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Regarding the Removed Threads Referencing Baylissa Frederick


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The person in question left untrue remarks on a public forum and Baylissa Fredrick joined the forum to clarify them. She in no way put the client down as you suggested in recent posts. She has a right to clarify public statements when she is a public figure herself. She did so with grace and dignity. She had apparent concern for the person in question and only wanted that person's well-being.


You claim this has astonished you when it was very much tastefully done and done as you wanted. She changed her name at your request. It is you sir that behaves in a distasteful, astonishing manner. You should have never encouraged people on your website to debate. When the debate got heated, you should have shut it down and you know this. Arguments in this manner should never be allowed here.


For one last time - for the benefit of others readers, since you are patently not her for genuine engagement - you do not know the truth of comments spoken between two other people. You might assert one is telling the truth over the other, but you cannot know.


What we know for certain is that at a counsellor joined our forum without informing us of her true intentions for being here, and then confronted her former client in public. There is a horrible power disparity in such a relationship, and Frederick abused that power. What you are doing here is helping to enable such abuses of power. I have had members here make untrue comments about me elsewhere over the years. I've not once tracked them down to other websites to confront them in public. Sometimes (probably mostly) they suffered from mental or emotional health problems. They got a pass. I took the nonsense on the chin. But I an just a guy on another forum - not their counsellor! If I can decide to not peruse them and try to understand why they did what they did, why cannot a counsellor with her clients?


It is painfully obvious that that are here to defend your friend no matter what. The facts do not matter to you. She can peruse her clients and 'correct them' in public - that's just fine with you.

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Thank you Pamster. This should have been shown days ago and has caused serious tension in this group. Colin saw it and knew when I asked him point blank but still refused to admit to the fact that he knew Baylissa was not trying to fool anyone. He stated that she was and shame on him. That fact is very sad. I understand that he has an ego but truly needs to check it here. This forum is supposed to be helpful. I do not know what his problem with Baylissa is nor do I care. I am grateful the truth is coming out finally.


Urgh. No. When I first became aware that Frederick had, apparently, tried to join using her real name, I looked through various Intro action logs, deleted replies to Introduction replies (at the Account Approval Desk), 'Dropped Intros' (another section at the Approval Desk), general moderation logs, the actual approved Introduction from Frederick (and replies there) and then the forum general recycle bin. And, there were holes. The part of the picture I did not hold was that there were also private message communications. Additionally, I would like to point out that the Approval Desk is based upon a chopped-up ticket system - it was not designed for these purposes. Further, the ticket system is poorly designed anyway. Further still, never before have we had to dig into the various Account Approval systems (and other system) to put together a timeline like this. Some of these systems and logs I do not recall even being there. Only after I failed to understand what had occurred did I post to about it to the Admin area.


When I first heard from Pam, she could not fully recall what had occurred during the approval. At the time, it was just another account approval. And although there was some back and forth in the approval process, even this was not that unusual. Only when she remembered about the exchange of PMs was she able to put it properly together. And even then, it took some time.


However, while Pam was going through this, there were related developments in the background. I do not intend to detail them at this time. There was also another matter which occupied my time regarding an unauthorized personal data disclosure. Plus, you know, I have an actual life which requires some attention.


Anyway, I know your post crossed with my previous one. But I hope you will now begin to understand and accept that not everything can occur as soon as any of us would ideally prefer. Sometimes other things get in the way. There is nothing nefarious or shoddy going on here.


Urgh. Yeah. Stop trying to deflect. http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=253232.150.


Also, a quote from one of your administrators in a PM to me "I don't understand why you keep insisting that Colin knew who Baylissa was when she recently registered.  I really doubt if Colin saw the introductory note from her until after her third post (when she acknowledged who she was)." Stop getting people to do your dirty work for you Colin.


What is your agenda? What is the purpose of your link? I knew nothing of Frederick's registration with this forum until after Frederick had confronted her former client on this forum and all the Frederick-related threads were removed for review. There is nothing contradicting this.


Finish reading the quote please. It explains.


I am making sure the truth is out here. That you are being upfront and honest and that this forum is handled appropriately.


ETA: You were informed on March 26th but have pretended to have no knowledge.


Explain. 'Pretended to have no knowledge' of what, precisely? Back up your claims. Provide quotes and links.


You were informed that Baylissa made an account and tried to do so using her own name. It was days after that you accused her of making a name up. You told her to do so then turned and pretended that she was under some kind of covert operation.


Again, links and quotes! You keep making assertions are patently untrue. Back up your claims or retract them.

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What am I doing to save lives in the benzo community?! How about reaching out to people posting about literally having loaded guns to their heads because they can’t stand another day of nonstop ocd intrusive thoughts and isolation and encouraging them TO GET HELP TO SAVE THEIR LIVES. Literally saving someone’s life. But right I’m a bully and a troll.


Then state what you believe about this website. Tell everyone here what you have told me. Please do point out where Baylissa was rude to you as well. If you want to help then please do it.

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Colin you also mention that you "have a life" and therefore can not keep up. I think you need to decide if you can handle this job now. It is extremely important to keep sick people that join your site safe. The benzo world is very dangerous. Also, do not think for a second that there aren't screenshots of disturbing behavior from this site kept.


Try harder. Much harder. This is not a job. I am not paid, and neither seek nor (when offered) accept donations. BB is a peer-support group, that's all. In the main, I am not even involved in day-to-day matters here. The forum is managed by volunteers. Support is provided by your peers.


