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Any good tracking apps?


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I’m trying to find an app that I can use to keep track of what I’m taking and how much on a daily basis. I found one that is supposed to help you taper off of SSRIs but it tells you what to take and when rather than letting you put in what you took each day. Any good app recommendations??
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If you want a phone app, the best one I found was OvuView; it's an ovulation/fertility tracking app, but it's almost completely customizable. I am a man and I was trying to find a tracking app for my medications and symptoms and I just couldn't. I'd set my wife up with OvuView so I knew how customizable it was, so I tried it and it worked very well, especially when there is only one medication to graph numerically, and I also wanted to see/log other symptoms in an abbreviated overlay. You can log TONS of symptoms, plus make your own custom symptoms with different details (text, buttons, etc). And, finally, you can export your log at any time to a CSV (it's like a simplified Excel format), and save it or move it to a different device or database platform.


SO that's the best phone app I found: OvuView. It doesn't need the internet, so if you have a phone firewall to block the app from the internet you can prevent ads (if there even are any). Like I said, I'm a man, but I got great benefits from it for a few months of tracking. I've switched to using a database software on my laptop, mainly because I wanted to overlay graphs of various symptoms and dosages. This overlaying hasn't been as big a benefit as I thought, but that's where I've ended up. (MacOS software called Ninox).


There really needs to be better custom tracking software out there for phones. 

I hope this helps!  :smitten:

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