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My son had Covid


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My youngest son is getting over covid. He is  going to be 29 in 8 days. He lives in a house with a bunch of roomies. They were all very sick. One roomie got tested and was positive, the rest were too sick or too young and stupid to get tested. He said for 3 days his whole body ached liked no flu he has ever experienced. He then slept for 26 hours straight. They are feeling better, and able to get up and eat, bathe, conduct in home business. None of them had comorbidities, healthy young people.



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My youngest son is getting over covid. He is  going to be 29 in 8 days. He lives in a house with a bunch of roomies. They were all very sick. One roomie got tested and was positive, the rest were too sick or too young and stupid to get tested. He said for 3 days his whole body ached liked no flu he has ever experienced. He then slept for 26 hours straight. They are feeling better, and able to get up and eat, bathe, conduct in home business. None of them had comorbidities, healthy young people.


I'm glad to hear they are recovering without serious or lingering symptoms. :)

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My youngest son is getting over covid. He is  going to be 29 in 8 days. He lives in a house with a bunch of roomies. They were all very sick. One roomie got tested and was positive, the rest were too sick or too young and stupid to get tested. He said for 3 days his whole body ached liked no flu he has ever experienced. He then slept for 26 hours straight. They are feeling better, and able to get up and eat, bathe, conduct in home business. None of them had comorbidities, healthy young people.


Hi Baddove,

I am so sorry your son has/had covid, that is scary.  Looks like being young and healthy has helped him and his roomies.  I will keep them in my prayers that they continue to get better.


Hope you are doing better.  You have been in my thoughts.

Love and hugs,


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Thanks Julia. I am quite relieved my son and his roomies are all on the mend. Still having problems with  just not getting relief.. 11 days into current dosage. Hanging on.  Hope all is well with you.
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Thanks Julia. I am quite relieved my son and his roomies are all on the mend. Still having problems with  just not getting relief.. 11 days into current dosage. Hanging on.  Hope all is well with you.

I too would definitely be relieved.

11 days is something to be proud of!  I am sorry it is so hard for you!  I am keeping you in my prayers.


I am hanging in there too, I am alot better and considering a cut on Sunday.  I actually thought about doing a cut this past Sunday but I wanted to see how yesterday went before I made that decision.  My anxiety is high right now because of my nephews death and what my sister and family are going through so I did not want to add to it.  I was glad yesterday there was no violence at the Capital.



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You have been through the ringer. How are you and the fam doing regarding your nephews death. I know that time heals nothing, it really very gradually moves into a place of acceptance, with ups and downs.


I think your so brave.


If your body says cut, then go for it, but remember, it's not a race.  My pdoc really got me to understand that when our anxiety is very high, we wont get much benefit from our benzo, and need to wait it out, forget about tapering, and start doing things from our tool box to get through the wd.  Give the tool box a good chance to work on our anxiety and wd , then when the anxiety comes down, resume.


I think self care should be your priority right now. If that involves a cut, then go for it.


Much love :smitten: :smitten:

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You have been through the ringer. How are you and the fam doing regarding your nephews death. I know that time heals nothing, it really very gradually moves into a place of acceptance, with ups and downs.


I think your so brave.


If your body says cut, then go for it, but remember, it's not a race.  My pdoc really got me to understand that when our anxiety is very high, we wont get much benefit from our benzo, and need to wait it out, forget about tapering, and start doing things from our tool box to get through the wd.  Give the tool box a good chance to work on our anxiety and wd , then when the anxiety comes down, resume.


I think self care should be your priority right now. If that involves a cut, then go for it.


Much love :smitten: :smitten:


Sorry it has taken me so long to respond.  I went to the ER to have the xrays done on my hips and legs and the nurse had sent the wrong info down so I had to wait for 2 hours and the new orders were wrong too so I went home and called the nurse and supposedly it is straight and I have to go back on Monday to do the xrays.


