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Sad and fearful resentment


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Hello all you fine folks.


I'm 5 months out from jumping, cold turkey (didn't know), and took Ativan, 1mg, for a period of 8 months. My life started disintegrating about a year ago from these drugs and obviously continues to in withdrawal, albeit with a different flavour. On the benzos, I realised there was a point where all I could do was sit and watch garbage on youtube, no motivation, minimal socialising, deep severe depression, avoiding work, avoiding life, lobotomised, frightened, completely deleted from life.


I have not had an easy life, although I am sure it is easier than for a lot of souls in this world. I've had clinical depression since I was a child, childhood trauma, ran away from home at 16, alcoholic ages 20-31, replaced by an eating disorder for a few years. I'm now 37. I have no (real) career, I am living in a foreign country (with a foreign language, which lends its own difficulties), having migrated twice, and I'm relatively alone here. I own no house, I have extremely minimal savings, I am now a ghost in this country, in my own life, haunting my own body. I have no children (never wanted them) no partner (between the alcoholism and the eating disorder and now the working through of childhood trauma, I would say I was quite immature/ unsocialised, and also didn't have the self-esteem to enter a relationship). Covid closed 2 of my sources of income, hence I started on the Lorazepam when the first wave broke out here in Europe.


I'm sorry for the long background, it has a point for contrast and context, I swear.


Now, I am desperately overwhelmed with life. I don't know how on earth I will get back on track. Any obligation overwhelms and stresses me, even responding to an email or going to the shop below the house, and I collapse. I HAVE to work (though I'm doing it minimally, enough to pay the rent and buy food - I give private lessons. I watch my flatmates put themselves out in the world, do multiple activities per day, study, work, go out for a 2 hour run, then head out and socialise, date. I can barely hold up a 2 minute conversation in the kitchen with them. I see everyone around me engaging in life.


I don't know how, but it seems everyone else has 49 hours in a day, and I seem to have 4. It takes me 3 hours to do something that should take 20 minutes. I sit on my chair all day long with depression, anhedonia, lack of motivation, and intrusive thoughts. This depression is different to my normal depression. Before all of this, yes I wasn't great, but dammit, I had hope, I moved countries, I started fledgling businesses. I could see a future for myself, even if it was harder than for most (always severely lacking in self-confidence), but dammit I tried, I refused to believe I was condemned.


I feel like my life is over and I wasted any potential I may have had.


It was almost better when I was in the first months of withdrawal, because I had 'real' physical symptoms (that people believed) and lived in a braindead, lobotomised fog, and now I have invisible psychological and cognitive damage, but I'm simultaneously more cognizant in healing and therefore more aware of how screwed my situation is.


Now I'm filled with a fear and resentment I never really had before. I used to wear my difficulties with a badge of pride, as in, 'look what I have overcome, and I'm still here!'


Now, they are overwhelming me. I cannot envisage a future for myself. I just yesterday looked back at business emails I sent earlier this year, ones for a covid-closed business that I need to restart, that are full of errors, and I'm humiliated and scared (and seeing career suicide). I feel trapped in a broken brain. I don't know how people work all day, then go and socialise, organise a future life. I don't know how people work - plan a future, put themselves out into the world. I feel destined for poverty and failure. I have intrusive visions of living in the streets, alone. I have no children and I am therefore alone and a failure ( I have NEVER before wanted them, and NEVER felt a failure for not having them). I have no partner and am therefore a reject, a failure, unworthy (I always felt a bit unworthy but I NEVER before saw this as meaning me to be a failure). Same thing with the career. I look at everyone around me, they seem to have money, inheritances, houses, good jobs with security, and I'm a lousy failure ( I NEVER thought this before, I just used to think that I had a different path and I would make it in my own way).


I am deeply resentful of my life, of how alone I am. I resent other buddies for having support, for not having to work through this (I don't actually resent you guys, I am happy that you have the fortune you deserve. How do I put it, it's, not jealousy, not envy, not resentment at YOU, but a resentment at myself, the Universe, why have I been deemed so unworthy to have to live this life alone, without help, without a leg up, having to do everything myself and failing hard at it).


I wish everyone to have a good life and I don't wish them bad personally or resent them, it's just... I am drowning and I don't know why I am destined to struggle, and why some people in this world are so much luckier... it makes me feel so unworthy.

Why was I cursed with my shitty childhood, my years of alcoholism (and lost life, lost career opportunities during that time), Why have I had to fight debilitating depression my whole life, and now benzos and their withdrawal, cutting me off from my potential and opportunities in life to live fully, to excel? It must be because I am deeply unworthy and destined to struggle, while other people instead are given help and security, for example a partner who helps, perhaps parents who care and help them, support them in their life and career and are interested in them, maybe help them buy a house. (related to unreasonable fear- I own no house, have no pension and will die alone in the streets) I know this sounds bitter and unreasonable but I feel alone and frightened and incapable and overwhelmed. And through all this, I am struggling to survive, alone, and the years are ticking by.