It is probably also worth my pointing out that when all the other benzo message boards closed (from stalkers, ineptitude, internal pressures, or burn out), I, with the help of team members here, kept this place going. You have absolutely no idea of what you talking. None. And, I think you know it. You should be more subtle when you have an agenda other than arriving at understanding through genuine dialogue.


You do not get to disapprove of others when you actually break the law. Remember I showed you the link to your titration board because you couldn't figure out what I meant by encouraging members to take their medication other than prescribed and to keep information from their doctors? There is plenty of that here and more. You keep the people safe here. It is your job. If you need help doing, don't be afraid to reach out to others. There are plenty of people that would help you if your are over ran here I'm sure.


Have a good day.


Again, you talking nonsense. You linked to a factual post of mine describing tititration. It does not encourage titration. We have actually gone to great pains to point out the problems associated with 'titration' at home. And BB policy documents make clear that members should not be making any changes to their medication without first consulting their doctors.


This is the link you should have posted above:




It was the most objective description of benzodiazepine titration we could construct. You should - rather than ignore - that I go to pains to describe the downsides of attempting to 'home titrate'.


I also posted this critique (another pinned post on the same board):




When are you going to engage in a genuine dialogue?


By the way, since you have accused me of 'breaking the law', and you did this in public, perhaps you should site the law I have broken. Be specific and accurate. I think it only reasonable (given recent events) to point out that someone else (I'll leave 'who' to your imagination) would be threatening you with a lawsuit by now. You might wish to chew that over before responding.


No it is not nonsense. Look at your own damn boards. http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=253615.0


This entire website has specific and accurate laws that are broken. You know it. Look around. Wake up!


No, I don't know who you're referring to be if anyone wishes to do so they can certainly try.


You made claims of me breaking the law. Back up your claims with facts (citations, links, quotes), or retract. Quite simple really.

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Colin you also mention that you "have a life" and therefore can not keep up. I think you need to decide if you can handle this job now. It is extremely important to keep sick people that join your site safe. The benzo world is very dangerous. Also, do not think for a second that there aren't screenshots of disturbing behavior from this site kept.


Try harder. Much harder. This is not a job. I am not paid, and neither seek nor (when offered) accept donations. BB is a peer-support group, that's all. In the main, I am not even involved in day-to-day matters here. The forum is managed by volunteers. Support is provided by your peers.


It is probably also worth my pointing out that when all the other benzo message boards closed (from stalkers, ineptitude, internal pressures, or burn out), I, with the help of team members here, kept this place going. You have absolutely no idea of what you talking. None. And, I think you know it. You should be more subtle when you have an agenda other than arriving at understanding through genuine dialogue.


You do not get to disapprove of others when you actually break the law. Remember I showed you the link to your titration board because you couldn't figure out what I meant by encouraging members to take their medication other than prescribed and to keep information from their doctors? There is plenty of that here and more. You keep the people safe here. It is your job. If you need help doing, don't be afraid to reach out to others. There are plenty of people that would help you if your are over ran here I'm sure.


Have a good day.


Again, you talking nonsense. You linked to a factual post of mine describing tititration. It does not encourage titration. We have actually gone to great pains to point out the problems associated with 'titration' at home. And BB policy documents make clear that members should not be making any changes to their medication without first consulting their doctors.


This is the link you should have posted above:




It was the most objective description of benzodiazepine titration we could construct. You should - rather than ignore - that I go to pains to describe the downsides of attempting to 'home titrate'.


I also posted this critique (another pinned post on the same board):




When are you going to engage in a genuine dialogue?


By the way, since you have accused me of 'breaking the law', and you did this in public, perhaps you should site the law I have broken. Be specific and accurate. I think it only reasonable (given recent events) to point out that someone else (I'll leave 'who' to your imagination) would be threatening you with a lawsuit by now. You might wish to chew that over before responding.


No it is not nonsense. Look at your own damn boards. http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=253615.0


This entire website has specific and accurate laws that are broken. You know it. Look around. Wake up!


No, I don't know who you're referring to be if anyone wishes to do so they can certainly try.


Ora-plus is a pharmaceutical designed as a delivery vehicle for medications. It is available across the counter. Your point?

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What am I doing to save lives in the benzo community?! How about reaching out to people posting about literally having loaded guns to their heads because they can’t stand another day of nonstop ocd intrusive thoughts and isolation and encouraging them TO GET HELP TO SAVE THEIR LIVES. Literally saving someone’s life. But right I’m a bully and a troll.


Sorry for all of this.  You're seeing humans at their worst reptilian levels.  I apologize.  No person should have their opinion challenged in a public forum in this manner.


^^^^^ ... Regards what I have highlighted in bold above, perhaps as a ‘Senior Moderator’ you should lead by example.


Here’s why...


“Be polite towards, and respectful of, your fellow Buddies. We do not tolerate attacks upon fellow members...”


... you are in clear violation of the very own BB forum ‘Rules & Guidelines’ that you are here to uphold.






@pianogirl... here’s another direct example of the ‘pot - kettle’ thing I mentioned to you on an earlier comment.


The BB forum ‘Rules & Guidlines’ apply to the entire BB forum membership... this includes the entire ‘Admin Team’ as well.


Hopefully you will deal with this internally.


