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To nap , or not ?


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Hi buddies ,


I know this is not advised for normal insomnia , but how about in our case especially after several days of minimal sleep ?


I did try it just a cuple of minutes ago for an hour , but no luck .


For some reason I have this feeling that if I could just sleep for an hour , I could make this day so much better .


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Throw all the "sleep hygiene rules" out the door when it comes to Benzo-induced insomnia...


If you can nap, go for it.  I NEVER could no matter what.  If I could nap, then I would have gotten some sleep on the nights I didn't get any.


The reason you can't nap is the same reason why you get little or no sleep at night!  Your sleep switch is temporarily off line.  GABA isn't working (because of the Benzos) so Glutamate (what makes you active and alert) rules the day and night.


After your sleep evens out, you'll be able to nap again. It took about 18 months after my CT to be able to nap.


Today, I sometimes get so tired, I can't stay awake...this happened to me last night.  Fell asleep on the sofa then went to bed and slept for 8 hours.


You'll get there too.  Try not to worry too much about sleep.


Good luck!

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Hi Potzz, I agree with ThEwAy2, I would sleep when you can, whenever you can. It will all even out as your brain and body heal. I have taken a half to 1mg Melatonin at night which I found a great help. I’m weaning off that now as getting to sleep is mostly easier. I found that when I could have a nap in the day I was able to do a bit more afterwards, but I know this isn’t the same for everyone. All good wishes.
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Potzz, I agree with ThEwAy and Hardy.

I nap when I can, for around an hour in the early afternoon.  After a nap and once the sleep grogginess has lifted, I most always feel the best, like I have had a good eight hours of sleep.

Oddly on the nights I don't sleep much, I cannot nap the next day. 

It's like I am wired or something from no sleep.


My mantra is take to take naps when you can get them!


If I do fall asleep in the evening, watching TV, it messes with my sleep when I go to bed for the night.





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I haven't been able to nap for 3 years. I used to nap for 2 hours during the day and sleep 8 hours at night. it was heavenly. Now, I sleep 4 to 5 hours at night, sometime sonly 2 or 3 and sometimes 7 or 8. I am tired right now and it's 2:30pm. I may lay down just to 'rest' but it's highly unlikely I will actually fall asleep. I wish!
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