I didn't feel this way before. I am frightened of everything.


I know this is not logical. Intellectually I don't feel this way. I know these are immature and ungrateful thoughts, and I know I myself am lucky in comparison to many other people in this world, but I guess it's relative to the environment you are in. However I see people in more difficult situations than me, who are striving, who are succeeding, who are not letting their difficulties get in their way, who started life with nothing and instead I sit on this chair, useless.


These are intrusive thoughts, I fight them every day but I can't help them. I see my life being forever a struggle, I feel trapped, and I feel there is nothing I can do about it. I never resent individuals, I am (genuinely) happy for them. I have never had these extreme thoughts before, I had perspective, but at the moment I can't help it. I am drowning and I can't save myself.


I should put a question to you guys here I guess, but really it's just open. Is anyone else experiencing this. Has anyone seen their spirit return, return to the land of the living, the hopeful?


Thank you for reading my drivel.



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BTW, through my past depression I have always tried everything, actively to help myself. Before benzos I was doing CBT, and this helped me immensely, I got my depression score way down and it seemed like fundamental change, real improvement.


It doesn't work now, nothing works, I try, and nothing changes.


This leads me to think that this is benzo depression, but yet there is the fearful voice that says: No, THIS is reality, and past changes and improvements were an illusion.


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I have felt this way bobthrob.  Afraid of everything.  This morning I became frightened just looking at some clothing on my bedroom floor (!).  Feel no hope, sad when seeing others move through life as I did before all of this.  It is so sad. 


But outside of this exists a part of me that says this will not be forever and must keep on doing just and only what I can do, which is very little at the moment.  Finding words, making mistakes, thinking my life is over.  Ages to complete a tasks.  It's depressing and exhausting. 


(But) I keep hold of the faith that eventually this will pass and I'll emerge, hopefully for the better, stronger. Maybe I'll never be the person I was before, but will be ok.  This thing has been life changing.


Hang in bobthrob you are not alone. 

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Well.. I have been where you are now and I can assure you looking back and taking a bath in all your problems won't help. Make a list with things you want to have in life and then a plan. Slowly make your way forward. People who had a hard life have the tendency to believe that life will always be that way, especially because they learned they were victims. But thats not the truth. Life simply does not care, it happens now. The past is the past.

It might sound harsh but thats a learning I made after decades of suffering and a really hard life - and then I decided to let go therapists, the psychiatric system and to work my ass of for a better life. First I had to learn to be kind to myself and to love myself - but at some point I had to learn that it was time to give myself some tough love and push forward.


You were able to write a very long post so you are still able to use your brain. Also you seem to be empathic and as you said, you have already managed a lot in your life - these are all skills you need to work with now. It is normal to have a chemical depression after benzos and it is normal to have these feelings of anxiety and "this will never end". But you are not a normal Benzo Survivor, you have survived depression before. I assume there was a reason why you stopped benzos - congratulations for that! To do this step knowing how a depression feels like just shows me even more that you are stronger than you can feel.


I started into my new life being bedridden and I could focus for 30 minutes. you can do that. I am still working on the last final step to have the life I want but with each step you become stronger. Just step out of this "well, I have a loooooong history ...." thinking. It does not matter. It only matters for the fact that you are experienced in surviving and that is a strength not a weakness. The sooner you realize that the better.


So first step - a daily routine to handle the thoughts, some plans for a week, good diet - and thats a lot. As soon as you are in control, even just for a minute - the years stop flowing by and your life happens right now. And as hard as it might sound - this is your life and you can get a lot of positive things right where you are now.


get well soon -  :smitten:

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Marigold, you always inspire....thank you!


I think its more my life which inspires. I only speak about what I have learned so far. And I am still inspired by others here on this board or in my life.  :smitten:

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I empathize with your feelings. I agree with marigold1 that you need a plan to make it better but I also empathize with your mindset as you typed that post today. I have tried and tired and failed and failed. I do have children; I'm lucky, but I don't have a lot of friends and parental support. I have 'accepted' that I will be poor forever and that this is my fate. Benzo withdrawal just make it 10X worse. Now I am reduced to  thinking my world would turn around if I just got a good nights sleep since I am struggling with insomnia. None the less, I still hold out hope that my sleep will improve and I can go back to work. The benzo symptoms will lesson and I can make plans for life and make things better for myself. I think your symptoms and life can get better. Just hang in there and take baby steps that you can handle. We're here for you no matter what. You have a support network in BB. I sincerely hope you turn a corner soon. Make a plan that incorporates easy, doable steps. Once you have taken those steps, you can check those boxes that you are moving forward.