Thank you in advance.





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Colin you also mention that you "have a life" and therefore can not keep up. I think you need to decide if you can handle this job now. It is extremely important to keep sick people that join your site safe. The benzo world is very dangerous. Also, do not think for a second that there aren't screenshots of disturbing behavior from this site kept.


Try harder. Much harder. This is not a job. I am not paid, and neither seek nor (when offered) accept donations. BB is a peer-support group, that's all. In the main, I am not even involved in day-to-day matters here. The forum is managed by volunteers. Support is provided by your peers.


It is probably also worth my pointing out that when all the other benzo message boards closed (from stalkers, ineptitude, internal pressures, or burn out), I, with the help of team members here, kept this place going. You have absolutely no idea of what you talking. None. And, I think you know it. You should be more subtle when you have an agenda other than arriving at understanding through genuine dialogue.


You do not get to disapprove of others when you actually break the law. Remember I showed you the link to your titration board because you couldn't figure out what I meant by encouraging members to take their medication other than prescribed and to keep information from their doctors? There is plenty of that here and more. You keep the people safe here. It is your job. If you need help doing, don't be afraid to reach out to others. There are plenty of people that would help you if your are over ran here I'm sure.


Have a good day.


Again, you talking nonsense. You linked to a factual post of mine describing tititration. It does not encourage titration. We have actually gone to great pains to point out the problems associated with 'titration' at home. And BB policy documents make clear that members should not be making any changes to their medication without first consulting their doctors.


This is the link you should have posted above:




It was the most objective description of benzodiazepine titration we could construct. You should - rather than ignore - that I go to pains to describe the downsides of attempting to 'home titrate'.


I also posted this critique (another pinned post on the same board):




When are you going to engage in a genuine dialogue?


By the way, since you have accused me of 'breaking the law', and you did this in public, perhaps you should site the law I have broken. Be specific and accurate. I think it only reasonable (given recent events) to point out that someone else (I'll leave 'who' to your imagination) would be threatening you with a lawsuit by now. You might wish to chew that over before responding.


No it is not nonsense. Look at your own damn boards. http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=253615.0


This entire website has specific and accurate laws that are broken. You know it. Look around. Wake up!


No, I don't know who you're referring to be if anyone wishes to do so they can certainly try.


You made claims of me breaking the law. Back up your claims with facts (citations, links, quotes), or retract. Quite simple really.


Yes it is simple. Pick a thread, any thread. http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?board=164.0

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Colin you also mention that you "have a life" and therefore can not keep up. I think you need to decide if you can handle this job now. It is extremely important to keep sick people that join your site safe. The benzo world is very dangerous. Also, do not think for a second that there aren't screenshots of disturbing behavior from this site kept.


Try harder. Much harder. This is not a job. I am not paid, and neither seek nor (when offered) accept donations. BB is a peer-support group, that's all. In the main, I am not even involved in day-to-day matters here. The forum is managed by volunteers. Support is provided by your peers.


It is probably also worth my pointing out that when all the other benzo message boards closed (from stalkers, ineptitude, internal pressures, or burn out), I, with the help of team members here, kept this place going. You have absolutely no idea of what you talking. None. And, I think you know it. You should be more subtle when you have an agenda other than arriving at understanding through genuine dialogue.


You do not get to disapprove of others when you actually break the law. Remember I showed you the link to your titration board because you couldn't figure out what I meant by encouraging members to take their medication other than prescribed and to keep information from their doctors? There is plenty of that here and more. You keep the people safe here. It is your job. If you need help doing, don't be afraid to reach out to others. There are plenty of people that would help you if your are over ran here I'm sure.


Have a good day.


Again, you talking nonsense. You linked to a factual post of mine describing tititration. It does not encourage titration. We have actually gone to great pains to point out the problems associated with 'titration' at home. And BB policy documents make clear that members should not be making any changes to their medication without first consulting their doctors.


This is the link you should have posted above:




It was the most objective description of benzodiazepine titration we could construct. You should - rather than ignore - that I go to pains to describe the downsides of attempting to 'home titrate'.


I also posted this critique (another pinned post on the same board):




When are you going to engage in a genuine dialogue?


By the way, since you have accused me of 'breaking the law', and you did this in public, perhaps you should site the law I have broken. Be specific and accurate. I think it only reasonable (given recent events) to point out that someone else (I'll leave 'who' to your imagination) would be threatening you with a lawsuit by now. You might wish to chew that over before responding.


No it is not nonsense. Look at your own damn boards. http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=253615.0


This entire website has specific and accurate laws that are broken. You know it. Look around. Wake up!


No, I don't know who you're referring to be if anyone wishes to do so they can certainly try.


Ora-plus is a pharmaceutical designed as a delivery vehicle for medications. It is available across the counter. Your point?


Under doctor's orders, Not BenzoBuddies.

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What am I doing to save lives in the benzo community?! How about reaching out to people posting about literally having loaded guns to their heads because they can’t stand another day of nonstop ocd intrusive thoughts and isolation and encouraging them TO GET HELP TO SAVE THEIR LIVES. Literally saving someone’s life. But right I’m a bully and a troll.


Sorry for all of this.  You're seeing humans at their worst reptilian levels.  I apologize.  No person should have their opinion challenged in a public forum in this manner.


^^^^^ ... Regards what I have highlighted in bold above, perhaps as a ‘Senior Moderator’ you should lead by example.