Thank you for such kind and encouraging words.  We are hanging in there.  Some days are harder than most.  It is kind of hard with them being in another state but we talk most every day.  My sister and brother in law have been having a very rough time, every thing reminds them of their son.  They are really having a hard time accepting he took his own life, especially my brother in law.  My sister have lived with suicide since I was 6 and it is still hard to deal with.  I am trying to be as supportive as i can for them.  We talk and cry and talk and cry.  I just keep praying.  Their son, Michael, was the one nephew in the family that I was really close with when he was growing up.  I have great memories of him when he was younger.  I just keep trying to think about those times and not the most recent ones.  Thank you for asking.  I agree, time heals nothing in this case.  You just kind of learn to live with it. 


Thanks for thinking I am brave although I do not feel that way.


I think my body is saying cut but my mind thinks, damn, you are just feeling better.  But - I also know I need to do what I can do to keep going.  I am pretty much sure I will do a cut tomorrow and see how it goes.


I agree self care is more important right now than anything else.  I will do my best to remember that.


Thanks for your support and love!







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How I feel for you and your fam.


Sorry the x rays took way tool long, you must of been hanging on for dear life to cope with that. I know I would be.


As to cuts, my mentality has changed. I used to think, "This xanax just doesn't work," Now I think of what I an going to do to mitigate the wd pain. (Which can include staying in bed when I have a blow out.) Cardio being number 1, because it does have noticeable results.  Now on day 12 or 13, no cheating, no updosing, for once I am behaving myself. I made a small cut (.16) 3 days ago on dose 3, it feels better. That dose felt so bad, and I dreaded it. So, I cut it. On day 2 I noticed improvement. What a relief, I CAN CUT, even when I don't feel good.


I am afraid of doing anything, but do it anyway. Learning and have learned that I can deal with it for the gym, shopping, etc. I know my limits too.  I can function at an 8, but waiting and hoping I get to a 5 at some point, it's so much easier. Not too much stimulation. Really small cuts compared to the larger ones I used to make. Feel like I am finally tapering effectively for me.


Anyway, I am saying all that to encourage you to just make the darn cut.  Listen to your body.


:smitten: :smitten:

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How I feel for you and your fam.


Sorry the x rays took way tool long, you must of been hanging on for dear life to cope with that. I know I would be.


As to cuts, my mentality has changed. I used to think, "This xanax just doesn't work," Now I think of what I an going to do to mitigate the wd pain. (Which can include staying in bed when I have a blow out.) Cardio being number 1, because it does have noticeable results.  Now on day 12 or 13, no cheating, no updosing, for once I am behaving myself. I made a small cut (.16) 3 days ago on dose 3, it feels better. That dose felt so bad, and I dreaded it. So, I cut it. On day 2 I noticed improvement. What a relief, I CAN CUT, even when I don't feel good.


I am afraid of doing anything, but do it anyway. Learning and have learned that I can deal with it for the gym, shopping, etc. I know my limits too.  I can function at an 8, but waiting and hoping I get to a 5 at some point, it's so much easier. Not too much stimulation. Really small cuts compared to the larger ones I used to make. Feel like I am finally tapering effectively for me.


Anyway, I am saying all that to encourage you to just make the darn cut.  Listen to your body.


:smitten: :smitten:


Thank you.  It is so hard  but I will be ok.  Day by day!


Yes, waiting to do the x-rays was rough and still have to go back on Monday - there were people coming in and were coughing and sounding like they were in a lot of pain and I just kept thinking - I have got to get the heck out of here.  One man sat down close to me and I had to move.  I was also surprised the lady at the desk was not wearing gloves and was handling people's insurance cards etc and everyone using the same pen - OMG I was freaked out by all that.  As soon as I got home I washed my hands twice.  I always wash my hands as soon as I get home when I do go out but this was like darn, what was that. 


Wow - I am so HAPPY for you!  That is awesome!  Small cuts work too - they will get you to where you want to be.  That is so good.  I am so proud of you !  You are amazing and an inspiration.  Keep up the GREAT work!  I am smiling ear to ear for you!


So - after reading your post today and this one in particular - I made myself ride the bike and rode 2 miles - YAH!!  and I prepared my pill box for this coming week and YES I am going to make a cut.  YAH!!  I am going to think positive and say to my brain - this is going to be fine and I will succeed!!! So - tomorrow I will be down to .625 mg.  Down 82.142%!!!  Getting closer to the 0%.