My best to you.



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bobthrob, I was a short-term CT, so I understand how hard this is. At your time point, I was beside myself and couldn't function at all. I felt much like you do. I am in my ninth month, and things are so much better than then. I am not healed, but I can see how far I've come. Hang in there - it does get better. Hugs.
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bobthrob, I was a short-term CT, so I understand how hard this is. At your time point, I was beside myself and couldn't function at all. I felt much like you do. I am in my ninth month, and things are so much better than then. I am not healed, but I can see how far I've come. Hang in there - it does get better. Hugs.


Thank you so much Fluffernutter, those are wonderful words and bring much relief, and I'm delighted for you that you are improving!

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I have felt this way bobthrob.  Afraid of everything.  This morning I became frightened just looking at some clothing on my bedroom floor (!).  Feel no hope, sad when seeing others move through life as I did before all of this.  It is so sad. 


But outside of this exists a part of me that says this will not be forever and must keep on doing just and only what I can do, which is very little at the moment.  Finding words, making mistakes, thinking my life is over.  Ages to complete a tasks.  It's depressing and exhausting. 


(But) I keep hold of the faith that eventually this will pass and I'll emerge, hopefully for the better, stronger. Maybe I'll never be the person I was before, but will be ok.  This thing has been life changing.


Hang in bobthrob you are not alone.


Oh I know, that fear! every little stupid thing, where I used to be quite fearless. I always had my problems as does everyone, but being afraid of everything, random dread. Not picking up clothing from bedroom floor------> ending up on the street because the monthly fee for an asylum is too high and dying alone.  :D

It's absurd.


Thank you so much for your reply deadwoodgone, the comfort in knowing this is irrational and chemical when every fibre in your being tells you you are just destined to be like this forever, well, it's a relief.

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I empathize with your feelings. I agree with marigold1 that you need a plan to make it better but I also empathize with your mindset as you typed that post today. I have tried and tired and failed and failed. I do have children; I'm lucky, but I don't have a lot of friends and parental support. I have 'accepted' that I will be poor forever and that this is my fate. Benzo withdrawal just make it 10X worse. Now I am reduced to  thinking my world would turn around if I just got a good nights sleep since I am struggling with insomnia. None the less, I still hold out hope that my sleep will improve and I can go back to work. The benzo symptoms will lesson and I can make plans for life and make things better for myself. I think your symptoms and life can get better. Just hang in there and take baby steps that you can handle. We're here for you no matter what. You have a support network in BB. I sincerely hope you turn a corner soon. Make a plan that incorporates easy, doable steps. Once you have taken those steps, you can check those boxes that you are moving forward.


My best to you.




Thanks Heartmost, I hear you, and I'm so sorry for your situation. I really feel for parents, it adds such a weight knowing we are going through this yet supposed to be responsible, loving and present for the people in our life, I know it must be so hard. I hope your insomnia eases up, I had it quite badly, 2,3 hours a night, constant wake ups, 5am cortisol panics. Mine has passed for now, well I still get up at 5 but it's not so bad, so hopefully yours will too. I wish you the rest you deserve

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Thank you for the well wishes regarding my insomnia. Last night was about an hour so I am tired but I have to count my blessings that, as of yet, I don't have a lot of other withdrawal symptoms. I hope you're having a better day today. I know you have really been struggling. Time heals all wounds. At least that is what everybody says. I hope this Sunday meets you with a window.



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  • 1 year later...

Hello all you fine folks.


I'm 5 months out from jumping, cold turkey (didn't know), and took Ativan, 1mg, for a period of 8 months. My life started disintegrating about a year ago from these drugs and obviously continues to in withdrawal, albeit with a different flavour. On the benzos, I realised there was a point where all I could do was sit and watch garbage on youtube, no motivation, minimal socialising, deep severe depression, avoiding work, avoiding life, lobotomised, frightened, completely deleted from life.


I have not had an easy life, although I am sure it is easier than for a lot of souls in this world. I've had clinical depression since I was a child, childhood trauma, ran away from home at 16, alcoholic ages 20-31, replaced by an eating disorder for a few years. I'm now 37. I have no (real) career, I am living in a foreign country (with a foreign language, which lends its own difficulties), having migrated twice, and I'm relatively alone here. I own no house, I have extremely minimal savings, I am now a ghost in this country, in my own life, haunting my own body. I have no children (never wanted them) no partner (between the alcoholism and the eating disorder and now the working through of childhood trauma, I would say I was quite immature/ unsocialised, and also didn't have the self-esteem to enter a relationship). Covid closed 2 of my sources of income, hence I started on the Lorazepam when the first wave broke out here in Europe.