Here’s why...


“Be polite towards, and respectful of, your fellow Buddies. We do not tolerate attacks upon fellow members...”


... you are in clear violation of the very own BB forum rules that you are here to uphold.






@pianogirl... here’s another direct example of the ‘pot - kettle’ thing I mentioned to you on an earlier comment.


The BB forum ‘Rules & Guidlines’ apply to the entire BB forum membership... this includes the entire  ‘Admin Team’ as well.


Hopefully you will deal with this internally.


Thank you in advance.

This place is absurd.

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What am I doing to save lives in the benzo community?! How about reaching out to people posting about literally having loaded guns to their heads because they can’t stand another day of nonstop ocd intrusive thoughts and isolation and encouraging them TO GET HELP TO SAVE THEIR LIVES. Literally saving someone’s life. But right I’m a bully and a troll.


Sorry for all of this.  You're seeing humans at their worst reptilian levels.  I apologize.  No person should have their opinion challenged in a public forum in this manner.


NO ONE WAS CHALLENGED! If you believe what you say then this board which is not medically supervised should not exist. And tell me, please do, what was said by Baylissa that was bad? I can give you plenty from people here but let's focus on the subject!


Sorry, but that sentence makes no logical sense. 


It's clear that this 'event' has you upset/polarized as well as many others.  I sure wish all of this hadn't ever happened.  This isn't about patients or healing.  Nothing constructive happens when the wagons are circled, and there's little doubt in my mind that Bay's recent presence and posts have been divisive to this forum.  Very unprofessional.  I'm sadly disappointed.


If you believe my demeanor here is offensive, then poll the membership.  If it's thumbs down, I'll leave tomorrow.

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Right JuustHere,


You have been provided with multiple opportunities to back up your claims of law breaking, and your other claims with the use of citations, links and quotes. I have been extremely patient, but my patience is not inexhaustible. You have failed every time to back up your claims (including claims of crimes). I expect you to now fulfill all of these requests in this thread or I will remove your ability to post. It is more than obvious you have no intent of engaging in any genuine dialogue. There will be no more discussion about this. Change your behaviour, or do not post.

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Colin you also mention that you "have a life" and therefore can not keep up. I think you need to decide if you can handle this job now. It is extremely important to keep sick people that join your site safe. The benzo world is very dangerous. Also, do not think for a second that there aren't screenshots of disturbing behavior from this site kept.


Try harder. Much harder. This is not a job. I am not paid, and neither seek nor (when offered) accept donations. BB is a peer-support group, that's all. In the main, I am not even involved in day-to-day matters here. The forum is managed by volunteers. Support is provided by your peers.


It is probably also worth my pointing out that when all the other benzo message boards closed (from stalkers, ineptitude, internal pressures, or burn out), I, with the help of team members here, kept this place going. You have absolutely no idea of what you talking. None. And, I think you know it. You should be more subtle when you have an agenda other than arriving at understanding through genuine dialogue.


You do not get to disapprove of others when you actually break the law. Remember I showed you the link to your titration board because you couldn't figure out what I meant by encouraging members to take their medication other than prescribed and to keep information from their doctors? There is plenty of that here and more. You keep the people safe here. It is your job. If you need help doing, don't be afraid to reach out to others. There are plenty of people that would help you if your are over ran here I'm sure.


Have a good day.


Again, you talking nonsense. You linked to a factual post of mine describing tititration. It does not encourage titration. We have actually gone to great pains to point out the problems associated with 'titration' at home. And BB policy documents make clear that members should not be making any changes to their medication without first consulting their doctors.


This is the link you should have posted above:




It was the most objective description of benzodiazepine titration we could construct. You should - rather than ignore - that I go to pains to describe the downsides of attempting to 'home titrate'.


I also posted this critique (another pinned post on the same board):




When are you going to engage in a genuine dialogue?


By the way, since you have accused me of 'breaking the law', and you did this in public, perhaps you should site the law I have broken. Be specific and accurate. I think it only reasonable (given recent events) to point out that someone else (I'll leave 'who' to your imagination) would be threatening you with a lawsuit by now. You might wish to chew that over before responding.


No it is not nonsense. Look at your own damn boards. http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=253615.0


This entire website has specific and accurate laws that are broken. You know it. Look around. Wake up!


No, I don't know who you're referring to be if anyone wishes to do so they can certainly try.


Ora-plus is a pharmaceutical designed as a delivery vehicle for medications. It is available across the counter. Your point?


Under doctor's orders, Not BenzoBuddies.


Across. The. Counter.


No. One. Instructed. Any. Member. To. Buy. Anything.

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Colin you also mention that you "have a life" and therefore can not keep up. I think you need to decide if you can handle this job now. It is extremely important to keep sick people that join your site safe. The benzo world is very dangerous. Also, do not think for a second that there aren't screenshots of disturbing behavior from this site kept.


Try harder. Much harder. This is not a job. I am not paid, and neither seek nor (when offered) accept donations. BB is a peer-support group, that's all. In the main, I am not even involved in day-to-day matters here. The forum is managed by volunteers. Support is provided by your peers.


It is probably also worth my pointing out that when all the other benzo message boards closed (from stalkers, ineptitude, internal pressures, or burn out), I, with the help of team members here, kept this place going. You have absolutely no idea of what you talking. None. And, I think you know it. You should be more subtle when you have an agenda other than arriving at understanding through genuine dialogue.


