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Apps That Help with Anxiety and Insomnia


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Hey guys, I've been having sleep issues which heighten my anxiety for a while. They got progressively worse over the month of November because of some physical health problems.


I was just wondering if any of you use apps to help you sleep and calm you down? I know apparently CBT is highly recommended for insomnia but I don't have it in me energy wise and financially to commit to going at the moment. In the meantime I've been using an app called Calm - it's one of the top search results for meditation apps - and find that it really helps me in general. It's only been a month or so since Ive installed it but can really see it making a difference in the long run since it can be used daily, has so many programs that address different issues, and sometimes feels like mini therapy sessions.


What I like about using apps as opposed to just watching youtube videos or whatever, is that the experience is more customizable and you ca actually tack progress. So, for me at least, it's like a program I find myself sticking with.


So yeah if anyone has had success using apps feel free to share your experiences and/or recommendations. Everyone's got a smart phone I feel like these might have the potential to help a lot of people since they're convenient, cost effective and sometimes free.




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