Thank you so much for being here for me!  Your encouragement and support means the world to me!!!

Love and hugs, Julia

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Look at us! Today was a pretty bad wave, so I chose to stay home, did Yoga instead of the gym. I think we are really helping each other move along when we are scared. How beautiful is that?


2 miles, woot!


Yes, waiting to do the x-rays was rough and still have to go back on Monday - there were people coming in and were coughing and sounding like they were in a lot of pain and I just kept thinking - I have got to get the heck out of here.  One man sat down close to me and I had to move.  I was also surprised the lady at the desk was not wearing gloves and was handling people's insurance cards etc and everyone using the same pen - OMG I was freaked out by all that.  As soon as I got home I washed my hands twice.  I always wash my hands as soon as I get home when I do go out but this was like darn, what was that.


That was much much worse than what I expected. In my community, we are so strict. Mandatory masking, 6 feet, strict limits on how many people can be in a location. Hand washing stations coming in and out (It's like a foam.) PVC pipe and plastic around chairs, gym equipment, etc.


Dear God, I would of left and come back in a hazmat suit. I cannot believe the level of stupid you experienced.


I have those disposable thin gloves, hope you do as well, you could wear them, or grab some dishwashing gloves. Take your own pen, and order a shield for future use on Amazon. I have a few of those for when I need to breathe and a mask is not feasible. Or, when I feel insecure about social distancing, I wear the shield (usually at the market.) If you want to go full on anal. you could take a baggie of sanitary wipes and clean the credit card, the card reader, and anything else you have to handle.  And of course, you wont give a crap about what anyone thinks.


I would also write a formal complaint and send it to the admin of the facility.


Hope it goes better Monday.  :smitten: :smitten:



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Look at us! Today was a pretty bad wave, so I chose to stay home, did Yoga instead of the gym. I think we are really helping each other move along when we are scared. How beautiful is that?  Look at you doing Yoga again!  That's awesome!!    I am SO HAPPY for you!!  I agree that we are for sure helping each other move along when we are scared and I am thrilled about it! And it is indeed beautiful!!  I feel closer to you than I do to some friends I have had for years, who BTW I have not talked to in months because they just do not understand.  I know that you understand me and what I am going through and I am so grateful for you!  I feel like you are a dear treasured friend and yes - Sister!!!


2 miles, woot!  Thank you very much - plan on doing another 2 miles shortly!


Yes, waiting to do the x-rays was rough and still have to go back on Monday - there were people coming in and were coughing and sounding like they were in a lot of pain and I just kept thinking - I have got to get the heck out of here.  One man sat down close to me and I had to move.  I was also surprised the lady at the desk was not wearing gloves and was handling people's insurance cards etc and everyone using the same pen - OMG I was freaked out by all that.  As soon as I got home I washed my hands twice.  I always wash my hands as soon as I get home when I do go out but this was like darn, what was that.


That was much much worse than what I expected. In my community, we are so strict. Mandatory masking, 6 feet, strict limits on how many people can be in a location. Hand washing stations coming in and out (It's like a foam.) PVC pipe and plastic around chairs, gym equipment, etc.  I was actually shocked, in a hospital ER??????!!!!!  Not acceptable.  Since I do not go out much, I guess I thought people were doing all that here too but I guess not.  They are supposed to be.  Another reason I do not go out much - people are stupid when they do not follow the CDC guidelines. 


Dear God, I would of left and come back in a hazmat suit. I cannot believe the level of stupid you experienced.  LOL  I kept thinking I need to get out of here and I wanted to get it over with so I did not have to go back but that did not work out....  I also kept thinking that my husband was waiting in the car and he has back issues and I hate to make him wait unnecessarily.  Yes - stupid is a good word for how it was in a ER.


