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What does anyone think about using trazodone a couple times a week for sleep?


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I just wanted to use something to help me sleep on occasion. Most nights I tried to just power through but every now and then feels like I'm not going to get any sleep I would like to be able to have something to take. I tried Unisom but that did not work very well for me, I also tried mirtazapine which gave me terrible headaches. Thank you



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I take Dayvigo but I try to only use it when I really need a good nights sleep. It states that you can stop and their is no withdrawal works on sleep receptors not GABA?
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Have you considered Vistaril? It's an old prescription anti-histamine also used for anxiety and sleep. Start with 25 mg, take right before you get into bed. If 25 mg isn't enough, try 50 mg. It has strong sedating effects that enable sleep. It will stop working if you use it all the time, but if you are using it occasionally, it should work fine.



Dayvigo is very expensive but an older sleep med in the same class, Belsomra, is cheaper and likely covered by insurance. My insurance would cover Belsomra, but not Dayvigo.

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I will talk to my doctor about it on Wednesday. I'm so afraid to take anything because of how sensitive I am. Early and withdrawal I tried Trazodone and it didn't work that well but it didn't give me any terrible side effects either. Thank you for sharing.



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I've tried upwards of 125mg for sleep and it doesn't work for me. After a few days it made my eyelids and lips twitch so I stopped taking it.
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Some people do really well with this, others like me not so much. It didn't make me sleep and I got a stuffy nose. But try a tiny dose and see. My problem is I can sleep until 4am then I need something to get back to sleep. I fall asleep fine and sleep though to 4. But I have anxiety at 4am too - chemical - so that interferes.
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