You do not get to disapprove of others when you actually break the law. Remember I showed you the link to your titration board because you couldn't figure out what I meant by encouraging members to take their medication other than prescribed and to keep information from their doctors? There is plenty of that here and more. You keep the people safe here. It is your job. If you need help doing, don't be afraid to reach out to others. There are plenty of people that would help you if your are over ran here I'm sure.


Have a good day.


Again, you talking nonsense. You linked to a factual post of mine describing tititration. It does not encourage titration. We have actually gone to great pains to point out the problems associated with 'titration' at home. And BB policy documents make clear that members should not be making any changes to their medication without first consulting their doctors.


This is the link you should have posted above:




It was the most objective description of benzodiazepine titration we could construct. You should - rather than ignore - that I go to pains to describe the downsides of attempting to 'home titrate'.


I also posted this critique (another pinned post on the same board):




When are you going to engage in a genuine dialogue?


By the way, since you have accused me of 'breaking the law', and you did this in public, perhaps you should site the law I have broken. Be specific and accurate. I think it only reasonable (given recent events) to point out that someone else (I'll leave 'who' to your imagination) would be threatening you with a lawsuit by now. You might wish to chew that over before responding.


No it is not nonsense. Look at your own damn boards. http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=253615.0


This entire website has specific and accurate laws that are broken. You know it. Look around. Wake up!


No, I don't know who you're referring to be if anyone wishes to do so they can certainly try.


Ora-plus is a pharmaceutical designed as a delivery vehicle for medications. It is available across the counter. Your point?


Under doctor's orders, Not BenzoBuddies.


Across. The. Counter.


No. One. Instructed. Any. Member. To. Buy. Anything.


What. Are. They. Instructed. To. Do.


Why is the board even there?

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What am I doing to save lives in the benzo community?! How about reaching out to people posting about literally having loaded guns to their heads because they can’t stand another day of nonstop ocd intrusive thoughts and isolation and encouraging them TO GET HELP TO SAVE THEIR LIVES. Literally saving someone’s life. But right I’m a bully and a troll.


Then state what you believe about this website. Tell everyone here what you have told me. Please do point out where Baylissa was rude to you as well. If you want to help then please do it.


I mean yea fine I’ll address that. Yes for me coming on here and finding the titration boards was a harmful thing as was finding laypeople on the FB groups who give tapering advice. I no longer trusted doctors after getting unwittingly addicted to benzos so I did my entire, four year long taper process based solely off information that I found online from laypeople. That’s incredibly dangerous! I bought into the Ashton Method being the “smoothest, safest” method and would often print it out to bring to my prescrbers (who would often look at me like I had three heads before I would bounce to the next prescriber and essentially end up just using them to get the Klonopin that I needed for my microtaper).  I think the horror stories on here and on the FB groups really scarred me too. I was so afraid of the scary acute level symptoms and becoming someone who still hadn’t “healed” even after several years of not taking a benzo. I lost contact with many of my friends and family members while I became more and more insulated in online benzo communities, including both Baylissa’s and this one. I made my original post because I sincerely hate to see other people suffering for such an inhumanly long time. There was no malice or desire to cause all of this disruption. Yes in full transparency my posts on another website were harsher in tone to be sure but I mean I have a lot of heavy emotions about everything I went through still. That’s about as transparent as I think I can be on the situation. I know there are people who wouldn’t see eye to eye with me and that’s fine I just hope everyone is getting the support that THEY need to live their best lives.

I’m just curious as to why stick around if you got the help you need to move on with your life? I understand you wanted to help people with the OCD symptoms get the help that you did but I think it’s just a negative experience to still stay here especially with all this drama.

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What am I doing to save lives in the benzo community?! How about reaching out to people posting about literally having loaded guns to their heads because they can’t stand another day of nonstop ocd intrusive thoughts and isolation and encouraging them TO GET HELP TO SAVE THEIR LIVES. Literally saving someone’s life. But right I’m a bully and a troll.


Sorry for all of this.  You're seeing humans at their worst reptilian levels.  I apologize.  No person should have their opinion challenged in a public forum in this manner.


^^^^^ ... Regards what I have highlighted in bold above, perhaps as a ‘Senior Moderator’ you should lead by example.


Here’s why...


“Be polite towards, and respectful of, your fellow Buddies. We do not tolerate attacks upon fellow members...”


... you are in clear violation of the very own BB forum ‘Rules & Guidelines’ that you are here to uphold.






@pianogirl... here’s another direct example of the ‘pot - kettle’ thing I mentioned to you on an earlier comment.


The BB forum ‘Rules & Guidlines’ apply to the entire BB forum membership... this includes the entire  ‘Admin Team’ as well.


Hopefully you will deal with this internally.


Thank you in advance.


This has gone far enough.


A very few people have made it their mission to disrupt the forum, berate members, speak disrespectfully to team members and in general behave in an embarrassingly immature nature.


I do not plan to waste time and energy debate your semantics here. What I plan to do, and anyone who cares about those going through withdrawal or recovery should do, is to scan the boards and offer help, kindness, support and encouragement. 


I will say one last word about Baylissa's joining the forum. It was wholly inappropriate and it was done in a surreptitious manner. We have people, such as researchers, reporters, who ask to join the forum. They always state their purpose in the Introduction, always! Baylissa did not state her purpose for joining in her introduction.

