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If you absolutely must try something to sleep


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Resolution by whose terms? I brought up a valid concern about prescription medications - that is not anti med - and it was shut down. My concern remains and there was no answer to it. If it weren't for the harm caused by prescription drugs, this forum would not exist. To ask why anyone would suggest more prescription medication (which is medical advice) is valid. I do want to know why anyone would think that is a good idea.

Apparently, from your comments, you have some other experience with Keagan.

My sole experience of this bb is his comment of "bs".


Hi MessedUpByRx,


The issue between keagan and I is resolved, keagan promised to make his posts "more substantial and thoughtful", and I apologized for threatening him with censure when I should have simply reminded him that the type of comment he made was unacceptable.


The discussion was not shut down, although that tends to happen when a moderator steps in, but you're free to continue to discuss this, you can start your own thread to discuss it if you wish.


I'm not a fan of seeking other medications and I didn't while in withdrawal, but this is my personal opinion.  We may disagree on what is or is not "medical advice" but I don't see the members who contributed to this thread as offering medical advice or being prescriptive, the OP asked a question the members responded. 





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Read the Ashton Manual.  It says to not introduce any medication.


Yes, it is clearly stated but that is not getting us anywhere in this thread. Moderation is not on the menu currently.


Since Ashton published, there has been a reexamination of AD.


The best advice is always to not introduce more drugs because of potential for interactions and to try to find a way to deal with your problems be they insomnia, anxiety, depression, etc.


BenzoBuddies would not exist if there was not a problem with prescription drugs. The multiple threads for withdrawal from other drugs that were intended to help, shows that these drugs, including ADs, are a problem.


Watching the Medicating Normal videos on YouTube, also draws attention to the harm caused by antidepressants and antipsychotics. Is there anyone out there who would truly say they don't want to hear about this? Many depended on their doctors for advice about their prescription drug use. As a result their consent was not informed consent and they are now suffering for it.


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  • 2 weeks later...

A little bit disturbed at the recommendation to take prescription medicines for sleep problems. The problem will not resolve itself with another drug on board. It's a recipe for disaster - not only with interactions but also withdrawals. Any drug will only help for a short period of time and then you're worse off because you have another drug in your system.


This isnt always true though it seems to be the narrative on this site. Probably because it full of people who got screwed over off medication. Look at some reviews on other websites. There are plenty of success stories of people who took antidepressants and other drugs for years and came off them with no problem. There always is a risk though.

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What about seroquel (quetiapine)?  Does anyone use it to assist with sleep?


Pros or cons?

That's an effective sleeper at a low does. if it helps you sleep then ggod. But it will be eventually need to be tapered when are ready. They could be tricky but not like benzos, Watch out for weight gain because it WILL give you the munchies

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  • 3 weeks later...

Everyone is different and you have to find the dose that is right for you. But melatonin and Benadryl usually knocks me out..But you must totally stay away from caffeine.

  This is the part that I said that everyone is different and you have to find the dose that is right for you. When you get your melatonin make sure that it is in powder form that comes in a capsule. Here is the dose that works for me. In Amazon for $7 you can get about.400. 25 mg Benadryl. The dose that I works for me is a 10 mg capsule of melatonin with 50 or 75 mg tablets of Benadryl. You have to start out small and work your way up.

      I hope that you start getting some restful sleep 👍

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Doxcylamine succinate works much better than benadryl for me. Half of a 25 mg tablet is all I take to put me to sleep. Takes about 1 hour for me to start getting drowsy. I buy on Amazon.
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