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Experiences with sedation/anesthesia?


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Hello all.  It is recommended that i go in for a colonoscopy.  I am apprehensive about being sedated.  What are your experiences with general anesthesia for a medical procedure?
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This is from our FAQ page http://www.benzobuddies.org/benzodiazepine-information/frequently-asked-questions/#medical-procedure


Question:  I have to have a medical procedure during which my doctor says I will be sedated. Does this mean I have to go through withdrawal again?


You should not worry that a single dose of a benzodiazepine will cause the reemergence of withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal is the result of changes in brain receptors which happen over time and with regular use. These changes in receptors will not occur with only a single dose of a benzodiazepine.


Hope this helps!


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During my xanax taper, I had a minor surgery (remove a catheter port from my chest). They gave me midazolam and fentanyl. Neither gave me any problems.
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I had a colonoscopy recently and I requested no benzos, it costed me more but I feel it was worth it. Most people do not have reactions to one dose, but I do. I didn’t want to take that chance. I had an endoscopy done before hand with benzos ( unaware at the time) and I had horrible side effects. I have also learned that my body compared to others is slow at healing, but don’t be afraid to let the doctor know what you’re comfortable with. Most doctors will work with you on this. If they won’t, find another :)
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