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What am I doing to save lives in the benzo community?! How about reaching out to people posting about literally having loaded guns to their heads because they can’t stand another day of nonstop ocd intrusive thoughts and isolation and encouraging them TO GET HELP TO SAVE THEIR LIVES. Literally saving someone’s life. But right I’m a bully and a troll.


Then state what you believe about this website. Tell everyone here what you have told me. Please do point out where Baylissa was rude to you as well. If you want to help then please do it.


I mean yea fine I’ll address that. Yes for me coming on here and finding the titration boards was a harmful thing as was finding laypeople on the FB groups who give tapering advice. I no longer trusted doctors after getting unwittingly addicted to benzos so I did my entire, four year long taper process based solely off information that I found online from laypeople. That’s incredibly dangerous! I bought into the Ashton Method being the “smoothest, safest” method and would often print it out to bring to my prescrbers (who would often look at me like I had three heads before I would bounce to the next prescriber and essentially end up just using them to get the Klonopin that I needed for my microtaper).  I think the horror stories on here and on the FB groups really scarred me too. I was so afraid of the scary acute level symptoms and becoming someone who still hadn’t “healed” even after several years of not taking a benzo. I lost contact with many of my friends and family members while I became more and more insulated in online benzo communities, including both Baylissa’s and this one. I made my original post because I sincerely hate to see other people suffering for such an inhumanly long time. There was no malice or desire to cause all of this disruption. Yes in full transparency my posts on another website were harsher in tone to be sure but I mean I have a lot of heavy emotions about everything I went through still. That’s about as transparent as I think I can be on the situation. I know there are people who wouldn’t see eye to eye with me and that’s fine I just hope everyone is getting the support that THEY need to live their best lives.

I’m just curious as to why stick around if you got the help you need to move on with your life? I understand you wanted to help people with the OCD symptoms get the help that you did but I think it’s just a negative experience to still stay here especially with all this drama.


Well I’m in the process of deleting my account because of how bad the drama has gotten but I left for a year or so. And idk I just felt an obligation to tell people who I see suffering from intrusive thoughts like hey there is treatment out there (AND I DONT MEAN JUST MEDS) and whether or not it was caused by a benzo you don’t have to suffer the way I did just waiting for it to go away. But apparently there are success stories of people who waited and those symptoms did go away. It was far too torturous to me and I surrendered to whatever treatment was available to me and luckily, eventually I found some really great resources both inpatient and outpatient.

Yeah I understand. I think it was so traumatic because you didn’t understand them or know it’s very classic OCD. Many people do have them go away without treatment, with treatment, it’s all individual. OCD gets worse with stress and anxiety itself can manifest like OCD that’s why so many have these symptoms in withdrawal. I think everyone should get treatment for this if able to even if it’s just therapy, especially CBT therapy.

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Thank you Pamster. This should have been shown days ago and has caused serious tension in this group. Colin saw it and knew when I asked him point blank but still refused to admit to the fact that he knew Baylissa was not trying to fool anyone. He stated that she was and shame on him. That fact is very sad. I understand that he has an ego but truly needs to check it here. This forum is supposed to be helpful. I do not know what his problem with Baylissa is nor do I care. I am grateful the truth is coming out finally.


Urgh. No. When I first became aware that Frederick had, apparently, tried to join using her real name, I looked through various Intro action logs, deleted replies to Introduction replies (at the Account Approval Desk), 'Dropped Intros' (another section at the Approval Desk), general moderation logs, the actual approved Introduction from Frederick (and replies there) and then the forum general recycle bin. And, there were holes. The part of the picture I did not hold was that there were also private message communications. Additionally, I would like to point out that the Approval Desk is based upon a chopped-up ticket system - it was not designed for these purposes. Further, the ticket system is poorly designed anyway. Further still, never before have we had to dig into the various Account Approval systems (and other system) to put together a timeline like this. Some of these systems and logs I do not recall even being there. Only after I failed to understand what had occurred did I post to about it to the Admin area.


When I first heard from Pam, she could not fully recall what had occurred during the approval. At the time, it was just another account approval. And although there was some back and forth in the approval process, even this was not that unusual. Only when she remembered about the exchange of PMs was she able to put it properly together. And even then, it took some time.


However, while Pam was going through this, there were related developments in the background. I do not intend to detail them at this time. There was also another matter which occupied my time regarding an unauthorized personal data disclosure. Plus, you know, I have an actual life which requires some attention.


Anyway, I know your post crossed with my previous one. But I hope you will now begin to understand and accept that not everything can occur as soon as any of us would ideally prefer. Sometimes other things get in the way. There is nothing nefarious or shoddy going on here.


Urgh. Yeah. Stop trying to deflect. http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=253232.150.


Also, a quote from one of your administrators in a PM to me "I don't understand why you keep insisting that Colin knew who Baylissa was when she recently registered.  I really doubt if Colin saw the introductory note from her until after her third post (when she acknowledged who she was)." Stop getting people to do your dirty work for you Colin.


What is your agenda? What is the purpose of your link? I knew nothing of Frederick's registration with this forum until after Frederick had confronted her former client on this forum and all the Frederick-related threads were removed for review. There is nothing contradicting this.


Finish reading the quote please. It explains.