I'm sorry for the long background, it has a point for contrast and context, I swear.


Now, I am desperately overwhelmed with life. I don't know how on earth I will get back on track. Any obligation overwhelms and stresses me, even responding to an email or going to the shop below the house, and I collapse. I HAVE to work (though I'm doing it minimally, enough to pay the rent and buy food - I give private lessons. I watch my flatmates put themselves out in the world, do multiple activities per day, study, work, go out for a 2 hour run, then head out and socialise, date. I can barely hold up a 2 minute conversation in the kitchen with them. I see everyone around me engaging in life.


I don't know how, but it seems everyone else has 49 hours in a day, and I seem to have 4. It takes me 3 hours to do something that should take 20 minutes. I sit on my chair all day long with depression, anhedonia, lack of motivation, and intrusive thoughts. This depression is different to my normal depression. Before all of this, yes I wasn't great, but dammit, I had hope, I moved countries, I started fledgling businesses. I could see a future for myself, even if it was harder than for most (always severely lacking in self-confidence), but dammit I tried, I refused to believe I was condemned.


I feel like my life is over and I wasted any potential I may have had.


It was almost better when I was in the first months of withdrawal, because I had 'real' physical symptoms (that people believed) and lived in a braindead, lobotomised fog, and now I have invisible psychological and cognitive damage, but I'm simultaneously more cognizant in healing and therefore more aware of how screwed my situation is.


Now I'm filled with a fear and resentment I never really had before. I used to wear my difficulties with a badge of pride, as in, 'look what I have overcome, and I'm still here!'


Now, they are overwhelming me. I cannot envisage a future for myself. I just yesterday looked back at business emails I sent earlier this year, ones for a covid-closed business that I need to restart, that are full of errors, and I'm humiliated and scared (and seeing career suicide). I feel trapped in a broken brain. I don't know how people work all day, then go and socialise, organise a future life. I don't know how people work - plan a future, put themselves out into the world. I feel destined for poverty and failure. I have intrusive visions of living in the streets, alone. I have no children and I am therefore alone and a failure ( I have NEVER before wanted them, and NEVER felt a failure for not having them). I have no partner and am therefore a reject, a failure, unworthy (I always felt a bit unworthy but I NEVER before saw this as meaning me to be a failure). Same thing with the career. I look at everyone around me, they seem to have money, inheritances, houses, good jobs with security, and I'm a lousy failure ( I NEVER thought this before, I just used to think that I had a different path and I would make it in my own way).


I am deeply resentful of my life, of how alone I am. I resent other buddies for having support, for not having to work through this (I don't actually resent you guys, I am happy that you have the fortune you deserve. How do I put it, it's, not jealousy, not envy, not resentment at YOU, but a resentment at myself, the Universe, why have I been deemed so unworthy to have to live this life alone, without help, without a leg up, having to do everything myself and failing hard at it).


I wish everyone to have a good life and I don't wish them bad personally or resent them, it's just... I am drowning and I don't know why I am destined to struggle, and why some people in this world are so much luckier... it makes me feel so unworthy.

Why was I cursed with my shitty childhood, my years of alcoholism (and lost life, lost career opportunities during that time), Why have I had to fight debilitating depression my whole life, and now benzos and their withdrawal, cutting me off from my potential and opportunities in life to live fully, to excel? It must be because I am deeply unworthy and destined to struggle, while other people instead are given help and security, for example a partner who helps, perhaps parents who care and help them, support them in their life and career and are interested in them, maybe help them buy a house. (related to unreasonable fear- I own no house, have no pension and will die alone in the streets) I know this sounds bitter and unreasonable but I feel alone and frightened and incapable and overwhelmed. And through all this, I am struggling to survive, alone, and the years are ticking by.


I didn't feel this way before. I am frightened of everything.


I know this is not logical. Intellectually I don't feel this way. I know these are immature and ungrateful thoughts, and I know I myself am lucky in comparison to many other people in this world, but I guess it's relative to the environment you are in. However I see people in more difficult situations than me, who are striving, who are succeeding, who are not letting their difficulties get in their way, who started life with nothing and instead I sit on this chair, useless.


These are intrusive thoughts, I fight them every day but I can't help them. I see my life being forever a struggle, I feel trapped, and I feel there is nothing I can do about it. I never resent individuals, I am (genuinely) happy for them. I have never had these extreme thoughts before, I had perspective, but at the moment I can't help it. I am drowning and I can't save myself.


I should put a question to you guys here I guess, but really it's just open. Is anyone else experiencing this. Has anyone seen their spirit return, return to the land of the living, the hopeful?


Thank you for reading my drivel.


I can so relate to this.

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