I have those disposable thin gloves, hope you do as well, you could wear them, or grab some dishwashing gloves. Take your own pen, and order a shield for future use on Amazon. I have a few of those for when I need to breathe and a mask is not feasible. Or, when I feel insecure about social distancing, I wear the shield (usually at the market.) If you want to go full on anal. you could take a baggie of sanitary wipes and clean the credit card, the card reader, and anything else you have to handle.  And of course, you wont give a crap about what anyone thinks.  I usually do use my own pen and I have plenty of mask but need to get some gloves apparently.  I will check Amazon out for a shield too.  I like the sanitary wipes idea and NO I would not give a crap what anyone thinks.  LOL 


I would also write a formal complaint and send it to the admin of the facility.  I defininuely plan to do that.  I am going to see how things are tomorrow and write a formal complaint regarding both visits.  I am hoping tomorrow is better.  At least I will be better prepared myself.


Hope it goes better Monday.  :smitten: :smitten:  Thank you my friend!  :angel: :angel:

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Shared your story with my hubby (Only the part about waiting for xrays, lost your documents, no covid protocols in place.) We both said we would find another provider. However, I understand that may not be an option. He did suggest you film the incidents with  your phone and send them with a letter to the health department.


Lovies, brutal wave today. :smitten:

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Hi - I agree - I was already planning to tell my doctor that I will not be going to that ER again after my experience.  Filming it sounds like a great idea and I will do that.  The health department needs to know what is going on.

Thanks for the tips.  :smitten:

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I just saw this.  I am so glad to hear your son and his roomies are okay after having Covid.  Even though he is young and healthy, I'm sure you worried until you knew he was out of the woods.  What a relief to know all is well there.


Kate  :thumbsup:

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Thank you Kate. This is why most of us take this so seriously in easily preventable behaviors.


Thanks again :smitten:


Amen baddove!  Yes, Covid is indeed serious business.  :thumbsup:

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Shared your story with my hubby (Only the part about waiting for xrays, lost your documents, no covid protocols in place.) We both said we would find another provider. However, I understand that may not be an option. He did suggest you film the incidents with  your phone and send them with a letter to the health department.


Lovies, brutal wave today. :smitten:


Hi Baddove,

I hope you are having a better day today.  I am doing ok.  A bit anxious and nervous stomach but not too bad. 

I made a decision last night that I am not going back to the ER where I went Friday.  I am just not comfortable going back there.  I called my doctors nurse this morning and asked her to send the xray request to another facility that I am comfortable with.  She understood and had no issue with that.  I also emailed my doctor and let him know what happened and let him know that in the future not to send me there for anything.

I am going to report this to the health department today and contact the administration at the ER and let them know what is going on.


Thinking about you and hoping you had a good night and will have a better day today!


Love and hugs,


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I am so glad your not going back to that ER, and are following steps to bring there utter stupid to the medical community.


I hope your cut is going "acceptably, " (that's what I settle for :thumbsup:)


After a 2 day wave, of which yesterday was pure agony, I changed up my dosing a bit today. I have learned that a day like yesterday is beyond adjusting to the cut, I have to adjust my medication regime.  So far, I am "acceptable." Will stick with this a few days, and then choose to go back, or stay here.  I also went too fast, again. I cut out .25 (OMG, when will I learn?) that was around day 14, I don't even know right now. and the next 2 days I payed for it. I put the .25 back on dose 1 and 2,(split) and made a few micro changes. These changes are all to get me stable again. Some of them are temporary.


ANYWAY, much much better today. One panic attack this morning. I know my body will take a few days to adjust to the change I made today. I am jamming to my music in my headphones, I couldn't listen to music yesterday, it was too much like an auditory hallucination. I "music," a lot, it gets my mind off of the sxs.


Thanks for your concern. We will all keep going. What would we do without the amazing support BB offers?


I am so grateful that people care, that folks share their experience and wisdom, and that for the most part, we remain positive and hopeful in spite of how we feel. I know no one else knows even half as much as we do about each other and our respective journey as we do about each other. :smitten: :smitten:

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I am so glad your not going back to that ER, and are following steps to bring there utter stupid to the medical community. Thank you.  I talked to my husband first thing this morning with teary eyes and just told him I could not go back and he understood completely.  They need to be accountable.  The cases and deaths are going up here in my area so for the ER to be so careless blows my mind.  My doctor sent me a message saying he was very disappointed to hear of my experience and he is going to contact the administrative team for the ER and let them know what is going on.  I also sent the administrative team an email and let them know what happened.  I have not found where I can report this to the health department yet, but I will, and I will report it.


