- you could certainly ask her to share her coping strategies.    if you don't have Instagram, I'm happy to ask for you --- I would be interested to know too


I think a lot of us have them but people are afraid to talk about them ---

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Thanks Diane - I like the one on PTSD. I have worried that I will never recover from the absolute trauma of this process. What she talks about makes sense.

We’re med injured - it’s causing the main problem at least.


I’m down to 2.4mg of Valium and I’m in a good window. It’s such a nice reminder that I’m still “in” here. I have had 2-3 days where I have actual interests in hobbies, I want to go out and do things, I don’t have to play mental games to avoid unpleasant thoughts.


I have gone for drives, worked on projects at home, journaled and drew some! Music sounds good again. 2 weeks ago I couldn’t tolerate music at all. Now it feels like my soul is awake. I did a yoga class and I felt like I was actually in the room. I usually feel like I’m on another planet and completely DP/DR during class. So, all that is to say, I know we’re still in here somewhere. I anticipate the window closing and diving back into a rough patch. I just decreased my dose 2 days ago. But I don’t think we’re broken forever. (At least in my current state of mind 😂)

It’s so nice to come up for air every now and then.


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Hi Treelover,

You are so welcome.  I love Jennifer's videos she makes everything so easy to understand and make sense.  I am so thankful that you found her videos.


I am so happy for you that you have had such a wonderful few days that is absolutely awesome.  It made me smile for you and gave me a great feeling.  I can't wait for those days and I hope your window stays open wide!!!  Thank you for sharing I needed this.



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This is a great post. Thank you so much for sharing! Jennifer’s voice really is soothing and her info helps so much.


Tree so happy you have a window!!

Take care everyone! One day at a time but I love that everyone is sharing resources that have helped.

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