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Seeing white light when eyes closed


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This symptom terrifies me as I keep thinking in losing my sight. Whenever I close my eyes I either see a white background instead of black or ill see moving patterns that are white moving which is messing up my body because as the patterns move my body feels like it's off balance like I'm falling.


Anyone else go through this?

It went away for a while but now it's back

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Hey there!

How long have you been off?

I had tons of weirdo patterns and flickers when I my closed eyes during the first couple months off.

My eyes were totally weird for a few months and then they returned to normal.

If it's been a long time or you are really concerned, you can always see an eye doc just to look?

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Hello and thank you for answering. I've been off six months now. I've had a many symptoms throughout this recovery process that I've marked down in my phones note pad, up to 115 now, the vast majorty of those symptoms are gone. I'm left with intestinal pains, visual issues like seeing light when my eyes are closed or visual snow however these symptoms tend to go away for a good 3 weeks to a month and come back. If I get stressed out my body feels overly weak and shakes like it's struggling to keep me up right.

I was just wondering if anyone else experienced this light and or pattern of light when eyes are closed, I've yet to see anyone discuss it yet. Thank you so much for replying :)

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Ive had this as well. Specially when being behind the pc a lot and when being stressed out before bed. It went away. Didnt think that much of it because i could find the link to screentime and ofc benzo w/d.
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I have similar visual alterations when I close my eyes. Sometimes it's like lights flash and my eyes almost feel like they are shaking, if that makes sense. I have a lot of strange visuals in general with my eyes closed. I am a little over 6.5 months and its gotten better, but still there in the middle of the night.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I had it during my lexapro tapering but only in sleep. Its most terrifying and always was accompanied by other sick feeling waking me up.


It went away eventually after I finished my tapering ( 5 yrs tapering off 10mg)

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  • 3 months later...
That's awesome some people's have gone away.  My visual snow which is the same as you described fit better but at the expense of a decline in vision quality.  I see the stuff at night too, the circles like closing in one after another.  It's neurological for sure and most likely short circuiting in the brain.  I get it the worst in bed or when waking early in the middle of the night or if I take tylenol pm.
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