I am making sure the truth is out here. That you are being upfront and honest and that this forum is handled appropriately.


ETA: You were informed on March 26th but have pretended to have no knowledge.


You have still provided nothing to back up your claim, above. This is my first post to the Admins on this matter and was in response to an email which Frederic had sent to me a little earlier.




Where are the deleted ticket posts with Baylissa about a name change? I need to understand what happened there.


And, I better recall now. When you check with Frederick (don't bother to deny it), you will find that she sent her email to me only 10 minutes before I messaged the Admins. I had a quick look within the ticket (Account Approval) system, but could not understand what had occurred, so posted my short message to the admin area. It was still very early for Pamster (in the US), so it was more than an hour before I heard back from her. During that time, I went through logs, etc. I still could not work out what had occurred.


Why do you repeatedly go on about March 26th? Why have you repeatedly ignored my calls for links and quotes to back up your claims? By this stage though, my questions have become only rhetorical. I no longer expect a meaningful reply.

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What am I doing to save lives in the benzo community?! How about reaching out to people posting about literally having loaded guns to their heads because they can’t stand another day of nonstop ocd intrusive thoughts and isolation and encouraging them TO GET HELP TO SAVE THEIR LIVES. Literally saving someone’s life. But right I’m a bully and a troll.


Sorry for all of this.  You're seeing humans at their worst reptilian levels.  I apologize.  No person should have their opinion challenged in a public forum in this manner.


^^^^^ ... Regards what I have highlighted in bold above, perhaps as a ‘Senior Moderator’ you should lead by example.


Here’s why...


“Be polite towards, and respectful of, your fellow Buddies. We do not tolerate attacks upon fellow members...”


... you are in clear violation of the very own BB forum ‘Rules & Guidelines’ that you are here to uphold.






@pianogirl... here’s another direct example of the ‘pot - kettle’ thing I mentioned to you on an earlier comment.


The BB forum ‘Rules & Guidlines’ apply to the entire BB forum membership... this includes the entire  ‘Admin Team’ as well.


Hopefully you will deal with this internally.


Thank you in advance.


This has gone far enough.


A very few people have made it their mission to disrupt the forum, berate members, speak disrespectfully to team members and in general behave in an embarrassingly immature nature.


I do not plan to waste time and energy debate your semantics here. What I plan to do, and anyone who cares about those going through withdrawal or recovery should do, is to scan the boards and offer help, kindness, support and encouragement. 


I will say one last word about Baylissa's joining the forum. It was wholly inappropriate and it was done in a surreptitious manner. We have people, such as researchers, reporters, who ask to join the forum. They always state their purpose in the Introduction, always! Baylissa did not state her purpose for joining in her introduction.


^^^^^ ... Again, no disrespect... but you haven’t addressed the ‘pot - kettle’ thing.


You can’t just tick people off for ‘Rules & Guidlines’ violations whilst at the same time allowing your ‘Senior Moderator’ colleagues to do worse scot free.


This isn’t a game.


Nobody is “disrupting the forum” here... forum members are simply commenting/debating on a thread, and one originated by the group owner.


That is all.


Now... like I’ve already said... ‘Pot - Kettle’


The ‘Rules & Guidelines’ exist for all BB forum members to follow... for all.

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I saw and heard her bully, shout at, laugh at and be abusive to extreme vulnerable ppl in the Q&A sessions.


She is great with ppl who are coping ok and doing what she thinks they should be. Those with extreme severe withdrawals soon find out she can turn on them.


She is also very self obsessed and was constant trying to get ppl to talk about her in the sessions.


We are all so dependent on such ppl for hope the power imbalance is huge.


It slows her to exploit ppl.

I’m sorry but this is not even remotely true.

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What am I doing to save lives in the benzo community?! How about reaching out to people posting about literally having loaded guns to their heads because they can’t stand another day of nonstop ocd intrusive thoughts and isolation and encouraging them TO GET HELP TO SAVE THEIR LIVES. Literally saving someone’s life. But right I’m a bully and a troll.


Then state what you believe about this website. Tell everyone here what you have told me. Please do point out where Baylissa was rude to you as well. If you want to help then please do it.


I mean yea fine I’ll address that. Yes for me coming on here and finding the titration boards was a harmful thing as was finding laypeople on the FB groups who give tapering advice. I no longer trusted doctors after getting unwittingly addicted to benzos so I did my entire, four year long taper process based solely off information that I found online from laypeople. That’s incredibly dangerous! I bought into the Ashton Method being the “smoothest, safest” method and would often print it out to bring to my prescrbers (who would often look at me like I had three heads before I would bounce to the next prescriber and essentially end up just using them to get the Klonopin that I needed for my microtaper).  I think the horror stories on here and on the FB groups really scarred me too. I was so afraid of the scary acute level symptoms and becoming someone who still hadn’t “healed” even after several years of not taking a benzo. I lost contact with many of my friends and family members while I became more and more insulated in online benzo communities, including both Baylissa’s and this one. I made my original post because I sincerely hate to see other people suffering for such an inhumanly long time. There was no malice or desire to cause all of this disruption. Yes in full transparency my posts on another website were harsher in tone to be sure but I mean I have a lot of heavy emotions about everything I went through still. That’s about as transparent as I think I can be on the situation. I know there are people who wouldn’t see eye to eye with me and that’s fine I just hope everyone is getting the support that THEY need to live their best lives.