I hope your cut is going "acceptably, " (that's what I settle for :thumbsup:) Yes, so far it is going ok.  I have a slight headache and a little anxiety but that is so  acceptable and manageable.  Today is the 2nd day so at least it did not hit me the same night that I started the new cut like it did last time.  Yay - progress. 


After a 2 day wave, of which yesterday was pure agony, I changed up my dosing a bit today. I have learned that a day like yesterday is beyond adjusting to the cut, I have to adjust my medication regime.  So far, I am "acceptable." Will stick with this a few days, and then choose to go back, or stay here.  I also went too fast, again. I cut out .25 (OMG, when will I learn?) that was around day 14, I don't even know right now. and the next 2 days I payed for it. I put the .25 back on dose 1 and 2,(split) and made a few micro changes. These changes are all to get me stable again. Some of them are temporary.  Sad that you had a day of agony but I am glad today is "acceptable", that is progress.  It is good that you know how to change the medication around to make it better for you.  .25 is alot but hopefully once you get down a little further you can make cuts like that without going through hell.


ANYWAY, much much better today. One panic attack this morning. I know my body will take a few days to adjust to the change I made today. I am jamming to my music in my headphones, I couldn't listen to music yesterday, it was too much like an auditory hallucination. I "music," a lot, it gets my mind off of the sxs.  I love music, it is healing to me.  I am glad you are much , much better today!  :smitten: Music to me is distracting too and I do not listen to enough of it.


Thanks for your concern. We will all keep going. What would we do without the amazing support BB offers?  Yes we will, I agree - what would we do without BB and the amazing support??!!  It has been a God send to me and has saved me so many times.  I would go so far to say that if I had not found BB, I do not know if I would be alive today!  When I found BB, I found out what was wrong with me and a solution.  Just knowing I was not going crazy and figuring out what had happened to me was the beginning of a new life for me.  It has been rough at times but I really think now that even with the rough times of tapering and cutting and WD symptoms, its been easier than the cold turkey I was put on and was on for over 5 months before I found BB, I thought I was dying and some days hoped I would because I felt so bad in every way.  I feel so bad that my husband had to live through all that but he stuck by me and has been so supportive and encouraging.  He is my rock! 


I am so grateful that people care, that folks share their experience and wisdom, and that for the most part, we remain positive and hopeful in spite of how we feel. I know no one else knows even half as much as we do about each other and our respective journey as we do about each other. :smitten: :smitten:  I totally agree.  It is a blessing to know people genuinely care and that people share and are open about their struggles and their successes.  Being positive has been what gives me hope.  I love reading posts and there have been days when I have just read posts and not responded.  Sometimes just knowing someone is doing well makes me feel better and gives me hope.  This is a safe place for me to come and be myself and that means alot.  Take care!  :smitten: :smitten: 

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How are you doing today Baddove?  I really hope you are having a decent day!  I was feeling better earlier but have developed a sore mouth and a little achy.  I do not know if it is from the cut or possibly from the ER last Friday!  I have been coughing and sneezing alot today.  Kind of has me concerned but we will see.  Hopefully it is nothing - just a odd day!


Take care.



Julia :smitten: :smitten:

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I hope your ok!  I'm in a migraine wave, so not active here much. Still working on stability.


That stupid ER. I hope it's just a cold. Keep us posted.




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I hope your ok!  I'm in a migraine wave, so not active here much. Still working on stability.


That stupid ER. I hope it's just a cold. Keep us posted.


Hi Baddove,

Sorry you are in a migraine wave - I hope that will pass quickly.  :smitten:


I am a little better today although I am not feeling great.  I think yesterday was just a odd day.  My mouth is still sore feeling inside but I do get that sometimes with cuts.  I am being positive and hoping I feel alot better soon.

I hope you will too.  Feel better soon my friend!!!  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

Sending hugs and love! :angel:

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