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Pure chemical anxiety


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The past few days, sometime in the morning, I seem to get hit with this long lasting wave of pure chemical anxiety. Thoughts or environment doesn’t seem to have as a big an impact, but it seems to be a reaction to food or drink. I eat decent (much better since getting off benzos) but even the healthy stuff seems to set me off.


My heart rate goes up, chest gets tight, breathing more shallow…just from eating!

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I have the same symptoms.  Always have morning anxiety from what I believe is cortisol.  I also get an uptick in these same symptoms every time I eat.  My chest gets super tight so it is hard to breathe.
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I have the same symptoms.  Always have morning anxiety from what I believe is cortisol.  I also get an uptick in these same symptoms every time I eat.  My chest gets super tight so it is hard to breathe.


Exactly. Why do you think it happens after we eat?

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I have no idea really.  Must have something to do with the body diverting resources to digestion instead of healing.  Or maybe something to do with gaba receptors in the digestive tract.  I am really guessing lol.  Would love someone to explain what is happening.


I take comfort in knowing it is a withdrawal symptom and it will eventually go away.  There is hope and that is all I need.

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I read somewhere that histamine naturally increases after we eat, even if we're not allergic to any of the food.  So that could be one explanation for the after-meal anxiety. 
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I have anxiety every day, especially in the morning. It feels like it's all chemical and has nothing to do with my thoughts or worries. That is what Xanax used to help with but now I can't take it. That's why I am weaning off. All I have now is my Rx for Vistaril that I just got today. I took one earlier today and it helped with my anxiety and made me tired. I have 3 a day prescribed so I am going to take the other 2 at bedtime and see if they help me sleep.


Vistaril is not habit forming and is not a Benzo, so you may want to give it a try.



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I have anxiety every day, especially in the morning. It feels like it's all chemical and has nothing to do with my thoughts or worries. That is what Xanax used to help with but now I can't take it. That's why I am weaning off. All I have now is my Rx for Vistaril that I just got today. I took one earlier today and it helped with my anxiety and made me tired. I have 3 a day prescribed so I am going to take the other 2 at bedtime and see if they help me sleep.


Vistaril is not habit forming and is not a Benzo, so you may want to give it a try.




Right now, I’m too scared to try anything, herbal or medicinal. I’ll keep it in mind though.

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