I’m just curious as to why stick around if you got the help you need to move on with your life? I understand you wanted to help people with the OCD symptoms get the help that you did but I think it’s just a negative experience to still stay here especially with all this drama.


It might be. But, ultimately, it is up to JayTay. I expect there are pros and cons for him and he is assessing the balance.


If your response was from someone else, I might have suspected your intentions. But I know that you have been very supportive of JayTay, and have engaged him genuinely (even when it appeared that you did not agree with him).


I had meant to thank you before  for your genuine support of another member - but neglected to do so. So, I do it now instead.

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What am I doing to save lives in the benzo community?! How about reaching out to people posting about literally having loaded guns to their heads because they can’t stand another day of nonstop ocd intrusive thoughts and isolation and encouraging them TO GET HELP TO SAVE THEIR LIVES. Literally saving someone’s life. But right I’m a bully and a troll.


Then state what you believe about this website. Tell everyone here what you have told me. Please do point out where Baylissa was rude to you as well. If you want to help then please do it.


I mean yea fine I’ll address that. Yes for me coming on here and finding the titration boards was a harmful thing as was finding laypeople on the FB groups who give tapering advice. I no longer trusted doctors after getting unwittingly addicted to benzos so I did my entire, four year long taper process based solely off information that I found online from laypeople. That’s incredibly dangerous! I bought into the Ashton Method being the “smoothest, safest” method and would often print it out to bring to my prescrbers (who would often look at me like I had three heads before I would bounce to the next prescriber and essentially end up just using them to get the Klonopin that I needed for my microtaper).  I think the horror stories on here and on the FB groups really scarred me too. I was so afraid of the scary acute level symptoms and becoming someone who still hadn’t “healed” even after several years of not taking a benzo. I lost contact with many of my friends and family members while I became more and more insulated in online benzo communities, including both Baylissa’s and this one. I made my original post because I sincerely hate to see other people suffering for such an inhumanly long time. There was no malice or desire to cause all of this disruption. Yes in full transparency my posts on another website were harsher in tone to be sure but I mean I have a lot of heavy emotions about everything I went through still. That’s about as transparent as I think I can be on the situation. I know there are people who wouldn’t see eye to eye with me and that’s fine I just hope everyone is getting the support that THEY need to live their best lives.

I’m just curious as to why stick around if you got the help you need to move on with your life? I understand you wanted to help people with the OCD symptoms get the help that you did but I think it’s just a negative experience to still stay here especially with all this drama.


It might be. But, ultimately, it is up to JayTay. I expect there are pros and cons for him and he is assessing the balance.


If your was from someone else, I might have suspected your intentions. But I know that you have been very supportive of JayTay, and have engaged him genuinely (even when it appeared that you did not agree with him).


I had meant to thank you before  for your genuine support of another member - but neglected to do so. So, I do it now instead.

You’re welcome and thank you Colin, that means a lot.

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I saw and heard her bully, shout at, laugh at and be abusive to extreme vulnerable ppl in the Q&A sessions.


She is great with ppl who are coping ok and doing what she thinks they should be. Those with extreme severe withdrawals soon find out she can turn on them.


She is also very self obsessed and was constant trying to get ppl to talk about her in the sessions.


We are all so dependent on such ppl for hope the power imbalance is huge.


It slows her to exploit ppl.

I’m sorry but this is not even remotely true.

I'm here to say that no it is not remotely true. Thank you Stereo Tokyo. I am so tried now.

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Well first of all people disparage people going on other meds all the time here and other places online, I’m not sure what you’re talking about or how you’ve missed that. That includes benzos btw if people make the choice to reinstate. And yea they don’t have to listen but these are also scared, vulnerable people who don’t trust medical professionals. You can think I’m not helping anyone that’s fine I got a person talking about having a loaded gun to his head in treatment i know I’ve reached at least a couple people.


Unfortunately, this is true. It does happen, which is why we have rules against it, and even include something about it in our Mission Statement. But it will come as no surprise to anyone that members break the rules.


Mission Statement

BenzoBuddies: an inclusive, nonjudgmental mutual-support environment for those who wish to withdraw from benzodiazepines.


Members of the BenzoBuddies community are encouraged to exchange ideas, information and support during the process of withdrawal and recovery.


Although outside of the immediate scope of BenzoBuddies, members are free to discuss their wider medical problems and needs as they relate to benzodiazepine use and withdrawal.


Taking or quitting any medicine—including benzodiazepines—should be a personal decision made in consultation with a suitably qualified medical practitioner.


Through a peer-support model, we strive to help members achieve their goals.

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I saw and heard her bully, shout at, laugh at and be abusive to extreme vulnerable ppl in the Q&A sessions.


She is great with ppl who are coping ok and doing what she thinks they should be. Those with extreme severe withdrawals soon find out she can turn on them.


She is also very self obsessed and was constant trying to get ppl to talk about her in the sessions.


We are all so dependent on such ppl for hope the power imbalance is huge.


It slows her to exploit ppl.


Do you have any proof of any of all this?


I’d really like to see it... thanks.

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This is the last thing I’ll say on this topic. I think Baylissa didn’t handle this professionally and maybe acted too quickly but she’s only human. It was not the right way to go about it but the whole part about not answering a call when ideation was involved is very damaging I’d imagine. She’s also done so much good and I don’t think one mistake should erase all of that.
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