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Brain 🧠 issues.


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Today I am obsessing today bad.  I am 38 and had my life taken from me.  All from a panic attack I I went to hospital.  I work as a management analyst 14 years and never would quit work very engaged  I have kids I have been so involved with own a home and have responsibilities.  I have traveled for work    Was working out full time constant. Very active at work and home    On Ativan .75 for less then 8 weeks. I went off and my brain function seems

Off  I am so  afraid all this will never be normal. My brain fog and congnitive is so bad I can’t explain. I feel like a major brain. Injury so bad  I cant think of what to cook. Can’t manage a grocery shopping list    It feels like a shell of me.  I know what I need to buy for groceries and household items I just can’t do it. It makes no sense It’s like it doesnt translate in my brain.  I can’t clean it feel like my brain turned off to the simplest daily tasks I feel like this is more than brain fog.  I can’t function I’m really scared    Its hard to talk myself into showering.  This all happened with in a month time      I was the person that didn’t stop doing stuff.  I love to shop for groceries. Shop online.  Take kids clothes and shoe shopping. Ran many errrands.  Very dedicated to work    Would be at all kids sports take them to do stuff all the time. Snowboarding drive to mountains    I would take them to Las Vegas. Virginia Beach Los Angeles Washington DC. Also I worked in DC many times by myself.  I would cook all the time. Very much into holidays. Always handled everything but didn’t mind it.  Doing laundry walk  dogs    Take kids to all doc apts.    I’m so affaird on top of the physical symptoms going off the meds. This will all never go back to normal.  Idk if I could take care of me right now alone .    Idk right now with my cog fog and concentration I can think to pay bills

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Hi there. I can absolutely sense your desperation in your post! I can assure you many have been through this. For some it lasts a few weeks but for most it lasts longer than that, but most people function well again. Please be very disciplined and do what you have to do and rest as much as possible. Rest means different things to different people, I mean do what makes you not feel worse. The panic attack you had was awful but educate yourself on panic and anxiety and you may find another way of looking at things (stimulus) and life could then go by without further panic attacks or excessive anxiety.


Hang in there! This will pass!

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Withdrawal and post-withdrawal can be hell. Although I see that you have what seems like a world of things to do, please try to take a minute and engage in some deep breathing exercises (https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324417.php). And just as you did in your post, make a list of the things. Make a list of what you want to accomplish this morning or day or week. I know these tools really helped me to push through the worst of my withdrawal phase. Bit by bit: Just do what you can bit by bit. Good luck to you.
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I know how you feel and I'm on the same boat. Very angry some days about this whole shit!


Not able to provide any encouragement yet. But hope someone recovered and got their brain back she'd some lights for all of us.


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Mrt,  For me at times, it seems like a wall or block I need to push through, or move out of the way in order to accomplish simple tasks.  It feels like something not firing right in my brain.  I know very well how to do it but struggle with sequencing the steps.  When I force it, it almost hurts.  And then there is the total lack of motivation that baffles me.

The good news is that 'thing' that feels like brain swelling, settles down.  I have long periods where I can function pretty well.  It is such a relief.  Then I get hit with a wave and experience it all over again.  But I know it is temporary.  Yours is temporary too.  Believe that.  I repeated this to myself all the time during the worst of it.  You are going to heal.  That is the truth. 

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Feel exactly the same like my brain is off everything I did before cooking shopping showering is a challenge don’t know what to cook it is horrible because it is not me

Hope we will all  improve soon

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